LGBTQ Ideology Now Compulsory In UK Schools
LGBTQ ideology will become compulsory in UK schools from this month as new regulations come into force. Primary and secondary schools have until Summer to adopt the new regulations for teaching relationships and sex education. Under the guidance, all secondary schools will be required to teach students about homosexual orientation and transgenderism. Primary school students will be required to learn about LGBT families in order to teach children that it’s normal to have two homosexual or transgendered parents. LGBT charity Stonewall said the new legal requirement to advocate LGBT-relationships in schools has almost flipped the 1988 law on its head…
Former LGBTQ+ Activist Speaks Out In Defence of Gay Conversion Therapy
Some of Australia’s regional politicians would have us believe that they truly care for children and the vulnerable. Within a matter of days, two regional governments – Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory – have passed laws to criminalise so-called gay conversion therapy.
Anti-Conversion Laws Seek To Outlaw Anyone Leaving the LGBTQ Lifestyle
With how irrelevant anti-conversion therapy laws are, the implication is that the LGBTQAAI+ religion is seeking to outlaw anyone from leaving the LGBT lifestyle.
“LGBT Conversion Therapy” Laws Gaining Traction, Could Potentially Turn Parents, Pastors Into Criminals
Last week, Queensland became the first state in the country to ban “conversion therapy,” however, its supporters are already saying the legislation doesn’t go far enough.
Bank Terminates Account for Christian Charity After Pressure from LGBTQ Activists
Andrea Williams CEO of Christian Concern warned churches will be next.
‘A Gesture of Hate’: Police Investigate After Driver ‘Defaces’ LGBTQ Pride Crossing With A Tire Mark
NOT satire: West Vancouver Police on Tuesday appealed for public assistance to help identify a driver accused of ‘defacing’ a recently installed LGBTQ Pride crossing with a tire mark. Law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday they will be “investigating a mischief to property, after someone defaced the department’s new Pride crosswalk.” According to the statement: “On July 7, 2020 at 4:04pm staff inside the police station heard a loud and sustained tire squealing outside. When officers took a closer look, they discovered that someone had just left tire marks across a portion of the crosswalk, at the intersection of 16th…
People Are Flying Rainbow Flags in Support of the NHS, and the Inclusive LGBTQ Crowd Aren’t Happy
Just how ‘tolerant’ is the homosexual movement? That’s the question many are currently asking since the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) used rainbow flags during COVID-19 to rally people’s morale. Apparently, the furore all started because an older gentleman flew a rainbow flag outside his window in support of the NHS and refused to acknowledge that it meant he was supporting people who are LGBTIQ. All of which led to his homosexual grandson tweeting: My grandad who is a staunch "I've got nothing against them, but I don't want to know about it" has put this up out front and…
Even LGBTQ activists hate Marvel’s new non-binary superheroes ‘Snowflake’ and ‘Safespace’
Marvel Studios has been mocked and criticised since introducing their first non-binary superheroes to their franchise, but it’s not just conservatives and Christians who are taking issue. The new characters, named ‘Snowflake’ and ‘Safespace’ were introduced earlier this month and are part of a planned New Warriors reboot. Daniel Kibblesmith from Marvel said, “Snowflake and Safespace are the twins, and their names are very similar to Screentime [another new character]; it’s the idea that these are terms that get thrown around on the internet they don’t see as derogatory.” “[They] take those words and kind of wear them as badges of…
UN Religion Expert wants Christians to submit to LGBTQ and abortion activists
Ahmed Shaheed, lecturer and volunteer adviser to the U.N., is advocating that religions conform to an eventual universal, “progressive” law. In his latest report for the U.N, the religious freedom advocate provides an argument for a blueprint, which will outlaw any theological critique or practice, unless it has first been approved, or established by LGBTQAAI+ activists, radical feminists and academics who advocate from a Leftist worldview. Steve Warren from CBN news rightly noted that recent ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief’ (available as a Word Document here), makes no distinction between who and what religion…
Parents say school “brainwashed” their 13-year-old daughter into believing she’s transgender, conducted secret LGBT mentoring sessions
Parents of a 13-year-old girl have accused a school in the UK of “brainwashing” their daughter into believing she is transgender. According to the Daily Mail, Ashleigh and Ged Barnett said the head of the LGBT group at Hoe Valley School in Woking, Surrey, conducted weekly one-to-one sessions with their daughter without their consent or knowledge. Mrs Barnett said a teaching assistant at the school had also pointed their daughter to a YouTube channel of trans activists promoting irreversible transgender surgeries and encouraged the youngster to change in the boy’s cubical. “The school didn’t think it was fit to tell…
Mark Latham says LGBTQ “diversity and inclusion” policies “exclude and divide”: Nothing for Christians, heterosexuals, unemployed, and low income people
Mark Latham has slammed the NSW Government’s “diversity and inclusion” staffing policies in the public service, and the new LGBTIQ Network, branding it a policy of “exclusion and division.” NSW Government bureaucrats admitted on Monday that their policy does not reflect a number of groups in the community, despite affirming that a world-class public service ought to “reflect the diversity of the community it serves.” The NSW One Nation leader accused the state government of adopting a “very selective diversity” policy, which excludes Christians, heterosexuals, homeless, public housing tenants, the unemployed and low-income earners. “The CHULIPS are totally left out…
Sydney LGBTQ Pride event scraps lesbian YouTuber for saying it’s not “transphobic” to prefer women without a penis
