Mark Latham: ‘No Australian should be fearful of proclaiming four of the most glorious words of our civilisation: I Am A Christian.’
On May 8, 2019, One Nation MP Mark Latham delivered his maiden speech to the New South Wales Parliament. Alan Jones called it the most outstanding political speech he had ever read. “It should be printed in every newspaper in the country,” Jones said. “It should be read by every school child, better still, read by every university lecturer who preaches left-wing, politically correct rubbish.” During the speech, Latham threw his support behind rugby star Israel Folau, saying he will use his time in NSW Parliament to push for the protection of religious freedom. “No Australian should live in fear…
Canadian MP slams Western attitudes towards Christian persecution: “This is shameful!”
This week, Canadian, M.P. and Conservative, Candice Bergen (not to be confused with the American actress of the same name), took the opportunity to make a public statement on behalf of Christians. In direct contrast to the vicious ambiguity employed by leading Democrats in the United States, who referred to the victims of the Easter Sunday suicide bombings in Sri Lanka, as “Easter Worshippers”, Bergen spoke plainly. The Canadian Conservative M.P. acknowledged that the perpetrators of the attacks were Islamic extremists who had deliberately targeted the Christian community in Sri Lanka. Addressing the Canadian parliament, Bergen urged the West to…
Calling Christians “Easter worshippers” doesn’t just insult the victims of the Islamist attack in Sri Lanka, it rubs salt into a wound felt round the world.
The tally of the Sri Lankan bombings on Resurrection Sunday now stands at 290 people with around 500 more wounded (many of that number include Sri Lankan Christians). CNN reported that ‘two suicide bombers perpetrated the attacks hitting three churches and four luxury hotels.’ The Wall Street Journal noted official statements from the Sri Lankan government, who said that the attacks were perpetrated by an Islamist group known as National Thoweeth Jamath. Apart from some formal condemnations from countries such as Indonesia, the Muslim world remains largely silent. While there are live updates from news organizations, including CNN, there’s no…
How to uproot the Christian church, a masterclass from Louis XIV
By 1685 Louis XIV had from the age of four been the King of France for 42 years, and he still had another thirty years to reign. From birth his mind and heart had been thoroughly trained to believe that God had anointed him to be France’s absolute ruler. His Huguenot subjects, the French Protestants who refused to submit to his Roman Catholic beliefs and practices, offended him. They stood outside of his thought-world. They stood against the beliefs that he cherished as true. Ultimately, he sensed that they stood outside of his control. The Huguenots offended the abysmal totalitarian…
Not everyone in Hollywood is a flake: Frank Capra’s factivism.
After being summoned by General George C Marshall on February the 11th, 1942, Hollywood directer, Frank Capra, famous for ‘It’s a wonderful life’, and ‘You can’t take it with you’, walked into the Pentagon. Before Capra had received the invitation, he had been in the process of reviewing an offer of a partnership which, in his own words ‘would have made him part owner of “United Artists”. Easily placing him in the multi-millionaire class’[note]Capra, F. 1971 The Name Above the Title Da Capo Press p.314[/note] and potentially exempting him from War time service. After wrestling with the decision Capra concluded: Why trade fame,…
Labor candidate posing with speedo-clad men says, ‘marriage equality’ is not enough: ‘We’ve got more things to win.’
While Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek are busy trying to win the fictitious war of the gender wage gap, Labor candidate for Wentworth Tim Murray has said the Labor Party will install a full-time commissioner to deal with LGBTI discrimination complaints. “We may have won marriage equality but we’ve got more things to win,” Murray said on Facebook. “In our Human Rights Commission, we need a full-time commissioner to look after LGBTI discrimination. The Labor Party will deliver that to you. The Liberal Party will not.” “We need to restore the funding to AIDS,” Murray added. “$53 million has been…
WATCH: Children in government schools to be taught Satanism.
A U.S. court ruling on religious freedom has enabled devil worshipers in Florida to hand out educational resources about Satanism to children in government schools. This is where the myth of the neutral worldview comes undone. The RT reports: “This expanding wealth of information for America’s young minds was made possible after a Florida judge last month ruled that if the Orange County school district allowed Christian groups to disseminate Bibles and other materials in its schools then other religious and atheist groups should be given the same right to distribute their material.” WATCH:
Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Defender of the Faith?
