Australian Prime Minister Vows to Fight Covid Conspiracies: “Government’s Task To Counter Misinformation”
It’s natural for people to want to make sense of the world. Especially during chaotic times. But when the government begins fighting for a particular narrative by silencing or threatening alternatives, they’ll soon find public suspicions at an all-time high.
Australian MP Takes Bold Stand for Freedom: “End This Madness”
“What we should never accept is the systematic removal of our freedoms based on zero-risk health advice from a bunch of unelected medical bureaucrats. Open society back up! Restore our freedoms! End this madness!”
NSW Premier Urges Employers to “Pressure” Unvaccinated Staff Into Getting the Jab: “No Jab, No Work”
Who needs “informed consent” when you can simply threaten people’s livelihoods?
Medical Doctor Warns Of Vaccine Push Leading to Human Rights Violation
Once we deprive people of their right to say “no” to an intervention upon their body, the moral and legal precedent is set, and the door is opened to further abuses of human rights.
“No Jab, No Job”: Is Bureaucratic Rule By Decree Superseding Constitutional Guarantees?
The current government must know that it is political suicide to kill fundamental freedoms, through an iron-fisted – consequences be damned – mandatory COVID-19 vaccination of everyone who didn’t need it, or want it.
PM Announces Proof of Vaccination Certificates, Kelly Says: “War Has Been Declared”
“A ‘vaccine certificate’ is just another name for a vaccine passport,” Independent MP Craig Kelly said.
Pauline Hanson on Vaccine Passports: “Don’t Accept This Dictatorship”
“Please don’t sit back and accept this dictatorship, because that’s what it is. We have rights and under the Constitution, they have no right to stop any person being able to move across borders freely,” Pauline Hanson said.
Thousands Join March for Life Queensland in a Stand for Good Government Against Lethal Legislation
On this firm basis, good government should push to emphasise curing disease, not killing people. Good government should seek to ease their suffering, not erase their humanity, nor the humanity of genuine healthcare providers.
Craig Kelly Introduces Bill to Ban Vaccine Passports: “We Fought Against This Kind of Thing”
Any policy or program that says “the vaccine isn’t mandatory, but it is”; “Get the COVID-19 vaccine or get in the dole cue” is totalitarianism. It’s not the messiah, it’s a great Australian nightmare.
Kelly’s Heroes: Veterans Win As Prime Minister Calls for Royal Commission Into Veteran Suicides
The strength of its symbolism says to veterans and our future Defence force personnel that we’re willing to fight for those, who go into battle to fight for us.
Over 56k Australians Sign Petition Opposing Vaccine Passports
Federal MP George Christensen voiced his support for the petition on social media, warning that digital vaccine passports may be used to deny service and employment to Australians because of their private and personal medical decisions.
Questioning Lockdowns BECAUSE of the Science
Behind every number is a person, a real person, being affected in real ways.
Australian Government Considers Implementing COVID Vaccination Passports
Yesterday’s conspiracy theories are today’s news headlines.
Federal MP George Christensen’s “No” to Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations Is a Win for Civil Liberties
The implementation of authoritarian rule starts with laws demanding proof of an oath, party membership, “approved” melanin, or “approved” ethnicity.
Zimmermann: PM’s Reckless Apology Puts Australians at Risk
A prominent Chinese official shared a fake image of an Australian Digger threatening to slit the throat of an Afghan child.
The CCP Attack on the ADF Is a Byproduct of Appeasement and Soft Diplomacy
Australians have united in bipartisan condemnation of CCP propaganda after one of its “wolf warrior” diplomats posted anti-Australian propaganda to China’s Foreign Ministry Twitter account.
The SAS Inquiry Applauded by Radical Leftist Jihadists Burns the 99% for the Sins of a Few
Andrew Hastie, 38-year-old SAS officer turned member of parliament, has weighed in on the alleged findings of the Brereton inquiry into the alleged killing of innocent civilians by the Australian SAS in Afghanistan.
World Leaders Congratulate Joe Biden, Mexico’s President Says Not Until All Legal Proceedings Are Concluded
As world leaders congratulate former vice president Joe Biden for ‘winning’ the 2020 U.S. election, Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said he will not congratulate a winner until all legal proceedings are concluded.
‘Artist’ Who Planned on Livestreaming Self-Insemination Loses Taxpayer Funding, Says the Decision Is ‘Weird and Doesn’t Make Any Sense’
Australia Council for the Arts has rescinded public funding for Melbourne Artist, Casey Jenkins after it was revealed that Jenkins planned to use the funding for a ‘performance art project where she would inseminate (impregnate) herself with donated semen live on social media.’
Hillsong Staffer’s Trump-Hating Twitter Gaffe: “Mute the Bully!”
Criticisms of the “gaffe” were met with a similar amount of fiery criticism for the apology.