Senator Fraser Anning blasts the Safe Schools program, calling it ‘institutionalised child abuse… destroying the traditional fabric of society…’
Senator Fraser Anning has pulled no punches, blasting the highly-sexualised Safe Schools programs, branding it “institutionalised child abuse” designed to destroy the traditional fabric of society and corrupt the youth. In a series of posts on Twitter, Senator Anning said: “Fifty years ago, if a communist pervert had proposed that our nation’s children be forced to listen to sexually deviant propaganda, they would probably have been strung up. Today, this disgusting garbage is called the Safe Schools program.” Fifty years ago, if a communist pervert had proposed that our nation's children be forced to listen to sexually deviant propaganda, they…
It’s hard to believe what this is. It’s harder to believe what it cost.
What you see here is a significant part of a $400,000 art installation at Sydney University, that prestigious centre of tertiary education which prides itself on Unlearning everything—from medicine, love, truth, and it seems like even of common sense itself. No, those black splotches are not mold. And nor is the horizontal yellow line a urine stain. According to Sydney University, this is a $200,000 piece of art. On contacting the Media Department at Sydney University, they initially had no idea what it was either. But about a week later they came back with the following reply: We are in…
Shocking increase in young girls wanting to change their gender.
In just four years Western Australia has seen a 350 per cent increase in ‘transgender’ children wanting to transition to the opposite sex. According to Perth Now, during the period of 2014-15, Perth Children’s Hospital’s gender diversity service received just 26 referrals for children aged under 18. That figure increased dramatically during 2015-16 to 105 referrals. During 2016-17 the figure rose to 116 referrals. There are currently 207 patients under 18 seeking gender treatment at the hospital. “At the moment, there are 43 children receiving stage one hormonal treatment, which involves puberty suppression and reversible treatment, while 30 children are…
Understanding Australia’s Secular State
What has been the relationship between Christianity and the secular in Australia? What historically is the separation of church and state? This lecture by Dr Stephen Chavura uncovers Australia’s Christian secular heritage, exploring the nature of Christianity, education, and the state in Australian history as well as cultural change over the last 50 years.
Australian Muslim Senator attacks Senator Bernardi, says he will never experience racism because he’s white, suggests opposition to Islam is racism.
Australia’s first Muslim Senator has lashed out at Senator Cory Bernardi after the Australian Conservatives’ leader introduced a bill banning facial coverings at commonwealth sites, including public places in the Northern Territory and ACT. Senator Mahreen Faruqi criticised Senator Bernardi in Parliament saying he will never experience the racism that Muslims are subjected to in Australia. “I’m so sick of this rubbish,” Senator Faruqi said. “I’m so sick of people who will never experience racism telling us that it doesn’t exist.” “Senator Bernardi will never be told that you have no place in public life because of the colour of…
Amendments to protect religious freedoms rejected 36 to 3.
Amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act which would ensure the rights of Australians in the wedding service industry are protected has been rejected, 36 to 3. The amendments, moved by Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm, were designed to “allow providers of goods, services and facilities in connection with the solemnisation of marriage to refuse to do so on the ground of sexual orientation or relationship status of their would be clients” According to a statement from Senator Leyonhjelm, “This would provide an exemption from discrimination law not only for marriage celebrants but also for wedding planners, reception venue operators, florists and cake…
Government paying minor celebrities hundreds of thousands in taxpayers money to motivate staff
The federal government is wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars hiring minor celebrities to give motivational talks to government staff. The Daily Telegraph has revealed, the Home Affairs department wasted more than $63,000 of taxpayer money on just five speakers. Among the speakers was former Australian Idol contestant Casey Donovan, who was paid $11,250 to speak for National Reconciliation Week. Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, who was paid $13,200 to deliver a motivational message for ‘innovation month.’ Others speakers include Layne Beachley who was paid just over $12,860, Naomi Simson who cost $13,903, and David Lourdes who was paid $11,896.54. According…
Dick Smith slams hotel booking websites: ‘It’s extortion! We’ve been conned!’
Dick Smith has posted a fiery video on Facebook urging Australians to stop using hotel booking websites because they’re ‘extorting’ Australian businesses. According to Smith, multi-million dollar online booking websites are dominating search engines, forcing smaller Australian hotels and motels to either pay up or lose up to 50 per cent of their business. “Millions and millions of dollars that should stay in our country towns is being shipped off,” Smith said. “It’s like extortion – it’s the same as extortion!” “I rang some of these motels and I said, why would you want to be paying these huge American…
Girl Guides Victoria to include boys who identify as girls, ‘discrimination’ for parents to deny them access to female bathrooms or express concern for daughters.
Girl Guides Victoria will now allow boys who identify as girls to join their ranks and share bathrooms with female members. The new policy guidelines state: “An individual is to be considered the final authority of their own gender identity. The only way to know if a person is a transgender person is if the person discloses this to you. “It is not appropriate to judge who is and is not a girl, nor is it appropriate to approach a person to ask if they are transitioning.” According to the policy, if a parent expresses concern or does not want…
Christian organisation facing Industrial Relations Commission for advocating a NO vote during same-sex marriage plebiscite.
The chief executive of a Christian community care organisation is facing the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission for sending an email advocating a “no” vote during the same-sex marriage plebiscite. Carinity chief executive Jon Campbell reportedly emailed staff members, detailing the case against redefining marriage. According to The Australian, acting general superintendent Stewart Piper said, the email was a “simple communication of a position on a matter of public policy. It did not name any individuals and it was not a personal attack on anyone.” The email prompted complaints from a number of staff, with one lesbian staff member taking her…
WATCH: Nigel Farage and Avi Yemini clash on Islam and Muslim integration.
