Canada Bans Unvaccinated Tourists
“I can tell you right now that’s not going to happen for quite a while.”
Eight Police Crowd Into Restaurant Head Office, Arrest Owner for Alleged Mask Violations
“The footage shows eight officers enter the building and surround the receptionist at the front desk. The young female staff member behind the counter then appears to suffer a panic attack, shaking uncontrollably before falling faint to the ground.”
“We’re Coming For Your Children”: San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
“We’ll convert your children – happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it.”
We’re Moving Into Slavery: The Ownership of the People by the State
“The slave society has increasingly one answer to all problems: more regulations — or more slavery.”
Churches Are Being Vandalized, Burned to the Ground in Canada
Pastor Thai Nguyen, a Vietnamese refugee who fled to Canada for safety, said it may now be safer for Christians in Vietnam.
Preacher Arrested, Fined, Told “Jesus Wasn’t Essential”
“I’ve been working for five years in this area, with drug addicts, prostitutes, and so many people are broken and desperate, homeless people. If this is not essential, what is essential?”
Craig Kelly Says Vaccine Program Must Be Halted: “Informed Consent Is Not Occurring”
“…with mass brainwashing ‘informed consent’ is not occurring,” Kelly said.
Scott Morrison Pushes For A Divided Australia: “You Get Vaccinated and All This Changes”
“Australia gets vaccinated, Australia is able to live differently,” Morrison said.
Christensen: “Stop Christian Persecution”
“At least 75% of all religiously motivated violence and oppression is suffered by Christians,” Christenson said.
EU Parliament Declares Killing Unborn Babies a ‘Human Right’
The text, drafted by Predrag Fred Matić, a Croatian Socialist MEP, also claims the “conscience clause,” which allows doctors to abstain from the killing “on grounds of religion or conscience,” leads to the “denial” of medical care and “endangers women’s lives and rights.”
Netflix Launches ‘Sexy Beasts’: Reality Dating Show For Couples Dressed Like Animals
Chalk this up as just another reason to #CancelNetflix.
Government Makes Tracing App Mandatory, Churches Required to Deny Entry to Noncompliant
“We are not prepared to refuse entry to our congregation on a matter of conscience,” one Queensland pastor said.
Push to Criminalize Prayer
Jayne Ozanne, a prominent LGBT campaigner, described all prayer as dangerous and harmful if offered with the intent to change an individual’s sexuality or ‘gender identity.’
Banned From National Curriculum: Australian Senate Rejects Critical Race Theory
“One Nation is at the forefront of the fight to ensure the children of Australia receive an education, not an indoctrination,” Senator Hanson said.
Pastor Tim Stephens Jailed Until End of Month For Holding Outdoor Church Service
“I guess if you are an officer or a politician, you get a pass when you break the health orders.”
Police Use Data From Contact Tracing App to Find Criminals
“They have, at their resources, far more sophisticated methods of locating someone’s whereabouts,” Attorney-General John Quigley said.
“Goodbye, Daddy,” Children Cry as Pastor Arrested On New Charges for Holding Worship Service
“They can take the building but they cannot take the church,” Pastor Stephens said.
Actress Apologizes to Kirk Cameron, Says Hollywood Told Her To Hate Him Because He Wasn’t Gay, Muslim, or Atheist
“Sorry, dude,” she said. “I walked with the flock of sheep who told me what to hate and what to like without question… deep in the belly of Babylon the whore. FYI. I always referred to Hollywood as Babylon, even as an agnostic. It simply is.”
City Pays $35k in Damages to Christian Ministry For Cancelling Event Because Speaker Refused to Affirm LGBTQ Ideology
When faced with the full hearing of a lawsuit, however, the City of Edinburgh Council folded on their decision and apologized to the ministry, admitting they were wrong to cancel the event based on the beliefs of the keynote speaker.
Boris Johnson Urges World Leaders to “Build Back Better In a More Gender-Neutral and Feminine Way”
“Build Back Better means totalitarian rule by a global, technocratic elite – as constrictive and immiserating as life under fascism or communism.”