‘Rocko’s Modern Life’ reboot introduces young children to transgenderism
The entertainment industry’s war on kids continues with a recent film reboot of the popular 90’s Nickelodeon cartoon Rocko’s Modern Life. Netflix revived the children’s animated series with a new 45-minute movie titled, Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling, featuring the cast of the original series, but with some very “modern life” changes. The film focuses on Rocko and his friends, Heffer and Filbert, who set out to find his neighbour’s son, Ralph Bighead. Rocko’s neighbour, Ed Bighead, lost touch with his son, who left home years ago to go on a journey of self-discovery. Eventually, Ralph is found, however, Ralph…
Billboard removed after people were offended by a scientifically accurate fact. Will they burn medical textbooks next?
A scientifically accurate, pro-life billboard in New South Wales will be immediately removed after members of the community voiced outrage. The billboard was created by pro-life group Emily’s Voice, and depicts a pregnant woman along with the words: “A heart beats at four weeks.” Despite the fact that the claim is entirely accurate, Transport Minister Andrew Constance called the adverts “appalling,” after pulling the same graphic from buses last month. According to Nine News, a spokesperson for the billboard company said the ad was reviewed and not found to breach any of its advertising codes, however, following the backlash the…
Did Israel Folau actually misquote the Bible? Nope!
An article recently published by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age makes the claim that Israel Folau’s “controversial” Instagram post was a “misquote of the Bible.” The piece attempts to prove this point by suggesting Folau’s post was a citation of Galatians 5:19-21, a passage which makes no mention of “homosexuality” or even “hell” for that matter. “Note however, that Galatians 5:19-21 does not, in any translation, mention homosexuals,” the author said. “Folau and whoever wrote the original post have projected homosexuality into the promiscuous category. That is their bias.” “You will notice that there is nothing in the…
Christianity Is the Only Reliable Force Restraining Those Who Seek Absolute Power
In his book The Rage Against God, Peter Hitchens claims the current intellectual assault on God in the West is not necessarily a war on all religion, but a specific and targeted attack on Christianity, the true religion. This is highlighted by the fact that the Left is currently hostile towards Christianity while sympathetic with Islam. This is because Christianity is the religion of their homeland, Hitchens explains. Furthermore, Christianity is the form in which they have encountered the power of God in their own lives—and generally disliked and resented. To the Left, Islam is an exotic, distant creed which…
New push to normalize polyamory and promote inclusivity for people who want multiple sexual partners
The American Psychological Association (APA) is forming a task force to “promote awareness and inclusivity” of people who engage in sexual relationships with multiple partners, such as people who practice polyamory and swinging. According to the website for Division 44 of the APA, the task force is designed to address the needs of those who wish to practice polyamory “including their intersecting marginalized identities” without the social and medical stigmatization. “These include but are not limited to: people who practice polyamory, open relationships, swinging, relationship anarchy and other types of ethical, non-monogamous relationships,” the website states. The task force’s stated…
Sydney mural mocking Israel Folau says, “Go to hell, a–hole”
A new mural has been unveiled on the wall of a Sydney hotel, mocking Israel Folau and depicting the former rugby star as a self-righteous, money-hungry beggar. The Australian Family Coalition shared photographs of the mural on social media today, pointing out that hidden within the artwork is the phrase, “Go to hell, a–hole.” The mural, painted by Scott Marsh on the side of the Botany View Hotel in Newtown, shows Folau sitting on a milk crate in front of a Lamborghini begging for donations to put towards his property portfolio. “The righteous shall taketh from the punters, for the…
Judge orders 22-week pregnant woman to have an abortion against her will
A British judge has ordered that an abortion be performed on a 22-week pregnant mother, despite objections from the woman and the woman’s mother. Justice Nathalie Lieven said the ruling was in the best interest of the woman after she was diagnosed with “moderately severe” learning difficulties. “I am acutely conscious of the fact that for the State to order a woman to have a termination where it appears that she doesn’t want it is an immense intrusion,” the justice said in the ruling. “I have to operate in [her] best interest, not on society’s view of termination.” A social…
School traumatizes six-year-old with gender fluidity lessons, parents file human rights complaint
Parents of a six-year-old schoolgirl have filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario after their daughter’s first-grade teacher taught her there’s no such thing as “girls and boys”. In January 2018, the children, as young as six, were required to watch a YouTube video titled, “He, She and They?!? — Gender: Queer Kid Stuff #2.” The video contained statements such as, “some people aren’t boys or girls,” and there are people who do not “feel like a ‘she’ or a ‘he,’ and therefore might not have a gender. A couple of months later, parents Jason and…
Lawmakers want to force churches to embrace LGBTQ ideology instead of the Bible
Lawmakers in California are pushing a new resolution in the state Assembly Judiciary Committee which essentially gives the state the power to dictate the moral positions of the Church, regardless of where the Bible stands. CBN News reports: “The Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99 (ACR 99) calls on ‘counselors, pastors, religious workers, educators’ and institutions with ‘great moral influence’ to stop perpetuating the idea that something is wrong with LGBT identities or sexual behavior. ACR 99 also condemns attempts to change unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion as ‘unethical,’ ‘harmful,’ and leading to high rates of suicide.” A number of individuals…
Christian baker sued for a THIRD time: ‘The state’s open hostility has created a lack of tolerance towards Christians’
Anti-Christian activists are again targetting a Colorado baker for his refusal to create custom LGBTQ-themed cakes. This is the third time activists have sued Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, despite the fact that Phillips has always opened his doors to everyone, including LGBTQ people. “People of all walks of life are always welcome in the store,” Phillips said back in 2017. “I serve everybody. I just don’t make cakes for every event.” Phillips’ Christian conviction prevents him from using his artistry to decorate cakes that endorse a message contrary to his faith. “There are certain messages I don’t create,” Phillips…
Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it’s morally the same as abortion
Killing newborn babies is morally the same as abortion, a publication in The British Medical Journal argued back in 2012. According to the paper, authored by Monash and Melbourne University academics, the “moral status of the infant is equivalent to that of a fetus”. The authors, however, go on to suggest that “neither can be considered a ‘person’ in a morally relevant sense.” The authors argued that “after-birth abortion” can be justified on the basis that the baby is not missing out on a life he or she cannot contemplate. Furthermore, considering that one-third of infants with Down syndrome are…
The Horrors of History Bear Witness, Not to the Cruelty of Christendom, but the Cruelty of Humanity When They Deviate From Christianity
Opponents of Christianity often appeal to the horrors of history to suggest the Christian faith is inherently dangerous and immoral. Examples are presented of prominent “Christian” figures throughout the past who’ve acted unjustly towards others, as though their actions were inspired by an overly zealous commitment to biblical instruction. Today, there’s an expectation that Christians ought to be ashamed of their history, and even apologetic for the sins of yesterday’s professing believers. But that shouldn’t be the case. Christianity doesn’t need to apologise for injustices orchestrated by professing Christians, because every injustice ever committed is carried out contrary to Christianity.…
Media giants are boycotting pro-lifers, but what would happen if pro-lifers started boycotting media giants?