Avi Yemini has had a heated exchange with Nigel Farage during his recent Australian speaking tour. The two were discussing the integration of Islam in Western countries before Mr Farage abruptly ended the interview. “I think you’re saying that everybody that’s Islamic is hardline on the religion, the vast majority are not,” Mr Farage insisted. “The vast majority of people of Islamic faith, living in Britain, are pretty well integrated into our society. I had lots of them vote for me.” Also see: Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority “I would argue they’re Muslim by identity……
Taxpayers in just one state burn $30 million a year on free healthcare for tourists
New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard has revealed healthcare for tourists is costing state taxpayers upwards of $30 million every year. “Every time an uninsured visitor does not pay for their treatment in one of our public hospitals, the taxpayers foot the bill,” Mr Hazzard said in a statement yesterday. Mr Hazzard is currently attempting to implement mandatory health insurance for all travelers on temporary visas. Under current legislation, travelers aren’t necessarily required to take out medical insurance in order to be granted a visitor or business visitor visa.
Man who painted over anti-Christian mural hit with a $14,000 fine and 300 hours community service.
A Christian man has been given 300 hours of community service and ordered to pay $14,000 compensation for defacing an anti-Christian mural three days after the plebiscite YES result was revealed. Ben Gittany, the 24-year-old who covered the image in black paint in November 2018, was sentenced in a New South Wales Local Court on Tuesday. The mural, titled “St George”, depicted the gay icon holding a joint while dressed as a Jesus-like figure, with a white robe and a halo around his head. In a video of the incident, Mr Gittany can be heard saying, “I’ve done nothing wrong,…
WATCH: Gender counsellor working with schools to help children as young as five transition to the opposite sex.
Gender counsellor Dr Elizabeth Riley spoke with Sky News Australia about New South Wales teachers being trained to identify potential transgender students. Also see: Shocking 236 per cent surge in children wanting sex changes, as teachers trained to spot early signs of transgenderism. “Every school is going to have a transgender child,” Dr Riley claimed. “They may not be out, they may not be talking about it, they may not realise it, the parents might not support it, but it doesn’t mean that they’re not there.” “The only indication for medical intervention or any other intervention is if a young…
Shocking 236 per cent surge in children wanting sex changes, as teachers trained to spot early signs of transgenderism.
Australian teachers are being trained to spot early signs of transgenderism in children as young as five by listening for key phrases such as, “I feel different”, “I’m androgynous” and “I’m born with two spirits.” Experts have claimed the training has contributed to a staggering 236% surge in the number of children wanting to change their biological sex, The Daily Telegraph revealed. Figures obtained exclusively by The Daily Telegraph show as many as 74 children aged between 6 and 16 have been referred to gender dysphoria clinics this year. In contrast, there were 22 referrals in 2015, and just two in…
Australian Taxation Office sets three per cent LGBT ‘benchmark’ to encourage gay employees to come out of the closet.
The Australian Taxation Office has introduced a 3% inclusion benchmark to encourage LGBT employees to come out of the closet and “bring their whole selves to work.” Mark Powell at The Spectator writes: “So, let me get this straight (if you’ll pardon the pun). Getting a job with the ATO may now no longer be based solely on ability but ultimately whatever sexual predilection you identify as being? In keeping with the introduction of their ‘sexuality quota’ maybe they could even change their name to ‘The Gay-T.O’?” READ: Sexuality quotas? Really? | The Spectator Australia Remember when Lisa Wilkinson—the highly-paid…
Popular bridal magazine under fire for their ‘silence’ on same-sex marriage.
Popular Hunter Valley based bridal magazine White has come under fire for refusing to feature same-sex couples in their privately own publication. Photographer Lara Hotz said she asked the magazine multiple times if they would feature non-heterosexual couples. The editor reportedly told Hotz, “We aren’t sharing Same Sex weddings at this point”. “I imagine the majority of LGBTQI persons would be feeling hurt regarding not being represented equally or at all,” Hotz told AAP. More than 100 vendors and contributors to the magazine have since reportedly said they are boycotting White Magazine and will no longer submit wedding shoots, provide content,…
Could babies be sold to single men and male same-sex couples under new bill?
Male same sex couples and single men will be able to have children through surrogacy under proposed amendments to Western Australian law. Lawyer Simon Creek from HHG Legal told 9 News Perth, now that same-sex marriage has been legalised in Australia, it follows that the surrogacy laws should change too. “At the end of the day we’ve got one, why shouldn’t we have the other? The country has voted on one issue and I don’t think if they’d been given the chance they would have given a different answer on this one,” he said. Creek said his number one concern…
AWKWARD: Woman claims her dog is vegetarian by choice, hosts put the dog to the test.
CRINGE: A woman in the U.K. has appeared on the British morning television show This Morning to discuss her dog’s vegetarian diet. The woman, who is not a vegetarian herself, claimed the diet was not imposed on the dog, but rather came about by the dog’s own choosing. The host’s on the program wanted to prove the dog preferred vegetables to meat so they brought out two bowls, one full of vegetables, the other full of meat. Can you guess which one the dog chose? WATCH:
Numerous ‘NO’ voters to face legal action for posting ‘hate speech’ online during same-sex marriage postal survey.
The LGBTI Legal Service will put 25 individuals before the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland for comments posted online during last year’s Same-Sex marriage postal survey. According to the Brisbane Times, the LGBTI Legal Services received funding from the state government to “monitor and identify those engaging in unlawful hate speech during the postal survey period.” Matilda Alexander, president of LGBTI Legal Service said they had documented more than 220 examples of hate speech during the survey and legal action was being taken against the worst. Some of the offending comments included: “Burn all faggots #voteno”; “Hitler had the right idea about…
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