Cambridge barrister warned: change the marriage laws and people will lose their jobs for quoting a Bible verse
Two years ago, Cambridge barrister Paul Dimond offered a blunt, near-prophetic warning that Christians will be targeted if marriage laws were to change in Australia. “It’s perfectly possible to create a society of same-sex rights and privacy rights for homosexuals and freedom of religion rights for Christians,” Diamond said. “In fact, that would be a truly diverse and free society. That is not the experience in the United Kingdom. “You do lose your job, you will suffer educational detriment, you will be vilified, for doing no more than reading a Bible verse expressing traditional views. And it’s so abusive in…
Contempt for Israel Folau shows that people are Biblically illiterate
Some time ago I took up a detailed exchange on twitter with a lady who had proudly stated that she was cutting out “hate the sin” from the phrase, “love the sinner, hate the sin”. She was happily proclaiming her decision to stick with ‘’love the sinner’’ because this was apparently more biblical. Her post won her a few retweets and likes, but I disagreed and gave good reasons for doing so. The biblical imperatives such as: “Let love be genuine, abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good” (Romans 12:9) mean that there is a distinction between…
Avi Yemini and Sydney Watson detained and interrogated by the FBI, Yemini DEPORTED
Avi Yemini and Sydney Watson have been detained and interrogated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection after the pair entered the country to expose dishonest reporting by Comedy Central. “Upon arrival at Los Angeles, I was DETAINED and INTERROGATED by the FBI and am currently waiting to be DEPORTED from the USA,” Yemini said on Twitter. “The informant was Comedy Central,” he added. #BREAKING Upon arrival in Los Angeles I was DETAINED and INTERROGATED by the FBI and am currently waiting to be DEPORTED from the USA. The “informant” was @ComedyCentral. Full details when I get back home. — Avi…
Israel Folau slammed for quoting the Apostle Paul, calls for him to be sacked for believing the Bible
Israel Folau has found himself in hot water again after the rugby star shared a graphic on Instagram paraphrasing a portion of the New Testament. The image, which has received over 11k likes since it was published yesterday, states: “WARNING: Drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists, idolaters, Hell awaits you. Repent! Only Jesus saves.” “Those that are living in sin will end up in Hell unless you repent,” Folau added in the caption. “Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him.” The post ends with citations from Galatians…
SBS features sex worker who wants to teach school children about sex and pornography
A sex-worker who featured on SBS’s Viceland has said sex workers should be brought into schools to teach children about sex and pornography. Eva Sless, author of A Teen Girl’s Guide to Getting Off, appeared on SBS’s program The Feed to answer the question, ‘Who should teach our kids about porn?’ The Gold Coast-based sex-worker said she believes “professionals”, like sex-workers, should be teaching youngsters about pornography and sex, because “sex-workers know sex”. Sless also went on to say, “we need vibrators and masturbation sleeves available” for girls and boys because it’s problematic and even damaging, to tell children that sexual pleasures…
My kids’ school is teaching them to be ‘progressive’ feminists
Public education and a national curriculum are failing our kids. This propaganda was emailed to parents from my local high school this week: YEAR 12 MODERN HISTORY – STUDIES OF CHANGE – FIRST WOMEN’S MOVEMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN Our Year 12 Modern History class has been studying First Wave Feminism in Britain for Term 1. They are investigating the origins of the movement, the status of women up to the 19th century, the emergence of the suffrage movement, and notable suffragettes and the way in which Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) leader, Emmeline Pankhurst, and suffragettes carried out peaceful protests,…
Condemning a cut in Australian foreign aid is shortsighted
Australia’s budget landed this week, and with it came a few surprises. The biggest three were the announcements of a surplus, new life saving medicinal additions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and another small reduction in foreign aid. Like clockwork, though, the budget was met with an uproar from discontent antagonists looking for excuses to impose their own pet causes on the majority of Australian workers. Joining the outrage was condemnation for the reduction in foreign aid. Such as Eternity news who called it a kick in the teeth to Christians. However, Eternity news left out some key information, choosing…
Without Jesus and the Christian message of peace, Anzac Day is lost
Anzac Day comes with a caveat. Absent of any understanding about what causes war and the case for just-peace. Absent of the moral restraints of the message about Christ’s act and command to love God and love one another as we love and care for ourselves, Anzac day becomes a celebration of chaos, not life; a day of hero-worship, not sincere remembrance and gratitude. We surely remember the sacrifice of our ancestors, but with it we remember God’s summons to hear the importance of His commandments that empower us to stand against the continuing brutality of war. It’s because God…
A classic case of political unhinging
What did the Blasey Ford/Kavanaugh charade in September 2018 show us? Opposition to a highly esteemed judge on ideological grounds warrants slander of the highest order to prevent him or anyone like him from being an influential law keeper. Like taking sides in a boxing ring, this issue polarised Americans: On the right, there is rule of law; on the left, there is mob rule. Clutching onto someone’s trauma, the left virtue signals token hashtags such as #IBelieveHer and #MeToo as munition for their own political agenda. The left does not care any more about victims of sexual assault than…
Fake News: ABC says, Christians kill unborn children too
It’s not out of character for the ABC to misrepresent Christianity. Unsurprisingly, the public funded organisation this week published an opinion piece by Dr Carol Portmann titled, ‘I’m a Christian doctor and I help women have abortions. Here’s how I reconcile that.’ This is called fake news. Dr Carol Portmann is not a Christian. In the piece, Dr Portmann claimed she could reconcile her professed Christianity with her practice of helping women kill their unborn children. Anticipating the obvious, Dr Portmann goes on to falsely state: “Only God can judge me.” I believe that I am doing the appropriate and…
Civil Days and Holy Days: ‘as Western society unravels at the seams, the celebration of days becomes more problematic, and indeed vacuous.’
