
Big Tech’s Iron Curtain Guillotine Comes for Rebel News and Project Veritas

There’s no room for self-reflection in a room full of self-righteous romantic revolutionaries.

Despite Big Tech’s efforts to present themselves as platforms for freedom of speech, they seem bullheadedly determined to build an iron curtain of silence around critics not aligned with their preferred ideological paradigm or political party.

Following on from Silicon Valley’s ongoing wall-to-wall de-platforming of President Donald Trump, including pulling the kill-switch on competing social media platforms such as Parler, and Gab, the monolithic golden gods of the information age are engaging in Soviet-Maoist tactics in the way they gag dissent, and cancel unapproved opposition.

Big Tech’s reassuring words which attempt to calm increasing concerns over their new collaborative monopoly that decides what news gets shared and who gets to share it, when matched against their praxis, suggest that these reassurances are nothing more than the soothing platitudes of empty rhetoric.

Put simply, they aren’t delivering on what they promise.

Actions speak louder than words.

For example, Rebel News reported yesterday that YouTube has suspended them for a video talking (ironically) about Big Tech censorship and cancel culture.

This means that Rebel News cannot upload, or post any of its news content on YouTube for one week.

The suspension, according to Editor-in-Chief Ezra Levant, also came with a warning from YouTube stating that the next breach of the “rules” will be met with a longer suspension, followed by the deletion of the Rebel News account.

RN pointed out the double-standard by reminding people that while Big Tech bans, blocks or boots those not aligned with Leftism or the current political narrative of Globalists, etc, “accounts for Nicolas Maduro, the Communist dictator of Venezuela, or Ayatollah Khamenei, the theocratic ruler of Iran, or numerous Chinese Communist regime propagandists are permitted to remain.”

YouTube’s suspension of RN, was trailed by Twitter locking out Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe for what Ben Shapiro said was a violation of Twitter’s rules regarding “spam.”

The most probable reason for their censoring of O’Keefe is connected to him reporting the truth about CNN’s anti-Trump electioneering propaganda, where he revealed CNN’s vicious, utter contempt for their viewers.

Shapiro agreed, writing in response, “I’m sure this has nothing to do with O’Keefe’s latest investigation, in which he utterly humiliated CNN by exposing its rank bias. The timing is probably just a coincidence!”

He’s right. The timing is too convenient.

Shapiro was also right to state that “this should concern everyone – left, right, and center. It is becoming easier and easier for Big Tech to silence people they view as ‘problematic.’ This problem is going to get worse before it gets better.”

As ex-New Left foot soldier, David Horowitz has noted in his somewhat informal confession ‘The Black Book of the American Left (2013)’, anyone aligned, or appearing to be aligned with the leftist ideological hegemony is beyond reproach, those deemed unworthy of life, however, are easy prey, targeted with “defamation and then quarantine.”

Progressives, he said, “disconnect from reality in the service of a destructive illusion, and are blind to the human consequences of their ideas and actions.”

Thus, with one hand Silicon Valley can say they stand for civil liberties, while with the other they denounce, then guillotine anyone considered to be a threat to their increasingly centralised power base.

This is, as Horowitz explained, “the common tack’ of the Leftist regime. Revisionism, and an ‘inability to face up to the past, a penchant for rewriting it, resistance to historical truth, and the deliberate suppression of facts or inversion of facts in the service of a political cause.”

Big tech’s behaviour personifies the culture war. That battle, as this new iron curtain proves, isn’t left vs. right, black vs. right, it’s truth vs. falsehood.

Those would benefit from hiding the truth, profit from lies. This is why there’s no room for self-reflection in a room full of self-righteous romantic revolutionaries.

Beware the auctioneers.

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