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A number of videos are circulating on social media showing a heavily armed “Black Militia” swarming Stone Mountain Park in Georgia. As many as 200 African-Americans in military-style uniforms rallied on Independence Day, claiming to be part of a group known as the NFAC, an acronym for “Not F**king Around Coalition.” Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! According to the group’s founder, who goes by the title Grand Master Jay, the militia is made up of “very disciplined,” ex-military who do not want to talk or negotiate. “The solution is very simple,” Grand Master Jay said in a video uploaded to…

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The state of California has placed a temporary ban on singing and chanting in churches in and effort to curb the spread of coronavirus. California’s Department of Public Health announced the ban on Wednesday, warning that singing increased the likelihood of transmission through “contaminated exhaled droplets.” “Activities such as singing and chanting negate the risk reduction achieved through six feed of physical distancing,” the guidelines state. “Places of worship must therefore discontinue singing and chanting activities and limit indoor attendance to 25% of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower.” The Sacramento Bee reports: “Health agencies…

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At a time when insanity seemingly reigns supreme, it would be wise for us all to back sensible public voices. Especially when the consequences of dissenting from the accepted narrative can pose a serious threat to the livelihood, and sometimes even the life, of those taking a stand for truth. African-American actor Terry Crews has doubled-down on his “common” sense approach to the Black Lives Matter movement, after receiving backlash for warning against black supremacy. On Saturday, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine star tweeted: “Are all white people bad? No. Are all black people good? No. Knowing this reality- I stand on…

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A white husband and his pregnant wife have been charged with assault after a confrontation with a black woman and her daughters went viral on social media. According to The Gateway Pundit, Jillian and Eric Wuestenberg were leaving a Chipotle restaurant on Wednesday when the pregnant woman allegedly bumped into the black woman’s 15-year-old daughter. The mother of the girl accused Jillian of racism and demanded an immediate apology from the woman for “violating” her daughter. The video begins with Jillian attempting to deescalate the situation, however, the mother and her daughters continue to berate and intimidate the couple, calling…

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Police in the UK have launched a probe after “unacceptable” posters with the phrase “It’s Okay To Be White” were spotted at a shopping centre in Nailsea, Somerset. According to BBC News, Shane Jones, a local, was left “shocked” and “disgusted” when he discovered the five posters stuck to the centre’s glass door entrance on Cleveland Walk early Sunday morning. Jones said the posters “must have been up for quite a while” which made it even “more shocking.” Avon and Somerset Police Superintendent Andy Bennett described the posters as “inexplicable and unacceptable,” saying the force takes “any reported hate crime…

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A Black Lives Matter supporter who posted a video to social media threatening to stab the next person to say “All Lives Matter” has been fired from her job. Claira Janover, a recent Harvard University graduate, posted the short video to TikTok which quickly began to circulate across multiple social media platforms. “The next person who has the sheer nerve, the sheer entitled caucasity to say ‘all lives matter,’ I’ma stab you,” Janover said in the video. The word ‘caucasity’ is a reference to the “audacity of white people.” “I’ma stab you,” she went on to say, “and while you’re…

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The vice president of Michigan State University has been forced to resign after citing a study that found police are not more likely to shoot African-Americans. According to The College Fix, Professor Stephen Hsu stepped down from his role following pressure from MSU President Samuel Stanley, along with the Graduate Employees Union who launched a campaign to oust him from his position. The union also accused Hsu of “scientific racism” after he shared content on the genetic differences between ethnic groups. Online petitions were set up and circulated to oust the professor, attracting more than 800 signatures. “I believe this…

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Last week Ben Packham wrote in The Australian that ‘China scored a victory in its campaign to prioritize its national interests over human rights, securing support for a UN resolution that would make individual rights a matter for “mutually beneficial co-operation.” [i] In other words, individual rights are solely contingent on an individual’s total subservience to and acquiescence with the Marxist/Maoist state. The individual must bow to the deified state in toto – mind, body, soul and strength. This is the Chinese Communist Party’s theocratic claim of possession over individuals, which is, outside good governance genuinely lived out under God,…

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Terry Crews has just committed the unforgivable sin by not giving unquestionable allegiance to #BlackLivesMatter.  Crews, the well-known African-American actor of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, who describes himself as a “Lover to my wife, father to my children, friend to my friends, and servant to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ”, posted on Twitter the following social justice blasphemy: The back lash—or maybe that should be, ‘black-lash’? —against Crews has been immense, with many people already calling for him to be “cancelled”. But just notice what Crews does and does not say. He begins by saying that regardless of one’s race, creed…

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Stefan Molyneux has had 14-years of work deleted after YouTube decided to ban the Canada-based philosopher from the video-sharing platform. Molyneux’s YouTube channel contained thousands of videos, attracted over 250-million views, and had close to 1-million subscribers before it was completely removed for allegedly inciting violence and hatred. Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! In Molyneux’s words, “YouTube just suspended the largest philosophy conversation the world has ever known.” In a video posted to Twitter, the Free Domain host said: “The accusation is the usual one, that I’m fomenting violence and hatred, and so on – which is not true at…

