John MacArthur Pens Powerful Open Letter to Governor Newsom For Using Jesus’ Words to Promote Baby Killing
MacArthur cautioned the Governor, saying his “soul lies in grave, eternal peril,” and noted Paul’s warning in Romans 14:12 that, “each one of us will give an account of himself to God.”
John MacArthur Urges Pastors to Preach on Biblical Sexuality to Protest “Conversion Therapy” Laws
“This means as of January 8, 2022, it will be against the law to preach, teach, or counsel regarding God’s design for marriage and sexuality.”
John MacArthur: “It’s Too Late For the Nation, We’re Under Judgment”
“What’s our message to this nation? You’re under judgement. It’s too late. Judgement has been unleashed. You can hear, but not understand. You can see, but not perceive. Your heart may be attracted, but hardened by God.”
John MacArthur Threatened With Arrest, Fines For Holding In-Person Church Services
Los Angeles county government officials responded to the church’s move by threatening repercussions, such as a daily $1,000 fine and the possible arrest of Dr MacArthur, according to the church’s legal counsel.
WATCH: John MacArthur Appears On Tucker Carlson Tonight After Reopening Church
Pastor John MacArthur appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Tuesday, where he briefly explained why Grace Community Church believes they should reopen, despite California’s current restrictions.
WATCH: John MacArthur Enters the Pulpit To A Standing Ovation After Telling the Government “We Will Not Bow”
Because nothing says “Black Lives Matter” quite like encouraging tens of thousands of black people and BLM supporters to gather en masse during a global pandemic that’s apparently so dangerous, and so deadly, that not even a church could responsibly gather without risking their lives and the lives of everyone they come in contact with.
John MacArthur on the Ben Shapiro Show: Christianity and Politics
Ben Shapiro said, there was more anticipation in the office for Pastor John MacArthur than for any other guest they’ve had on The Sunday Special show.
John MacArthur to appear on The Ben Shapiro Show: Sunday Special
Here’s one not to miss. John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, founder of Grace to You Ministries, and president of The Master’s University and The Master’s Seminary in California, will appear on the Ben Shapiro Show: Sunday Special to discuss the role of government, proof of God, and more. Dr MacArthur was a frequent guest on Larry King Live and has been acknowledged by Christianity Today to be one of the most influential preachers of our time. THE @BENSHAPIRO SHOW: SUNDAY SPECIAL! Sunday: Pastor John MacArthur joins Ben to discuss the role of government, proof of God, and more!!!…
MacArthur: “The Greatest Threat to Truth and Virtue in This Country Is the Government”
“So we are beginning to see persecution from government. This is the most formidable persecution: COVID, LGBTQ, transgender, social justice—all these new ideologies are now going to become the only acceptable moral standards. And if you don’t accept them, you’re going to be the enemy of the government. Truth, the Bible, Scripture is going to be cancelled. The government’s taking control; they want to take control of absolutely everything. The church has become the main enemy of the government—nothing new.”
MacArthur Threatened With Imprisonment: “I’m Open For a Jail Ministry… Bring It On!”
“I’ve done a lot of other ministries and haven’t had the opportunity to do that one, so, bring it on.”
The Reformed Evangelical Divide, Clash of Worldviews, and Tim’s Open Letter to Shai
“The most positive thing to come out of these debates is the increased unity seen between Presbyterians and Baptists over their shared hatred of wokeism’s destructive ideologies.”
A Vital Reminder to Christians
“Often, we can look at the society around us and ask ourselves, ‘How long will God let this injustice go unpunished?'”
Court Invalidates Alberta Public Health Orders, Drops Charges Against Pastors
Pastor imprisoned for keeping his church open during the 2021 lockdowns has charges dropped.
The Essential Church: New Documentary Asserts God Over Government
“Government decided that protests were essential, strip clubs, liquor stores, and marijuana dispensaries, were labelled essential. You could pack into Costco, and Walmart, but not the church.”
Zeal Without Doctrine Is Like a Sword in the Hand of a Lunatic
“The tragedy of the last hundred years has been due to the fallacy of imagining that you can shed Christian doctrine but hold on to Christian ethics.”
Tolerance Is the Virtue of the Man Without Convictions
“By toleration, we adopt other men’s sins and make them our own.”
Top 70 Quotes on the Vital Importance of Truth
“Truth is treason in an empire of lies.”
Why the Frankfurt Declaration Is Necessary
“…states psychologically manipulated individuals by deliberately scaring them with predictions of horrific mortality rates and agonizing deaths by suffocation, as internal government papers show and some governments have openly admitted. Distrust of others was promoted by portraying them as potential threats to life and limb. Such propaganda enables many states to impose policies that infringed on people’s rights and liberties in ways that previously seemed unthinkable in the ‘free’ world.”
What Is the God Over Government Frankfurt Declaration?
“The COVID years simply made Caesar’s strategy undeniably obvious. Government restrictions required churches to refrain from gathering while casinos and massage parlours were allowed to operate. Officials looked the other way when leftist protestors were given free rein to gather and even riot, but those same officials relentlessly worked to keep churches closed.”
The Frankfurt Declaration of Christian & Civil Liberties
“A brand new Declaration has just been released, urging believers to do more to stand against oppressive statism and to champion the cause of liberty around the world.”