Thousands of pro-life advocates turned out in Adelaide on Saturday to march against the state’s latest proposed abortion bill that would fully decriminalise abortion in South Australia.
More than 3,000 people participated in the “Walk for Life” event which was hosted by the pro-life group Love Adelaide. Participants rallied outside Parliament House to offer a voice for the voiceless and stand against the Attorney-General’s plan to legalise abortion up to birth.
Following receipt of South Australia Law Reform Institute’s (SALRI) report late last year, the Attorney General Vickie Chapman publicly stated that she will now present a bill to Parliament, taking into account the recommendations from SALRI and recent bills passed in both NSW and QLD.
The report found that parties in favour of decriminalising abortion in the state believe current laws are at odds with and undermine a “woman’s autonomy.”
“After consideration, SALRI sees no merit in criteria as to when an abortion should be permitted,” the report states. “Any such criteria will undermine the crucial autonomy of the woman.”
The review goes on to note the Queensland Law Reformed Commission’s assertion that an “on request” approach may be considered appropriate for a number of reasons, such as “removing legal barriers to access,” and “according to the maximum respect for women’s autonomy”.
Clare Scriven MP, spoke at the event, describing the proposed laws as “damaging and devastating.”
Family Voice reported Ms Scriven as saying, “It’s fair to say that generally, people expect that new laws that are introduced will help our society or will help conditions for individuals within our society.
“These proposals do neither of those two things. These proposals abandon women and these proposals abandon their babies,” she added.
Jodie Pickard, founder of Love Adelaide told Caldron Pool, “This walk is an expression of the united groundswell of opposition to abortion up to birth legislation.
“We urge Vickie Chapman, the Attorney General, to take note and reject abortion to birth.”
Photo: Love Adelaide