
An Open Letter to King Charles III on the Spiritual Revival of a Nation

"You are a Christian king; Muslims have no use for you. They cannot and will not save you."

“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

Ephesians 5:14

Your Majesty,

Britain is a Christian country, and you are a Christian king. If either of these fundamentals change, you will lose your throne. On this point, harbor no illusions.

Omnis potestas a Deo. All authority comes from God.

We are your servants – but you are God’s. “The authorities that exist have been established by God… For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good.” (Romans 13). Your authority is inextricably linked to your ability to deliver this good for your subjects. And you are wavering.

In your Coronation Oath, you swore to uphold your divine mandate.

“Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel?”

“All this I promise to do… The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me God.”

Do not deceive yourself. There are secular politicians – spineless globalists – who attempt to portray themselves as value-neutral universal friends, with as much in common with Pakistani Muslims as British Christians.

This cannot be your way. This is not your calling, nor is it the purpose of a king. You are a living avatar of inequality and particularity; King of the United Kingdom and Defender of the Faith. Trite appeals to universalism, diversity, and cultural equality only serve to undermine your own position and our loyalty to you.

You are a Christian king; Muslims have no use for you. They cannot and will not save you. For now, they use you for your fame and status, but they will discard you when they have the chance.

The time has come for boldness. A king who does not lead, and a king who does not protect, is no king at all. The Christian king, as Christ himself, must be willing to sacrifice himself to atone for the sins of the nation.

Your future depends on your subjects understanding you as the potential vessel for the return of our great Christian nation. This nation – this people – fades into history, but it is not dead yet. As long as the Christian king is alive, Britain lives, even if she sleeps.

We remember her and see her in our dreams. Do not defile her. For better or worse, your authority resides in this past. Our past. You will not find new justifications for your authority in a different future.

Clumsily mucking about with Islam takes you further from a secure future, not closer. You are trusting in instincts entirely constituted in a deranged age, and they are misleading you.

But – you lament – there is nothing else that can be done. If you act against the spirit of the age, surely you will be overthrown by worldly powers.

Not so. As long as the sleepers live, you can return.

This is the question that keeps you up at night: “How do I keep the monarchy relevant and beloved, that we may survive?”

But the answer is simple: save our country and you’ll secure your family’s reign for centuries. You will be beloved as no king has been for five hundred years.

Your first change must be to stop focusing on worldly affairs – turning Windsor Castle into a community centre – and return to spiritual leadership. Be bold, vocal, and wield all the splendor that your position affords you. Be unapologetic in your identity: the Christian King of Britain.

You cannot create a physical army to take power. The state is too strong; you are too weak. You would fall. So create a spiritual vanguard that the state cannot destroy. Sound the Horn of Salvation.

You must do this. There is great strife ahead of us: experts are already warning of civil war. Only Christianity’s return can temper this process and the violence that will surely come. Pax Christi in regno Christi. The peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ.

One way or another – as unthinkable as it might seem in our present moment – the replacement of the English in England must be undone. It will be undone, one way or the other. Mounting tensions cannot continue indefinitely; there is trouble on the horizon.

Only your hand can bring gentleness and sanity to this process. Sensing that something is deeply wrong, your people long for a change to the status quo. But the British are a tolerant and respectable people.

So far, they have resisted a loutish response. Guide them; chart an alternate path to senseless brutality. Be a Christian King.

Awaken the sleepers. We await you.

Originally published on my blog, Becoming Noble.

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