Abraham Kuyper on Resistance Theory
“Vaccination certificates will therefore have to go—and will be gone at least from our free schools. The form of tyranny hidden in these vaccination certificates is just as real a threat to the nation’s spiritual resources as a smallpox epidemic itself.”
The Canberra Rally for Freedom Is a Massive Game-Changer
There is one thing that will always be with us: those who want to tyrannically rule over others. But there is also this: those who will resist such tyranny.
Our Warnings, Although Ignored, Have Proven to Be Right
“So many of the things we said but were rejected out of hand have turned out to be entirely correct. We warned of so many things yet were hated on and abused by so many.”
The Branch Covidian Crackdown on the Churches
“If people give their allegiance to God, and not the State, they are always going to be much harder to control. So dictators have always warred against religion.”
What an Inspiration the Canadian Freedom Convoy Is
“Despite the Big Brother Statist overreactions, and Trudeau calling this a ‘fringe minority,’ this protest IS massive and is sending shock waves throughout, not just Canada, but all around the world.”
We Should Have Heeded Schaeffer’s Prophetic Warnings
“I call for Christian radicals, and especially young Christian radicals, to stand up in loving confrontation, but confrontation – looking to the living Christ moment by moment for strength – in loving confrontation with all that is wrong and destructive in the church, our culture, and the state.”
Are All Laws Good Laws?
“The truth is, just as there are unjust rulers and unjust governments, so there are unjust laws. And that is never a good situation to be in.”
Big Pharma and the Big State: The Neverending Story
“Whether or not all this is good ‘science,’ it certainly is a good way to have a dictatorship for life. And it is certainly a good business model – one that has the masses permanently hooked on your product.”
Reconsidering Romans 13: We Need to Properly Understand What Paul Means Concerning Government Authority
“It’s not morally permissible for the government to direct me to wrong one of my fellows, nor is it morally permissible for the government to direct me to submit without resistance or protest to its wronging of me.”
They’re Now Demanding That All Parents Surrender Their Children to the State: “Make Raising Your Own Children Illegal”
“…if you can destroy the family unit, you then have the naked individual fully dependent on and enslaved to the State.”
When People Are Denied Basic Health Care Because of Their Personal Choices, We Have Moved Into Full-Tilt Tyranny
“The surgery has now rung my parents and said that he cannot have the surgery unless he has a 1st dose of the vax. Wow. They would just leave him to die of cancer instead.”
Rutherford and His ‘Lex, Rex’ Are Still Vital for Today
“To oppose tyranny is to honour God. The office of the magistrate demands our respect, but we need not blindly respect the ruler in that office.”
Moonbat Government Policies Are the Real Danger, Not the Virus
“If we ever get out of all this alive, one day the historians will marvel at the utter insanity that swept the world – certainly the Western world.”
How Do We Know What and Who to Believe?
“One thing we can be certain about: relying on the mainstream media here is almost useless – probably even harmful. In so many ways it has become an absolute waste when it comes to getting real news. Propaganda has usually replaced real reporting of news. That is why the various alternative media outlets may be a much better place to start with.”
We Are Now Witnessing the Development of a New Underground
“The West today is moving in such perilous and dangerous directions that the need for new underground movements is now imminent. In fact, it is already upon us.”
Government for a Fallen People: This Is Why America Is – Or at Least Was – So Great
“I have often said that politics alone cannot save us. And I have often said that simply changing the government of the day will not solve all our problems. Yes, I think some politicians and some parties are better than others, but none can save us from what really matters. Only Christ can do that.”
Marriage, Family, and Society Stand or Fall Together
“What is happening in America and elsewhere throughout the Western world is simply disastrous. And it seems to be getting worse each passing year. No culture can long last when it wars against its most important and vital social institutions.”
Ugly and Coercive Health Measures Have Long Been With Us
“Once the state has the authority to force you, against your will and without your consent…or, in the case of the current set of vaccines, without even informed consent…to undergo treatment for a disease you do not have, you have ceased to have any autonomy.”
Should Churches and Christian Businesses Segregate?
“All around us we see the rise of ugly Big Brother Statism, and the stealing away of our liberties and human rights. We expect the secular left tyrants to engage in this sort of behaviour. We do NOT expect Christian churches and businesses to happily go along with all this.”
Everywhere We Find Big Brother Statism Getting Worse and Worse
“The cycle will never end. It is the perfect recipe for endless dictatorship. Keep the masses utterly immersed in fear and panic, keep the variants coming, and offer an endless supply of booster shots (creating an ever-greater class of Big Pharma millionaires), and you have slaves for life.”