Labor MP Vilifies Christian Schools as Hotbeds of ‘Homophobic’ Hate
“Dave Kelly should recognise freedom of choice, even if it doesn’t suit his own political agenda.”
Woke Woolworths CEO Resigns After an Array of Embarrassing Decisions
“Banducci’s resignation isn’t just a consequence of bad optics, it’s a consequence of bad politics.”
10 Reasons to Celebrate Australia Day on the 26th of January
“While the anti-Australia Day movement might feel homegrown, it is a vital branch of a radical global movement best described as Western Marxism.”
Aboriginal Sunday – How to Detoxify Australia
“It’s very helpful to understand that Aboriginal Sunday was first suggested decades before divisive movements like identity politics, wokeism, BLM, and critical race theory, and to remember that it was a Christian man who suggested it.”
Aboriginal Names: Is There a Hidden Agenda?
“It is no secret that the UN has put in place a program of decolonisation. That is, to unwind the positive civilising effects of the Christian culture on Western countries. To send our countries back to the dark and uncivilised ways of the past.”
Widespread Biblical and Historical Illiteracy Is on the Increase
“…kids may know next to nothing about the Gospel of Mark, but will know plenty about the gospel of Marx.”
Stop the Treaties: An Anti-Voice Political Party Launches in WA
“The fact is Aboriginal Australians have been robbed of their dignity through welfare dependency and by left-wing philosophy which has taught them to think of themselves as an oppressed class.”
Caldron Pool’s Catch-Up With The Ex-Candidates
“Topics ranged from Javier Milei, Xi Van Fleet, up to Cultural Marxism, the indoctrination state of Australian education, and misinformation, disinformation.”
“The Voice” Has Been Silenced
“The People have manifested their voice!”
“Yes23” Media Falsely Accuses Indigenous Elder of Spreading Misinformation
“Yes23’s referendum loss was death by double standard.”
More Good News on the Weekend’s Dual Victories
“The majority of Australians told the government and the activists to take their Voice and shove it. They have had a gutful of these arrogant, power-hungry elites telling them what to do.”
Two Great Victories Down Under
It is nice to get some wins now and then.
Arrivalism: The New Woke Ideology
“Arrivalism is used in reference to the so-called First Nations peoples but basically, it is the woke ideology of conferring on an Indigenous race a privilege based on who arrived in the country first.”
One Reason to Vote ‘No’ to The Voice
“The Aboriginal culture on which ‘The Uluru Statement’ stands is nature-worship, ancestor-worship, animism. It is pagan.”
The ‘Yes’ Campaign Are the Moderates
“…although the author does not associate themselves with the Yes campaign, they are giving us a window into some of the more radical views of some of the people whose voice would be seriously empowered if the Yes campaign were successful.”
Dictator Dan Departs
“Let the celebrations begin.”
Scott Morrison’s New Book Reeks of Hypocrisy
“Scott Morrison is literally preaching the ‘God over Government’ message he refused to support when protestors gathered in Canberra in the name of freedom.”
Walk For Life: Thousands to Rally in Sydney Against Abortion
Every six minutes a baby is aborted in Australia.
Activists Silent as “YES23” Rally Used to Salute Communism
“The same activists who attacked Moira Deeming over neo-Nazis hijacking a Let Women Speak rally are both silent and out of sight.”
What Jacinta Price Said About Colonialism in Australia Deserves to Be Heard
“If we keep telling Aboriginal people that they are victims, we are effectively removing their agency and giving them the expectation that someone else is responsible for their lives. That is the worst possible thing you can do to any human being, to tell them that they are a victim without agency.”