Here’s something you may not have noticed in Gillette’s “toxic masculinity” advert.
You’ve probably seen it by now. In just two days Gillette’s “short film” combating “toxic masculinity” racked up over 12 million views on YouTube. The almost two-minute feature is currently the third most trending video, but to Gillette’s dismay, the general feedback has not all been positive. Since being uploaded onto YouTube, the video has received just over 300k ‘thumbs up’ by viewers, while over 700k viewers voted it down, mostly for its negative portrayal of men and masculinity. But according to folks on social media, there is another issue with the video that most viewers seem to have missed.…
Christian cross destroyed because it was offensive to Muslim migrants.
A Greek Orthodox priest was beaten by Syrian “asylum seekers” outside of his own church last week. According to Proto Thema, the group became violent after they were confronted for parking their motorcycles in the courtyard of the sanctuary of St Nicholas in Patisia, Athens. The attack comes just months after the destruction of a large Christian cross at Appeli on Greece’s island of Lesbos. Prior to its destruction, leftist, pro-migrant NGOs had demanded the removal of the Christian symbol, claiming it promoted “hate” towards migrants and labeling it a “Crusader Tool.” “‘Coexistence and Communication in the Aegean’ had filed…
Linda Sarsour: “If you’re Muslim, you’re political… President Trump is a fascist, but Muhammad was a human rights activist… and Islam has always been a feminist religion.”
Last month Muslim activist Linda Sarsour gave a speech in Sacramento in which she urged Muslims to become political because “Muhammad was a human rights activist,” and Trump a fascist. The self-described “Islamophobe’s worst nightmare” went on to claim that Islam has always been an “anti-racist, feminist, and empowering religion,” and that our modern understanding of human rights are unnecessary because Islam already teaches these things. Sarsour explained: “I go to a lot of mosques or community centers and this is what they say to me. They say: ‘Sister Linda, we know that you’re very political, but in my mosque,…
Nine News poll against Senator Fraser Anning backfires, big time.
I don’t think they were expecting that! The official Facebook page of 9 News Gold Coast created a poll today, asking their followers if they want Senator Fraser Anning “ousted from parliament.” “Senator Fraser Anning has charged taxpayers for travel to-and-from three far-right protests,” the Facebook post reads. “Do you want to see Fraser Anning ousted from parliament?” In the first four hours the poll gathered more than 47k responses, with over 38k participants voting NO. That’s over 80% of the voters. “I wonder if Channel 9 will report this tonight?” Senator Fraser Anning said on Twitter. “At the time of writing,…
WATCH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, being morally right is more important than being factually correct.
OKAY, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an easy target. And she’s had a lot of cringe-worthy moments. But could this one take the cake? During a recent interview on 60 Minutes, Anderson Cooper highlighted the fact that the Washington Post had criticized Ocasio-Cortez for misstating statics about Pentagon spending. Ocasio-Cortez responded: “If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees. “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” she added. WATCH: OH MY GOD. ?THIS…
This is how you say “abortion” in sign language and it’s heartbreaking
Pro-abortionists have spent a great deal of time and energy ensuring the language used when referencing abortion veils the real horrors of the practice. Euphemisms are employed to dehumanize the unborn and to make the procedure seem more like a health issue than the killing of a human life. The pro-choice movement presents itself as a champion of women’s rights, while any opposition is dismissed as anti-women, backward, and oppressive. We who value life need to make sure we’re not adopting the doublespeak and euphemistic language of those who want to redefine human life and what constitutes as murder in…
The double-standards of liberals
Context and explanation meant absolutely nothing to the outraged leftist media complex collaborating with self-interested politicians when accusing Senator Fraser Anning of Nazi levels of racism for saying the words “final solution”. Senator Anning declared, “In the days of Menzies, immigrants arriving here were not allowed to apply for welfare and that attracted exactly the right sort of hard-working people this country needed. We should go back to that and ban all immigrants receiving welfare for the first five years after they arrive. The final solution to the immigration problem is, of course, a popular vote.” Turnbull called the reference…
WATCH: Muslim immigrants shout “Allahu Akhbar” as they destroy German train station: “It’s the beginning of civil war!”
More disturbing scenes out of Germany as Muslim immigrants harass commuters and destroy property to celebrate the new year. “I’m afraid we’re slowly becoming the minority,” a German bystanders said as they filmed immigrants allegedly destroying a train station. “You know what else they were screaming? Allahu Akbah,” one of the female bystanders said. “I only heard, ‘Nazi slut,’ the camera man responded. “No, no. Outside they were screaming Allahu Akbah,” the woman responded. “While they were throwing firecrackers on cars, they screamed Allahu Akbah… It feels like I’m in a war scene here.” WATCH: Media Blackout! "It's the Beginning…
New Year’s with CNN: Hosts take tequila shots and champagne bongs, while guest says her New Year’s resolution is to “make sure the Republican Party dies”
Last year CNN welcomed the new year with reporter Randi Kaye holding a lit marijuana joint. This year Kaye promoted champagne bongs, while anchor Anderson Cooper and co-host Andy Cohen took tequila shots at the top of every hour. During a “New Year’s Resolutions” segment, CNN guest and actress Jane Curtin said her new year’s resolution is to “make sure that the Republican Party dies.” Keep it classy, CNN. WATCH: The Anderson Cooper shot montage you didn't know you needed #CNNNYE — Amber Athey (@amber_athey) January 1, 2019 CNN's Randi Kaye promotes using a champagne bong on live air…
CNN says: President Donald Trump’s use of “witch hunt” is offensive to witches
CNN has shared a segment on why President Donald Trump’s use of the phrase “witch hunt” is offensive to witches. The phrase “scraping the bottom of the barrel” was invented for instances such as these… That and “fake news.” WATCH: CNN runs a segment on how Trump's use of "witch hunt" offends witches — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 30, 2018
Compelled speech: School fires Christian teacher who refused to refer to female student as ‘he/him’
A school in Virginia has fired a Christian high school teacher for failing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronoun. French language teacher Peter Vlaming worked at West Point High School for seven years before the school board voted 5-0 in favor of his termination. Vlaming told WWBT, “I’m totally happy to use the new name. I’m happy to avoid female pronouns not to offend because I’m not here to provoke… but I can’t refer to a female as a male, and a male as a female in good conscience and faith.” According to the school, Vlaming’s personal stance violated…
WATCH: Vietnamese shopkeepers fight off African gang in Melbourne
Remember when you were a child and your parents would let you run to the local store, take your dog for a walk, or ride your bike around the streets with your friends? Would you let your children do the same now? Another violent brawl involving a gang of African men has been filmed by terrified onlookers in Melbourne. The incident, which took place on Christmas Eve, allegedly began when the gang asked a group of Vietnamese men for cigarettes. When the men refused to hand over the cigarettes, they were violently attacked. WATCH: African Gang Attacks Vietnamese Food Patrons.(St…
More Australian Muslims are travelling to Iraq and Syria to fight with the Islamic State.
