38 search results for "john macarthur"

Here are five videos that offer invaluable insights into the COVID issue.

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“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of snivelling brats.”

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“What we now know about the Wuhan lab leak, Collins’ emails and the contested science on masks and lockdowns should prompt these leaders to question their willingness to act as the mouthpiece of the government.”

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“In the message, MacArthur said the notion that you are something other than your biology is a cultural construct, which he described as ‘an assault on God.'”

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“Our government, and the scientists they choose to listen to, have successfully whipped up such an atmosphere of fear that people are now genuinely frighted to do things which pose only a minimal risk to them.”

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The Thomas More Society applauded the settlement, saying “religious liberty triumphs.”

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Police vehicles and unmarked SUVs blocked the entrance to the church around 8am on Wednesday as authorities erected chained fencing around the building’s perimeter.

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Dr John MacArthur, along with the elders of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, have taken a courageous stand against the “intrusive restrictions” government officials are attempting to impose on churches in California. In a statement issued on Friday, Dr MacArthur accused civic leaders of exceeding their “legitimate jurisdiction” by ordering churches in the state to limit or suspend all meetings indefinitely. Dr MacArthur noted that while civil government is invested with divine authority to rule the state, civic rulers are not granted jurisdiction over the church. In other words, “freedom of worship is a command of God, not a…

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A study conducted by the University of Kent revealed most atheists and agnostics believe in supernatural powers. According to The Times, the Understanding Unbelief program surveyed thousands of self-identified atheists and agnostics from six countries – Britain, the United States, Brazil, China, Denmark and Japan. Researchers found of those interviewed, only a minority rejected all of the supernatural beliefs put to them. The findings aren’t surprising, really. The atheist says there is no God, but according to Romans 1, God says there are no atheists. In Romans 1:18 onwards, the Apostle Paul talks about people who, because of their sin,…

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A Christian denomination in Scotland has been blasted after their official magazine published an article describing Islam as a ‘false religion’. According to The Times, the “hugely controversial” piece published by the Christian “sect” also went on to describe the Koran as a “lie from Satan sent into the world to deceive.” The piece, titled ‘Islamisation of the UK: The creeping influence of a false religion’, warned about Islamisation of the West and urged Christians to “pray that the Lord would halt the Islamisation of the UK.” “Across our society but unnoticed by many people, are changes which may seem…

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Every religion outside of Christianity basically says the same thing: You must do such-and-such in order to earn your way to “heaven.” Where they differ is in what things you ought to do in order to earn your way to that promised eternal bliss. The idea that we can earn our way to heaven is as common to mankind as pride. And it’s tied to pride because it’s the refusal to acknowledge the fact that we have already failed the test. In the Garden of Eden, God told Adam if he ate of the forbidden fruit he would die (Genesis…

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The Telegraph UK published a piece yesterday encouraging married couples to, at the very least, discuss the possibility of a “consensual non-monogamous” marriage. According to the article, titled ‘Why men should give their wives a cheat pass this Christmas,’ monogamy might not be the only approach to long-term relationships, because “contrary to popular opinion, women tire of their sexual partners faster than men, and need just as much sexual adventure and novelty as their male counterparts – if not more.” The article goes on to argue that monogamy is hard, citing a YouGov study that showed one in five British…

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Apple CEO Tim Cook has suggested it would be a “sin” to not censor people on social media who “push division.” In other words, social media CEOs will ban speech they personally find objectionable. In the 2.5-minute clip, Cook said: We only have one message for those who seek to push hate, division, and violence: You have no place on our platforms. You have no home here. “From the earliest days of iTunes to Apple Music today we have always prohibited music with a message of white supremacy. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. “And as we showed…

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A phenomenon of “missing girls” could be afflicting Victoria, Aisha Dow at The Age has reported. “A study of more than a million births suggests some parents could be aborting unborn female babies or undergoing embryo selection overseas in order to have sons.” According to researchers, the findings indicate “systematic discrimination against females starts in the womb.” Lead researcher Dr Kristina Edvardsson from Melbourne’s La Trobe University said, “We believe that some women may be terminating pregnancies after discovering they are expecting a girl and in other cases are travelling overseas to access non-medial sex selection services through assisted reproduction.”…

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Have you ever etched something into the trunk of a tree? I wonder about the people who come along at a later date and attempt to decipher our primitive code language for who hearts who. Suppose you stumbled across a tree etching, a simple straight line for example. Now, you might conclude that it was an unintentional mark, a random scratching from an animal’s claw perhaps. Now suppose that line was followed by a love heart. The likelihood of that etching being the result of a random wild creature decreases drastically. There is an obvious level of intentionality behind that…

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What’s the problem with society today? We celebrate evil. We glorify depravity. It’s being forced on us, whether we like it or not. It’s in movies, television, music, even children’s programs aren’t immune. So, what’s the answer? What’s the solution? Dr John MacArthur once said, “Reform is no answer for a culture like ours. Redemption is what is needed, and that occurs at the individual, not societal level.” What does that look like? Watch as John Piper reflects on Billy Graham’s legacy and ministry and the impact he had on thousands of individuals. 

Things are looking gloomy in the Sunshine State. Up to 148 Queensland election candidates have signed up to Fair Agenda’s pro-abortion candidate pledge. The independent group is pressuring candidates to vow, if elected, they will, “vote to remove abortion from the criminal code, and support laws to ensure all Queenslanders can safely and legally access full reproductive healthcare, without being harassed or intimidated.” The pledge has also gained backing from The Human Rights Law Centre, Women’s Legal Service Queensland, White Ribbon, and Queensland Council of Unions. Candidates who have signed up commit to supporting three reforms in particular: Treat abortion like other medical procedures,…

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“Conversion therapy lawfare claims its first victim with Maltese police criminally charging a former homosexual under Malta’s 2016 ‘conversion therapy’ laws.”

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