With the rise of Islam, and the anti-Christian left, is it now possible that we have a resolute Christian as PM who is committed to the faith more than in name only; do we finally have a man who will defend the Faith? Last year, in an interview with Fairfax Media, Scott Morrison vowed to personally defend Christianity saying, he will not allow religious freedoms to be eroded in Australia. The then Treasurer said, “It all starts when you allow religious freedom [to be eroded], mockery to be made of your faith or your religious festivals – it always starts innocently and it’s…
Justices of the Peace to be suspended or fired if they refuse to witness for same-sex marriages
The NSW Justices Association received instruction from the NSW Department of Justice, earlier this week, warning Justices of the Peace could be suspended or fired if they refuse to witness for same-sex marriages. The notice goes on to state, refusal to witness, even on religious grounds, “would amount to unlawful discrimination under anti-discrimination legislation.” Refusing to witness a Commonwealth Notice of Intention to Marry on the basis that the two signatories on the form are of the same sex even if that refusal was on religious grounds, would amount to unlawful discrimination under anti-discrimination legislation… Accordingly, JPs appointed in NSW…
YES Campaign wants to force Christian schools to hire LGBTQI teachers
Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull once assured us, the Same-Sex Marriage bill would not “impose any restrictions on religious freedoms at all. Australians practice their religions with freedom, as we always have done and always will…” He then went on to say the bill itself made “no change to anti-discrimination laws.” This was the standard rhetoric we heard during the Same-Sex Marriage survey. “What’s it got to do with you?” YES voters asked. “If you don’t agree with gay marriage, don’t have one.” The idea was that, if same-sex marriage were to become legal, it would have zero impact on those…
YES advocate says: NO voters were right. It was about more than marriage
Paul Murray from Sky News, a proponent of Same-Sex Marriage, has recently conceded, “Cory Bernardi and others were right.” During his show, Paul Murray Live, Murray stated: I believed that the YES vote was the right case and I believed it for a long time… But Cory Bernardi and others were right. It wasn’t just about a vote about marriage. In fact, it would be about rolling back the way the system currently works for religious organisations to decide whether or not they can hire people based on their sexuality, whether they can decide to marry people based on their…
Same-Sex Marriage: After the plebiscite and the legislation
The results of the same-sex plebiscite were announced on 15 November 2017, and a few weeks later Australia became the 26th nation in the world to legislate for same-sex marriage. The Prime Minister was beside himself, as he punched the air, like an Aussie batsman who had just scored a century against the old foe, England. ‘Australia has done it,’ he proclaimed, ‘What a day for love, for equality, for respect.’ Step aside Neville Chamberlain who was overjoyed at guaranteeing peace in our time in 1938. Here is Malcolm Turnbull in 2017: ‘This belongs to us all. This is Australia…
Dastardly Dastyari
When Herschelle Gibbs dropped Steve Waugh in the 1999 Cricket World Cup one of the most misquoted quotes was born. It’s commonly understood that Waugh said, ‘How does it feel to have just dropped the World Cup?’ But, according to the man himself, the truth is it was more like, ‘That’s going to cost your team today, Hersch’. Regardless of what particular version you go with, surely, this time, Dasher has done his dash – at least with the Australian voting public. As David Flint has recently argued in his excellent article, “He would be disqualified under section 44 of…
In Defence of The Turbulent Priest
“Calvin is an uncommon warrior for truth, in stark contrast to the majority priests and pastors these days who have abandoned the Bible and spat in God’s face.”
Multiculturalism: Diluting Western Culture Hurts Everyone
“While politicians may feign virtue by promoting diversity in harmony, they ultimately refuse to acknowledge what many have recognized for decades: Western civilization, rooted in the Christian religion, has been one of the greatest forces for good in history.”
Trump Signs Executive Order to End “Anti-Christian Weaponization” of Government
“President Trump accused the Biden Administration of engaging in an “egregious pattern of targeting peaceful Christians, while ignoring violent, anti-Christian offenses.”
Can You Legislate Your Way to Social Harmony?
“Unless our politicians can recognise the necessary role of Christianity in promoting social harmony, they can do nothing but threaten to arrest their way out of favour with everyone – stomping on basic freedoms just to maintain some facade of civil order.”
Scruton on National Identity: Why the Nation-State Still Matters
“Anybody who understands what is at stake in the global conflict that is developing today will, I believe, come to see that the nation is one of the things that we must keep.”
Zuckerberg Announces Return to Free Speech on Facebook: “Too Many Mistakes and Too Much Censorship”
“We’re going to get rid of fact-checkers and replace them with community notes similar to X…”
Trump Picks Critic of COVID Mandates to Lead NIH
“Bhattacharya is widely known for his criticisms of draconian government responses to COVID-19 and is co-author of The Great Barrington Declaration.”
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