Australian Federal Police have issued 27 arrest warrants for terror suspects fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Since 2012, 230 Muslims from Australia have traveled overseas to fight for Islamic terrorist groups. Almost 100 of those were killed while fighting for the Islamic State. So, what sort of treasonous act does somebody have to commit to have their passport canceled and be stripped of their Australian citizenship? WATCH: New figures have revealed more Australians are travelling overseas to fight with Islamic State than ever before. #9Today — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) December 23, 2018
WATCH: Muslims debate a man’s “Quranic right” to beat and humiliate his wife, tells victim of abuse: “You share responsibility. You drove him to beat you.”
Egyptian television has aired a heated debate on a Muslim man’s right to humiliate his wife by beating her. When asked if it was normal for a man to beat his wife, a woman in a full-face covering explained: “If we look at it from the standpoint of the sharia, it does not say that he should beat her. It says that there are several steps he must take before he can beat her… “The purpose of the beating is not to inflict pain, but to humiliate the wife,” the woman added. “You must admit that beating my wife is…
WATCH: Sorry Barbie, there’s a new push to turn Ken gay, Mattel confirms talks.
Poor Barbie has copped it over the recent years, from her “unrealistic body image” to her “sexualised and overly feminine” features. She’s too skinny, too white, too fake, too blonde, too ditsy, and now, after 57-years, it seems her relationship with Ken is too heteronormative. Same sex couple Matt Jacobi and Nick Caprio said they had difficulty finding a same sex wedding set to give to their niece for her 8th birthday, so they created a custom wedding set. Jacobi and Caprio then wrote to Mattel saying, “What a bummer you don’t make one with two grooms… I hope our…
WATCH: Leftists are now singing Christmas carols about Global Warming: “Silent Night, Smoky Night”
Talk about the Grinch that stole Christmas! These leftists are changing the lyrics to popular Christmas carols in order to rail against coal energy. The updated lyrics include: “Away in the Arctic, the glaciers melt. The ice turns to water. The warming is felt.” WATCH: .@chriskkenny says the 'green-left is trying to steal Christmas' after the @arrcc1 changed Christmas carol lyrics to ‘rail against coal energy’. 'Don't turn our Christmas into a green-left political campaign.' MORE: #kennyonsunday — Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) December 16, 2018
Muslim Congresswoman mocks Mike Pence’s Christian faith.
Incoming Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar tweeted a photo of Mike Pence on Tuesday, along with a caption mocking his Christian faith. The image showed the Vice President with his eyes closed. Along with the photo, Omar tweeted, “Jesus take the wheel! #BorderWall” Now, obviously individuals should be free to mock others, especially their ideologies and religions. But I can’t help but wonder what the response would be if the roles were reversed. Just imagine Mike Pence poked fun at Ilhan Omar with a snide reference to Mohammed. There would be blood! Jesus take the wheel! #BorderWall — Ilhan Omar…
California wants a tax on text messaging, charges may be applied to messages sent up to five years ago.
“Tax his food, tax his drink. Tax him if he tries to think. Tax his sodas, tax his beers. If he cries, tax his tears.” Is there a poem that better sums up the state of California right now? State regulators want to introduce a tax on text messages in an effort to fund programs that make mobile phones services available for low income earners. According to Fox News, “charges may also be applied retroactively to messages sent in the past five years.” WATCH: California wants to tax text messages now, to fund free phones for illegals- uh, sorry –…
What if Mary gave birth to Jesus in, politically correct, abortion-obsessed, the-future-is-female, 2018?
Here’s how a committee meeting between Herod and his advisers might sound, if such a meeting were to take place in a Western context today. “This baby! This Jesus, his mother and father, is a threat to us! Committee members, you are asked to agree with Herod’s call for the genocide of all new born male Hebrew children. For by this child’s very existence, all the power structures that surround him stand unprotected. This so-called, “Prince of peace”, is a threat to safe spaces, our glorious goal of perpetual revolution and the power of its leaders.” “This child’s birth is…
At least four dead and 11 injured as terrorist opens fire at a Christmas market.
A gunman is on the run after shooting dead four people and injuring 11 others near a Christmas market in Strasbourg, France. French police say the suspect is known to police and was on a terror watch list. According to CNN, the suspect, a 29-year-old man born in Strasbourg, was injured when police exchanged gunfire, however he managed to escape. Siegfried Muresan, European Parliament member said the entire area was in lockdown. UPDATE: Two people are now dead and eleven have been injured in a shooting in Strasbourg, France. #9Today — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) December 11, 2018 UPDATE:…
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