Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire has argued that European colonization is not something to be ashamed of, but rather a remarkable achievement to take pride in. Walsh argues that the history of colonization is a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of our forefathers who conquered unimaginable challenges to build the greatest civilization the world has ever known.
“Is our civilisation one that we should be proud of, even in spite of its history of colonisation? No. Not in spite of that history. I’m proud of it in large part, because of that history,” Walsh asserts. He paints a vivid picture of the obstacles faced by European settlers, who “had to first conquer an ocean, in order to then land of a mass of uncharted wilderness filled with untold dangers and wild beasts, and yes, primitive warring tribes, many of whom practised human sacrifice and cannibalism.”
Despite these horrors, the settlers persevered, conquering an entire hemisphere and single-handedly propelling it out of the Stone Age. Walsh contrasts their achievements with the native inhabitants: “Now, the natives lived in the Americas for ‘20,000 years’… Yeah, they were here for a long time. What did they do during that time? During that time they never figured out the wheel. During that time they never figured out written language.” He notes that even the most advanced Mesoamerican tribes “had caught up to the ancient Egyptians by the time the conquistadors showed up. They were building pyramids at a time when Europeans were using the printing press.”
Walsh emphasized, “European settlers and in less than three centuries they had established the nation. And in another 70 or so years, that nation would stretch across the entire continent from one ocean to another.” He marvels at their rapid progress: “In other 50 years, they would be digging a trench through the earth to physically connect one ocean to the other. At the same time, they would be building vehicles that could fly through the air. In another few decades, they’d be walking on the surface of the moon.”
“These settlers took a wilderness sparsely inhabited by hostile Stone Age natives and in a matter of a few centuries built the greatest, most advanced, most globally dominant nation the world has ever known,” Walsh said. His pride in this remarkable feat is palpable: “Am I proud of that? Oh, yes. I am very proud of that. I will always be proud of that and I will never apologise for it. Period.”
Yes this country was born through colonization and conquest. And I am very proud of that fact.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 20, 2025