The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (SGLM) have scrapped an event featuring lesbian YouTuber, Arielle Scarcella, for suggesting it’s not “transphobic” to prefer women without male genitals. Ms Scarcella, who runs an LGBT-centered YouTube channel with over 630,000 subscribers, was scheduled to participate in a panel discussion on February 27 organised by Les-Talk. However, the event was removed after trans-activists created an online petition calling on the organisers to “boycott” Ms Scarcella over her “transphobic” views. In 2018, the 33-year-old YouTuber sparked backlash after creating a video entitled, “Dear Trans Women, Stop Pushing ‘Girl D*ck’ On Lesbians”. In the 5-minute…
Mark Latham slams NSW Government’s LGBTQ-themed logo change: “End this fiasco now”
Mark Latham has called on the New South Wales Government to scrap plans to rebrand the state government logo in the lead up to Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. The official rainbow version of the logo will come into effect tomorrow, in an effort to show the state government’s “support of the LGBTQIA+ community” as well as demonstrate “commitment to inclusivity and diversity within the NSW Public Service.” But the One Nation NSW leader has said the NSW logo is not truly inclusive if it fails to represent the millions of people who do not relate to rainbow symbolism…
Bonds releases Pride range, includes LGBTQ-themed clothing for babies, young children, and dogs
Australian retailer Bonds has released a new Pride range which includes LGBTQ-themed clothing for newborns, young children and even dogs. The underwear brand released the new rainbow range ahead of this year’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and in support of the LGBTQIA+ youth organisation Minus 18. To coincide with the release, Bonds also launched an ‘Out Now’ campaign, celebrating the “coming out stories of queer Australians.” Back in November, Minus 18 issued a “casting call” for “out and proud queer people” who are comfortable being photographed in their underwear. The “casting call” specifically asked for families with a…
Politician who supported LGBTQ ideology in schools caught messaging 16-year-old schoolboy
Scotland’s finance secretary has quit after it was revealed he sent up to 270 private messages to a 16-year-old schoolboy over a period of six months. Derek Mackay resigned from his senior government role last week after the Scottish Sun broke the story, along with a transcript of the entire six months worth of messages, which were sent through Facebook and Instagram. Soon after, Nicola Sturgeon confirmed in an address to MSPs that the 42-year-old had been suspended from the Scottish National Party (SNP) while further investigations were carried out. The transcript shows Mackay inviting the teen to dinner and…
UK rugby team forces Israel Folau to play a match in support of LGBTQ pride, others threaten legal action
After nine months off the field, former Wallaby Israel Folau is set to return to rugby league with a France-based club. The Catalans Dragons have been widely criticised for signing the one-year deal with Folau after the former Australian rugby star was sacked for posting a paraphrased Bible verse on his Instagram account. Catalans chairman Bernard Guasch said his club does not share or condone Folau’s Christian beliefs, but wanted to give Folau a “new opportunity to shine on the pitch.” “We do not believe that those views should be publicly expressed, especially by a high-profile sports person,” Guasch said.…
Man sentenced to 15 years jail for burning LGBTQ pride flag
A man in the US has been sentenced to at least 15 years in jail after burning an LGBTQ pride flag that was stolen from a church building. Adolfo Martinez, a 30-year-old from Ames, Iowa, was sentenced to 15 years on Wednesday after being found guilty of committing a “hate crime”. He was also sentenced to one year for reckless use of fire and 30 days for harassment. Martinez reportedly stole the flag, which was hanging at Ames United Church of Christ, and burned it outside the Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club, a strip club two blocks away from the church.…
LGBTIQAX+ activists want us to see hate and bigotry where nothing but a difference of opinion exists
The headline to an article on “10 daily” claims, “I have to hide my identity around religious people now.” The article itself tells a masterfully woven story about how a homosexual, Arab Australian got into an Uber with a Christian Lebanese driver. The driver assumed his passenger shared culturally-typical opposition to homosexual relationships and undefining marriage. Lebanon is 54% Muslim and 40% Christian so it wasn’t a wildly improbable supposition. It’s hard to assume the 6% of other or no religions would all deviate from that cultural norm. Ignoring the post-modern myth that your sexual feelings and behaviours define your identity assumed…
LGBTQ activists campaigned for ‘diversity’, now they want to make diversity of opinion a crime
LGBTQI+ advocacy group Equality Australia has released a video on social media, essentially warning the public that the Coalition’s ‘Religious Discrimination Bill’ will give people a licence to express a Christian view of sexuality, leaving LGBTQ people vulnerable to diverse ideas. The video, featuring an LGBTQ activist who said he sometimes wonders if he’d “hate-f*ck all the anti-gay MPs in parliament” just to get the “homophobia out of their system,” warns the bill will “take away your rights at work, at school, and in hospitals…” How will the bill accomplish this? According to the video, your “rights” will be taken…
LGBTQ support organisation for TEENS issues ‘casting call’ for LGBTQIA+ people who are ‘comfortable being photographed in their underwear’
An Australian LGBTQ youth support organisation has issued a “casting call” for “out and proud queer people” who are comfortable being photographed in their underwear. A post on the Minus18 Youth’s social media profiles said: “Casting Call: for out an proud queer people… We’re looking for a diverse range of INDIVIDUALS and COUPLES in the LGBTQIA+ community to be part of a truly inclusive national underwear campaign.” Pals! If you've loved the recent @BondsAus ads as much as we have, you might be interested to know they're casting individuals, couples and families for their new campaign! Deets in pic, go…