524 search results for "lgbt"

The University of Technology Sydney has introduced “all gender” bathrooms in an effort to fulfill their commitment to being a university with a “culture of inclusion.” The all gender bathrooms can be found in ten UTS campus buildings, including the university’s main tower building. A statement from UTS reads: “Some people within our community don’t identify with traditional binary genders (male and female). Others don’t feel comfortable using a bathroom designated by gender, sometimes because they’ve had a negative experience using a single-gender bathroom due to their appearance or gender identity. “All gender bathrooms provide a space that can be…

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A former police officer in the UK has had his thoughts “checked” by police claiming to represent the LGBTQ community. Humberside Police tracked Harry Miller to his place of work, after acquiring 30 tweets, including a number of limericks that he had “Liked” from his personal account. According to the officer, Miller had not committed a crime by “Liking” the tweets, but the event was still to be recorded as a “hate incident.” After being subject to a 30-minute police inquiry, Miller was warned to watch his words or risk losing his job, as potential LGBTQ employees would not have…

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Born out of conversations with a friend from the United States, I was given the opportunity to read a compilation of fragments and essays written by Simone Weil called: ‘Oppression and Liberty’. The compilation flows in chronological order and presents some of Weil’s thoughts on anthropology, economics, politics, ideology and war. Simone was a French intellectual. Like Jacques Ellul, whom she presumably never met, Weil worked in the French resistance and was well schooled in Marxism. Among many others in the elite French communist circles of mid 20th Century, she was a contemporary of rebel and excommunicated member, Albert Camus.…

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In 2010 Steve Tourloukis, a Canadian father of two, requested prior notification when his children, aged four and six, were to be taught about homosexuality, LGBTIQ issues and abortion in the classroom. The school denied Toutloukis’ request suggesting it was mandatory that his children be educated, or reeducated, on these issues. What followed was a seven year battle with the public school board, the Elementary Teacher’s Union, and lesbian, Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government. According to Life Site News, “Tourloukis made it clear in his 2012 legal challenge he did not object to his children being taught facts, or to…

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As Western societies lurch from one disastrous fad to another, there have been increased efforts to ban what are called gay conversion therapies. Hollywood has naturally offered its obligatory contribution with the movie Boy Erased, Academia chipped in with a report from La Trobe University – the institution that birthed the Safe Schools Coalition – which joined with the Human Rights Law Centre and Gay & Lesbian Health Victoria to produce research to show that ‘LGBT conversion therapy remains a real problem in Australian religious communities.’ The Victorian government over 2016-2017 banned such therapy, and the Conservative government in the…

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ABC’s Good Morning America recently introduced their audience to Desmond Napoles, an 11 year old child-drag queen also known as, “Desmond is Amazing.” Since it was uploaded, the video, posted on GMA’s official YouTube page, has gathered more than 5-thousand “dislikes” in contrast to just over 200 “likes.” “Everyone involved in this should be put in jail,” the most popular comment under the video reads. “Everyone, please report this video as child abuse,” another individual commented. Earlier this year, HuffPost ran a similar segment featuring the then 10 year old. Professor Jordan Peterson responded to the video saying, “If you don’t…

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Two artists from Phoenix, Arizona are facing 6 months in jail and heavy fines for refusing to create custom artworks promoting same-sex weddings. The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio, are required by Phoenix law to create artwork for same-sex wedding ceremonies because they “cannot discriminate against potential patrons based on sexual orientation.” According to Life Site News, “Not only are the Christian women threatened with jail time and fines should they refuse to create artwork celebrating gay ‘marriage’ because of Phoenix law, they could also be prosecuted for publishing a statement on…

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A UK professor has received a barrage of abuse after suggesting a woman is defined by law as biological, not psychological. Rosa Freedman, Professor of Law, at The University of Reading, posted a series of tweets detailing the backlash. “I found my office door covered in urine,” Professor Freedman said. “People are continuously calling my phone from an anonymous number, and when I answer I am laughed at and told that I am a ‘TERF’ who ‘should be raped and killed.’” “If this is how a University Professor is treated, little wonder that women who work in jobs without protection…

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The host of a U.S. radio show has tried desperately not to insult Islam after a Muslim man called in and said LGBTQ people need to be beheaded. The man went on to claim his Muslim “brothers and sisters” are fighting to have Sharia Law implemented in the United States and any opposition to that goal is “anti-Muslim.” The female host asked the man, “So people should be beheaded for being gay? Come on. This is America.” “You’re anti-Muslims?” the man responded. “I’m not anti-Muslim,” she quickly replied. “You’re anti-Muslim if you’re saying that about my religion,” he said. “No,…

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New Zealand is fast becoming one of the most “progressive” left-wing nations in the world, particularly when it comes to LGBTQI and gender related issues. Their most recent pursuit revolves around the white-bearded, red-suited, plump and jolly old man, who in modern folklore delivers presents to children at Christmas time. That’s right, even a fictional character invented to bring joy to children around the globe has been deemed “offensive” in New Zealand. The Farmers Santa Parade marks the start of the Christmas season and has brought joy to the children of Auckland for eighty four years. For the last five years,…