In 1791 it’s estimated that about 300,000 people boycotted sugar produced by slaves, causing sales to drop by a third to a half. Thousands of pamphlets were printed encouraging people to join in the protest. The sugar boycott is one of the earliest examples of consumers using their purchasing power to reject unethical organisations. Two hundred years later, we may need to revisit this approach again. A number of US media giants have publicly stated they’ll “rethink” filming in Georgia if the new heartbeat abortion law comes into effect. According to the BBC, Disney, Netflix and WarnerMedia have all objected…
Christian persecution close to ‘genocide levels’, ignored because of ‘political correctness’ and a fear of being labelled ‘Islamophobic’
Anti-Christian persecution is spreading geographically and increasing in severity, a report commissioned by the British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt revealed. According to the findings, Christians are the most widely persecuted religion in the world. In some regions, persecution is so severe, that it’s arguably coming “close to meeting the international definition of genocide, according to that adopted by the UN.” In some parts of the Middle East, Christians are facing the possibility of extinction. The number of Christians in Palestine is now below 1.5 percent. The number of Christians in Syria has declined from 1.7 million in 2011 to below 450,000,…
Pro-family policies rooted in the Christian worldview and a rejection of multiculturalism cause Hungary to flourish
In an exclusive interview with Life Site News, Hungary’s State Secretary for Family and Youth Affairs said the country is flourishing due to the preservation of policies based on the Christian worldview and the natural definition of marriage. “The Hungarian people are family-orientated, respect traditional values and want to live in peace and security,” Katalin Novàk said. “According to a recent poll, 79% of the Hungarians share the view that we should preserve our Christian heritage, which means that a large majority supports policies that are rooted in Christian culture,” she added. As a result, the country has witnessed abortion…
Protesters clash with MP: Tolerance of LGBTQ ideology is intolerance of Islam
Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, Jess Philips, has clashed with a Muslim protester outside of a primary school accused of “indoctrinating” Muslim students with LGBTQ ideology. Hundreds of students from the Muslim-majority Anderton Park Primary School reportedly skipped school in protest of the lessons which introduce children to homosexuality, gender identity, and same-sex relationships. Outraged Muslim parents have gathered outside of the school for several weeks to protest the compulsory lessons, claiming they’re “intolerant” of Muslim beliefs. According to Sky News, Ms Philips was invited to the area by the headteacher who wanted to introduce “exclusion zones” to protect children…
Hell Makes No Sense to a Society That Thinks the Only Sin Is Condemning Sin
“The difficulty that the modern man has in accepting the idea of hell is that we’ve almost entirely given up on the notion of sin.”
Christians who express a biblical view of sexuality are to blame for kids committing suicide, Channel 9 panelist suggests
A former rugby league player has suggested that Christians, like Israel Folau, who express a biblical view of sexuality “can and do” push kids to commit suicide. Ian Roberts, an openly gay former rugby league player, appeared as a guest panelist on Channel Nine’s Sports Sunday, where he condemned Folau for posting a paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 6:9 on his personal Instagram account. “I do feel sorry for Israel, but there are consequences for your actions and reactions, you know,” Roberts said. “And I don’t say this lightly, what I’m about to say, the language I use is hard and it’s for…
Leftists are silent about Christian persecution because they want to maintain the lie that Christianity is harmful.
Leftists are awfully silent when it comes to Christian persecution. While they’re often quick to express concerns about the spread of “Islamophobia”, very few, if any, will ever mention “Christophobia”, despite the fact that Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world.[note]Pew Research Center[/note] When 290 Christians in Sri Lanka were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, among others, chose to refer to the victims as “Easter worshippers” rather than “Christians”. Other outspoken leftists decided to say nothing at all about the attacks. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted up to 14 times about the massacre of 50…
A Message to Brian Houston: The World Doesn’t Need More Watered-Down Christians
This week Brian Houston, founder of Hillsong, penned an open letter to Israel Folau criticising the rugby star’s “judgmental” approach to sharing the gospel on social media. Brian then sent the letter to the Sydney Morning Herald who published it under the title: A message to Folau: The world doesn’t need more judgmental Christians. The piece divided opinions, and many, including some of Brian’s own supporters, expressed disappointment in his decision to distance himself from Folau. But that’s not the most concerning aspect of Brian’s letter. Brian doesn’t just take issue with Folau’s approach, he quickly turns his attention to…