9 search results for "genuflecting"

Darrell B. Harrison and Virgil Walker’s new freestyle podcast is #lit and then some.

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“Climate change policy prescriptions are tyrannical solutions looking for a problem.”

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“Her alleged crime was criticising Woke Disney’s decision to cast a black American as white, red-headed Ariel in a live remake of The Little Mermaid.”

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“I don’t want to be the first Black. I’m the first Idris.”

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In a push to ‘embrace the ideas of Black Lives Matter’, The American branch of The Salvation Army has announced that they will be ‘demanding white donors apologize for being racist.’

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Black Lives Matter Incorporated, and Cuban Communists are another example of real oppressors masquerading as the oppressed.

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To claim then that the abuse of women and children is “learnt” falsely implies that it wouldn’t have existed if European colonisation had never occurred. Indeed, it relies on the tired and offensive trope of the “noble savage”.

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CRT is “a worldview based on vindictive and prejudiced principles that are subjective and changeable depending upon what direction the winds of white supremacy and black oppression happen to be blowing.”

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An African American man questioning healthcare workers about abortion is making its way around the internet. The group were lined up outside either a healthcare clinic or Hospital, brandishing placards in a show of “woke” solidarity with Black Lives Matter. As one of the healthcare workers moves forward to kneel, the man in the video asks the group whether “all black lives matter or just some black lives?” The crowd responds in unison, “all black lives matter.” The unknown individual then asks “the black lives killed by black men matter right?” Again, in unison, the healthcare workers respond, “yes! Oh,…

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