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The Northern Territory has passed new laws to allow individuals, including children, to legally change their gender without the need for surgery. The changes to the Birth, Deaths and Marriage Act allows people to register their gender as non-binary on their birth certificates, as well as making it easier for transgender people to change their sex without surgery. Parents will also be able to change the sex identity of their children. NT Attorney-General Natasha Fyles said, “Australians voted last year to allow same-sex marriage so there are consequential amendments needed in the NT.” “We are watching our nation going nuts,”…

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Drawing on the work of two American writers, Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff, Paul Kelly wrote recently of ‘the three great lies corroding Western cultures’. In his view, these are: first, that disputes today are a battle between good (defined as the oppressed victims) and evil (defined as the privileged minority); secondly, that people will be made weaker by being challenged so they need to be protected and made safe; and thirdly, that we must always trust our feelings. All that is undeniable, but associated with these great lies is the confusion in our view of the law. In the…

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After being summoned by General George C Marshall on February the 11th, 1942, Hollywood directer, Frank Capra,  famous for ‘It’s a wonderful life’, and ‘You can’t take it with you’, walked into the Pentagon. Before Capra had received the invitation, he had been in the process of reviewing an offer of a partnership which, in his own words ‘would have made him part owner of “United Artists”. Easily placing him in the multi-millionaire class’[note]Capra, F. 1971 The Name Above the Title Da Capo Press p.314[/note] and potentially exempting him from War time service. After wrestling with the decision Capra concluded: Why trade fame,…

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Laura Loomer has been permanently banned from Twitter after she criticised Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. According to Twitter, Loomer was suspended for violating the platforms rules against “hateful conduct.” The offending tweet read: “Isn’t it ironic how the twitter moment used to celebrate ‘women, LGBTQ, and minorities’ is a picture of Ilhan Omar? Ilhan is pro Sharia, Ilhan is pro-FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). Under Sharia, homosexuals are oppressed and killed. Women are abused & forced to wear the hijab. Ilhan is anti-Jewish…” Update: Just spoke with her. Here is the message @LauraLoomer received from Twitter following her permanent suspension pic.twitter.com/v7mynI3HV4…

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Tasmania’s lower house has passed new transgender laws which will require parents to “opt-in” to having their child’s sex recorded on birth certificates. The amendments will also make it easier for teens as young as 16 to change their gender by simply filing a statutory declaration. Anti-discrimination laws were also broadened making it illegal to offend, insult or discriminate against someone on the basis of their “gender expression.” Refusal to use an individuals preferred pronoun will be regarded as “hate speech.” Martyn Iles, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, called it “Unhinged, total madness. We think we are gods.”…

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If Australia’s Prime Minister is serious about fairness, he’ll preserve the right to a conscientious objection to SSM; the right for people to hold the view, and teach their kids that marriage is between a man and a woman; and that those children have a right to equal access to their biological father and mother. As I have hopefully made clear in the written contributions I’ve made to this national debate, I see the issues as a matter of social justice. The “no” vote has been about defending truth, liberty, fraternity, science, and even equality, from unbalanced ideological servitude. The State wants…

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Equality Campaign co-chair and fake theologian Alex Greenwich has accused Christians of misrepresenting the Bible. In an interview on Sky News, the independent New South Wales MP suggested the biblical command to ‘love thy neighbour’ means Christians ought to abandon sexuality defined by Scripture to embrace LGBTQ+ sexuality. “The church ethos, or the ethos of Christianity is to love thy neighbour,” Greenwich said. “There is no where in the Bible, or in church teachings that says you should target gay kids and teachers. There’s no where in a religious ethos that says you should legalise bullying against the LGBTI community.…

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Independent New South Wales MP and Equality Campaign co-chair Alex Greenwich has told the Sydney Anglican church to apologise for their behaviour during the same-sex marriage postal survey. Greenwich accused the church of seeking to disrupt and undermine the inclusiveness of Australian society by insisting on the Christian definition of marriage. According to The Guardian, Greenwich wrote to Michael Stead, the bishop of South Sydney, seeking a formal apology from the Anglican church for their “harmful and damaging conduct.” “It’s deeply troubling that instead of seeking to repair the church’s relationship with the LGBTIQ community, who you knowingly harmed during…

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A Melbourne University has announced a gender initiative for its transgender staff members. Employees of Deakin University will be awarded up to ten days of paid leave while undergoing gender ‘reassignment’ surgery. Chief operating officer Kean Selway said, “The paid leave is backed by a new gender transition policy which provides security and clarity around the process for Deakin staff who are undergoing a gender transition. “Fostering a genuinely inclusive environment affords all our staff and students a sense of belonging and an equal chance of success whether it be through study or work.” The Deakin Gender Transition Procedure,  states: “The…

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Judgement based on raw emotion is the reason for why we have due process and habeas corpus. This system is not without flaws, but erasing due process is equal to denying the right of habeas corpus. If that happens then everyone is bound; subjected to the whim of the mob or the mood of the ruler. Due process is as important as habeas corpus. Habeas corpus being ‘the removal of illegal restraint on individual liberty.’ (Burke)[note]Burke, E. Letter To The Sheriffs of Bristol[/note]  Any removal, or denial of due process, would easily lead to the same thing happening to habeas corpus.…

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