Australian Human Rights Commission Asks for Public Submissions: How Were You Affected by COVID Measures?
“The Australian Human Rights Commission is asking the people for their stories as they investigate the impacts of the national, state, and community responses to the COVID-19 ‘pandemic.'”
Good Grief, Now We Have a ‘Secretary for Men’s Behaviour’!
“The whole problem with identity politics as practiced by the left is that they always target the wrong groups. White, conservative, Christian males seem to ALWAYS be the problem – and no one else.”
NSW Refuses to Pardon Over 3,628 Children Fined for Breaching ‘Pandemic’ Public Health Orders
“New South Wales Police fined 3,628 children from 2020 to 2022 for COVID-related ‘offences.’”
On the Woke West and Our Ability to Defend Ourselves
“Decades of anti-Australian and anti-Western rhetoric and ideology from the media, education, most politicians, and our elites have convinced many Australians – perhaps most – that Australia is simply not worth fighting for any longer. Why bother to lift a finger in its defence?”
Labor’s “Risky Reactors” Double Standard: Nuclear Is Safe for the Navy, Not Safe for ‘Net Zero’
“Albanese’s activist administration pushes up power prices in the name of ‘climate justice.’ Meanwhile, they syphon off taxpayer dollars to fly cabinet members around in $460 million luxury jets to fight ‘climate change.'”
Politicians Think Parents Can’t Be Trusted to Do What’s Best for Their Kids
“Apparently, parents simply cannot be trusted to do what’s best for their own children. But never fear, incompetent parents, the government is here to lay down some new house rules for your unruly teens.”
Will We Soon Need a Government-Issued Licence to Use Social Media?
“The only way the authorities can prevent children from accessing social media is by requiring adults to submit some form of personal identification as proof of eligibility.”
Laughs, Lies and Lights Out
“…getting to net zero will be a cost not a benefit, and the less it costs us now, the more likely it will be to fail, so the higher the cost later,” said ABC’s financial guru and collective climate change believer Alan Kohler.
Australian Christian Author Faces Court Over COVID Mandates
“The absence of remorse from churches for blindly going along with the government, as if it never gets anything wrong, was shameful, he stated.”
Was Jesus a Hate Preacher?
“Taking some of the harder things a preacher like Mari says and not putting it alongside the whole work of the man, his gracious addressing of those he disagrees with, his loving actions to the community, and much more, is incredibly unjust. But it fits in with what Jesus and Peter told us we should expect to see happen to Christian preachers in this world…”
Port Macquarie Educator Fired During COVID Slams Medical Authoritarianism
“Australians are still paying a high price for their leaders’ overreaction…”
Thoughts on the Attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel
“…when congregants subdued the attacker and rescued the Bishop, the Bishop got up, and despite his many stab wounds, laid his hands on the attacker, and prayed for him.”
Bondi Tragedy Revives Debate: It’s Self-Defence vs. Quasi-Communist State
“…these laws didn’t prevent squat. It took a woman with a gun to take down an allegedly deranged man slashing people with a knife.”
Musk vs. Australia’s “You Can’t Say That” Surveillance State
“This fight between X and the Socialist surveillance state isn’t just a fight for Chris Elston’s freedom of speech, it’s a fight for a free, and fair Australia.”
The Far-Left Takeover of Daycare: “Working in Childcare Is a Political Act”
“In other words, working in childcare is not about educating kids, it’s about indoctrinating them, and denouncing colleagues who say otherwise!”
GASP! The Christians Are Voting!
“Teaching from God’s Word is ‘extreme right-wing’? Well, that says a lot about the Greens, doesn’t it!”
QLD State Government Targets Homeschoolers
“Should these policy changes be ratified, there will be nowhere for non-conformist families to flee. You will be required to teach your child according to the requirements of the secular state.”
Tony Abbott Warns Against Complacency in the Face of ‘Creeping Wokeness’
“So many of the big social changes of recent times in Australia haven’t even been driven by the parliament, let alone by the people.”
Wicked Leaders and Housing
“The ability to own a home is disappearing for many in the upcoming generations, unless of course, husband, wife, and soon children, work, which is far from a nation under blessing. And will still only work for so long.”
Inside the Christian Right Conspiracy to “Take Over Government”
“They’re on a not well-hidden mission to wind back the clock of landmark social progress such as marriage equality, gender theory, reproductive choice, completely decriminalised sex work and legalised voluntary assisted dying.”