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A whistle-blower from a company employed by Facebook to manage content on the site has released undercover footage documenting the deliberate censorship of conservatives on the platform. In a video released last week by Project Veritas, former Cognizant employee Zach McElroy admitted that 75-to-80 percent of posts selected by Facebook’s algorithm for moderator review support President Donald Trump, Republicans and Conservative causes. Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! The damning footage captured Facebook content moderators bragging about deleting pro-Trump and pro-conservative content while being protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This means that Facebook are not meant to…

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SATIRE: HOLLYWOOD animators were thrown into chaos last week when white actors said they would no longer voice coloured characters. Actors providing voiceovers for black characters from cartoons such as Family Guy and Central Park quit their roles in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! White actor Seymore Virtue, who voices a popular black cartoon character, told reporters: “Black Lives Matter and that includes black cartoon lives. “I love playing the role, but unless animators use different coloured pencils, I cannot continue to be his voice.” White actress Mia Snowflake said she had been…

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Are we truly listening to the voice of ALL African Americans? Or are we only hearing from those who’ve been pre-approved to speak on behalf of our would-be Marxist overlords? In the case of the latter, our African American brothers and sisters are seen as a possession, powerless and inferior; an instrument for Cultural Marxists to plough through Western Civilisation, further establishing the false promise of a Utopia, via hidden power brokers within the Western Marxist hegemony. Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! Are we truly listening? Or is it, that the only black lives who matter, are those who can…

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A Georgia police officer has been fired for a “racist” Facebook post calling for the hanging of five black people who brutally tortured and murdered an 83-year-old grandmother. Robert “Skipper” Dunn shared a Facebook post on June 15, which included the mugshots of the five individuals responsible for the 2016 torture and death of Dorothy “Dot” Dow, along with the comment, “I think a hanging is in order.” Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! On August 4, 2016, the individuals broke into Mrs Dow’s Georgia home before beating her, breaking her fingers and arms, and cutting her face.…

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‘Defund the Police’ protesters have asked for a police presence at their scheduled event. In a 30-second video posted to social media, Officer Sam Lopez explains: “So, I come in this morning and we’re informed there’s going to be a protest to ‘Defund the Police.’ Well, that’s fine. I like protests. “Except for – they requested a police presence, you know, for their safety at the ‘Defund the Police’ event. I sh** you not.” WATCH: O the Irony! #BackTheBlue pic.twitter.com/CVlYKAO41u — Karli Q ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@KarluskaP) June 26, 2020

Over the last month, global protests have been drawing attention to the unjust treatment of minority communities. As an organisation and as a slogan Black Lives Matter has captured the world’s attention. In America particularly, police departments are facing serious scrutiny in an effort to root out racial bias and corruption. The Minneapolis Police—whose officers were responsible for George Floyd’s unjust death—is even being disbanded. Many have suggested an unbroken link between systemic injustice today and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade to which most black Americans trace their roots. But for all the talk about a slavery that was outlawed 150 years ago,…

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A man who was shot five times in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone last week has said he wants to sue the Seattle Police Department for not responding fast enough to the incident. In a video posted to social media from his hospital bed, the man asks for financial support to fund his legal case against the department for not properly policing the self-declared no-cop autonomous zone known as CHAZ. “I was shot in Seattle at CHAZ on Friday,” the man said. “The cops left me out there to die. I need help with some money and legal or media…

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NESTLE yesterday took the unprecedented step of complaining that its own product was racist, after seeing the publicity other companies got when accused of racism. Company spokeswoman, Candy Crush, told reporters she was “deeply sorry” no-one had been offended by their raspberry-flavoured Redskin confectionery. “Because Redskins are only sold in Australia and New Zealand there has been no outrage from American Indians at all,” she said. “And for that, we are deeply sorry.” It is believed anger about the iconic lolly’s name began last week – not among American Indians, who had never heard of the chewy sweet, but among…

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The late Christopher Lee (Dracula, LOTR and Star Wars) once responded to media reports claiming he was heavily involved in the occult, “I have maybe four of five books. I’ve met people who claimed to be Satanists; who claimed to be involved with black magic; who claimed that they not only knew a lot about it, but I certainly haven’t been involved in it – I warn all of you never, never, never. You will not only lose your mind, you’ll lose your soul. I don’t have a big library. No, No. Look the internet, and the media, if they…

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Race-baiter Shaun King has urged his more than 1 million followers to “tear down” church statues, murals, and stained-glass imagery that depicts Jesus as white. “Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King tweeted on Monday. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been. In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark. “Tear them down,” he added. Yes. All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends…

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