12 search results for "corbyn"

UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has told Sky News that convicted terrorists should “not necessarily” serve their full prison terms. The comments come after two civilians were brutally murdered by convicted terrorist Usman Khan, who was released halfway through a 16-year prison sentence for plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange. Speaking to Sophy Ridge of Sky News, Corbyn said, whether or not convicted terrorists should serve their full sentence depends on the circumstances of their imprisonment. Following the attack, Prime Minister Boris Johnson vowed to end early prison release for terrorists, proposing instead a 14-year mandatory sentence. “This system…

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Scottish Pastor, Richard Cameron, was suspended by church officials this week, until further notice, after “heckling” openly socialist, U.K. Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn, who has the potential of becoming the U.K’s next Prime Minister in the December election, was day two into his campaign trail in Glasgow, when according to The Scottish Sun, Cameron, a 60-year-old Church of Scotland minister, approached the Labour leader. Referring to Corbyn’s tartan scarf and his criticism of the United States actions against the late ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Cameron stated: I thought you’d be wearing an Islamic jihad scarf. Do you think…

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“Responding to the whistleblower’s revelations, Elon Musk replied, ‘This is war.'”

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“Some sanity has entered the hallowed halls of Westminster.”

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Which party has its head in the clouds, and which party is in tune with the corrosive state of the world?

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America rapper Ice Cube is fighting racism against black people by posting racist, anti-Semitic caricatures of Jews on social media. Ice Cube, whose real name is O’Shea Jackson, on Saturday tweeted, “F*** THE NEW NORMAL UNTIL THEY FIX THE OLD NORMAL!” The image attached to the tweet was a photograph of a mural depicting Jewish caricatures, which has been widely condemned for resembling Nazi-style propaganda. FUCK THE NEW NORMAL UNTIL THEY FIX THE OLD NORMAL! pic.twitter.com/wNN3uwOb4K — Ice Cube (@icecube) June 6, 2020 Even The Guardian in 2018 condemned the mural as “offensive,” “antisemitic,” “full-blown Nazi” propaganda when it was…

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The opinion I held prior to the British election remains the same. I like Boris Johnson. I don’t trust Jeremy Corbyn or Corbynistas, and despite my scepticism of some Brexiteers, and their claim to be freedom-loving, I favoured Nigel Farage. Goethe once stated, ‘unqualified activity, of whatever kind, leads at last to bankruptcy.’ [i] Likewise, wrote J.R Miller, ‘in all of life it is the quiet forces that affect most. It’s false to consider noise to be evidence of strength, or to think that we are doing the most when we make the most bluster or show.’ [ii] Both were…

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Wherever you look, socialism is sexy again. In the UK this week, Jeremy Corbyn is seeking election as the nation’s Prime Minister on a proudly socialist platform. In the USA, socialist Bernie Sanders is making a second run for President, and he has the endorsement of “the Squad”—a group of socialist Congresswomen which includes the famous firebrand freshman AOC. You may not have noticed yet, but the climate strikes taking place the world over also have strong socialist undercurrents. If the word socialism is new to you, it’s basically the idea that society’s wealth should be redistributed and shared by everyone. (Be sure to do your…

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Unless you’ve been completely living off-grid for the past three years, you’ll know that the United Kingdom’s, 2016, Brexit referendum is yet to be officially ratified. The 2016 referendum saw the people of the United Kingdom vote in favour of leaving the European Union by 1,269,501 people. The final result ended with 51.9% (17.5 million) of those in the U.K voting to leave the E.U, while 48.1% (16.1 million) voted to remain [i]. The results uncovered a division between North and South. The majority in England and Wales chose to leave, while Northern Ireland and Scotland, still heralding a decent…

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The British Labour Party has pledged to end private schools by “integrating” them into the state sector and redistributing their funds and property if they win the next election. Labour delegates approved a motion this week to include the commitment in the party’s next general election manifesto, which would see endowments, investments and properties held by private schools “redistributed democratically and fairly across the country’s educational institutions.” Labour members reportedly said a government led by Jeremy Corbyn would “challenge the elite privilege of private schools” and claimed that “the ongoing existence of private schools is incompatible with Labour’s pledge to…

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Tommy Robinson has been permanently banned from Facebook and Instagram after the social media giant accused him of repeatedly breaking the platforms’ policies on hate speech. A statement released yesterday by Facebook claims: “Tommy Robinson’s Facebook Page has repeatedly broken these standards, posting material that uses dehumanizing language and calls for violence targeted at Muslims. He has also behaved in ways that violate our policies around organized hate. As a result, in accordance with our policies, we have removed Tommy Robinson’s official Facebook Page and Instagram profile. This is not a decision we take lightly, but individuals and organizations that…

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In what could be labelled, the Left devouring its own, seven U.K. Labour members broke with the party yesterday over concerns about Brexit and what ex-Party member, Luciana Berger called, “institutional antisemitism”. Berger stated that she was “embarrassed and ashamed” of what the U.K Labour Party had now become. According to The Australian’s, Greg Sheridan, the seven M.P. Labour-exit is not unwarranted. Sheridan’s aptly titled piece, ‘Stinging rebuke to a Marxist takeover’, backed Berger and her reasons for the seven M.P. exit. ‘ Jeremy Corbyn, the thirty-six year political veteran, and Socialist, who ascended to the Labour leadership back in…

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