It just so happens this year (2019) that Easter Sunday and Anzac Day fall near one another – on the 21 April and 25 April respectively. Given that the New Testament does not over-emphasise days (Gal.4:10-11), one is still meant, as an Australian, to appreciate Anzac Day in some kind of civil sense, and as a Christian, to recognise that Jesus Christ defeated death forever on Easter Sunday. However, one cannot help noticing that as Western society unravels at the seams, the celebration of days becomes more problematic, and indeed vacuous. In a secular society, Anzac Day – like Harmony…
The war against One Nation
Mainstream media are revelling like pigs in mud with the sensational headlines they get to write this week about One Nation. The big story is James Ashby and Steve Dickson flew to America to meet with lobbyists and were secretly recorded discussing potential policies and donations. Apparently, it’s business as normal when the major parties do it, but outrageous when One Nation does. Or is it only scandalous because the topic was every authoritarian’s favourite policy: government restrictions on law-abiding firearms owners; and the lobbyist was the NRA? Gun regulation is a darling of the leftist media complex internationally and…
Is there nothing worse than “racism”?
We need to have a sober conversation about the Coalition’s recommendations for their supporters on how to vote. Labor, The Greens, trade unions and most of mainstream media (apologies for repeating myself) are outspoken on their opinion that the party they’ve labelled as ‘racist’ should be put last by their own opponents. If anyone fails to see the self-serving agenda in this advice for classical liberals and conservatives from ‘progressive’ socialists, they are simply not looking. Firstly, if the Liberal-National Coalition fails to follow their advice, they get to virtue signal about the comfort given to ‘racists’. This may indeed…
Expect to see more politicians assaulted. We’re telling society crime no longer matters.
In the wake of the current political drama’s that our country is experiencing, I thought I would take the opportunity to remind people about some of the issues that have been brought to the surface. Let’s call it a ‘refresher course’ or ‘criminality for dummies’. Let’s dive straight into the Crimes Act 1900. Now, this piece of legislation has been around for a long time in our country (since 1900) and has generally governed the majority of indictable and serious indictable offences. One of the most basic offences within this Act is Common Assault which is defined under section 61.…
Islam and the Left
What do Islam and the ideological left have in common? The former reviles homosexuality, secularism and amorality. The latter embraces these whilst shunning theocracy and self-determination. It’s an unusual marriage, but one of convenience. Islam needs an enabler to raise its profile in the sympathetic West through the peaceful promotion of its less controversial side, and the left craves for power, hoping the odd marriage with Islam will bolster their voting base. The Christchurch massacre has been an opportunity for both Islam and the left to exploit the moral superiority they both claim over anyone with conservative values. The outrage…
The Lynching of Fraser Anning
Freedom of the press requires a societal framework that empowers free speech. So it’s rare to witness the Australian media unite together in order to tear down an Australian politician for speaking his mind. However, what most in the Australian media expressed to the world in their dealings with Fraser Anning this week, is that free speech is only available to a select, and authorized few. It would appear that Senator Fraser Anning’s biggest sin wasn’t his poorly timed press release, but the fact that he spoke out of turn about things that should not concern him. In other words,…
Has Prime Minister Scott Morrison just revealed his true colours?
Scott Morrison says an Australian man massacred worshippers in an act of “extremist right-wing terrorism” which was streamed on the internet. I am deeply troubled by the words employed by the Australian Prime Minister as it could incite violence against so-called right-wingers. As it turns out, it appears that the terrorist is not even a right-winger. He is a self-described anarchist and a radical environmentalist, and an admirer of Communist China. In his own manifesto the terrorist gunman who killed 49 Muslims at a mosque in New Zealand wanted “no part of” conservatism described himself as an “eco-fascist” admired Communist…
WATCH: Man hits Senator Fraser Anning with an egg, instantly regrets it. The Senator hits back!
A protester who filmed himself egging Senator Fraser Anning at an event in Melbourne today will likely be spending the rest of the afternoon icing a black eye. The incident, uploaded on social media by The Unshackled, shows the man slapping an egg with considerable force on the back of the Senator’s head. The Senator then turned and swiftly hit the man in the face, before bystanders tackled him to the ground. He was held there until police eventually led him away. Senator Fraser Anning has just been egged while speaking to the media in Melbourne. The young man who…
Western civilization is collapsing because ‘we’ve collectively killed God. We’re left with nothing authentic to believe in.’
Western civilization is collapsing because we’ve collectively killed God, destroyed the family unit, and have left ourselves with nothing authentic to believe in, according to Paul Joseph Watson. In his latest video, Watson warns: “Great civilizations collapse when the building block of society, the family unit, crumbles into dust. We’re now reaching this point. “While Muslims in the West unite to rally around protection of their children, we treat ours like an unwanted medical waste product. “While Muslims in the West refuse to allow their kids to be indoctrinated with warped sexual propaganda, we dress up ours as drag queens,…
Elections aren’t merely about political issues, they’re about theological and moral issues.
As we are heading for two elections in the coming months, it may be a very good time to reflect on who we truly are. If we recall the prayer of Jesus for His disciples in John 17:16 – “They are not of the world, even as I am not of it”. This should serve us all as a timely reminder that we are but visitors here and yet we are called to be His witness for as long as we are here. Paul also speaks to how we are to live here in Romans 13:1 when he writes: “Let…
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