440 search results for "islam"

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has released a message to celebrate the end of the “holy month of Ramadam.” In a video posted on Facebook, Prime Minister May said, Muslims are “playing their part” in making Britain a nation to be proud of. It is an opportunity for all of us here in the UK to reflect on and celebrate the incredible contribution to our national life made by Britain’s three million Muslims. In every corner of the country and every walk of life British Muslims are making a positive contribution to their communities and their country, playing their part…

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Iranian activist and journalist, Masih Alinejad told BBC news, “As a woman, according to Islamic law, I’m not allowed to sing solo. I’m not allowed to show my hair. I’m not allowed to dance. I’m not allowed to be a judge. I’m not allowed to get custody of my child. I need permission from my husband or father to travel.” Ms Alinejad went on to say, “Some people in the West might say that, you know, by talking about compulsory hijab you’re causing Islamophobia. But these are the discriminatory laws causing Islamophobia.” “Our goal in our campaign is to invite…

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The Australian National University in Canberra has dumped plans to introduce a degree on ‘Western civilisation.’ The Ramsey Centre, chaired by former prime minister John Howard, was to offer 40 scholarships in the first two years of the program. According to The Australian, “The backdown follows intervention by the National Tertiary Education Union and the Australian National University Student Association, which had claimed the program would push a ‘racist’ and ‘radically conservative agenda’.” Rowan Dean on The Outsiders explained: “This is the same university that has a Centre for Islamic Studies, a Centre for Indigenous Studies, offers a Bachelor of…

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Last year, before being banned from the U.K., Lauren Southern attended a Women’s March in London to ask protesters a fairly simple question: “Would you rather women’s rights or Islam?” You won’t believe the responses. Watch:

In this disturbing report from CBN News the leader of Sharia for Belgium warns Islam, not democracy, will dominate the world: “Democracy is the opposite of Sharia and Islam.” We believe that Sharia will dominate. Sharia will be implemented worldwide… Sharia is Islam, to be clear. There is no difference between Islam and Sharia, just a name. Democracy is the opposite of Sharia and Islam. We believe that Allah is the legislator. Allah makes the laws. He is the one who tells us what’s allowed and what’s forbidden. Watch:

The ABC has admitted it spent $1,555 a MINUTE to produce Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s pro-Islamic show about Muslim fashion. This comes a week after it was revealed the national broadcaster gave their highest paid employees more than $2.5 million in tax payer funded bonuses. As the Left lament the recent $80 million funding cut, most would agree $80 million was clearly not enough. The waste continues. The ABC spent $1,555 a MINUTE to produce Muslim activist’s show In this year’s budget, the Turnbull government introduced a three-year funding freeze that slashed $84 million from the public broadcaster. It bemoaned the cuts…

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Andrew Bolt has told Richard Dawkins to ‘bugger off,’ after the renowned atheist sent a long list of absurd demands less than 2-hours before his appearance on The Bolt Report. Bolt explains: I invited him, he accepted. All good. Except 2-hours ago – less than – we started to get the first of a very long series of demands, restrictions on what we could actually talk about… ‘Don’t mention Islam specifically,’ Dawkins said. ‘I shall not appear if Islam is mentioned specifically’… Another demand, ‘don’t distinguish between Christianity and Islam’… ‘I shall not do so.’

Earlier this month, Noam Chomsky, world-renowned Leftist academic, spoke at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, as part of this year’s event for the college’s Political Awareness Committee. During the question-and-answer portion of the event, Chomsky was asked if Islamic radicalization was caused by an Islamic set of ideas or rather U.S. foreign policy. After dismissing the notion of attributing a set of “ideas” to any particular religion, Chomsky suggested Christianity, not Islam, should be the religion in question because unlike the Islamic world, there are Christians who want to “destroy the world.” “I mean, Islam is like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism,”…

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Westfield shopping centre is currently hosting a Ramadan workshop for kids. According to the store’s website, children are invited to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, “an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.” Children participating in the celebration will be able to create and decorate their own Islam-themed bookmarks and mobiles. Alongside the workshops will be story time, featuring ‘It’s Ramadan, Curious George’. It was only recently that outspoken atheist, Richard Dawkins warned, “Before we rejoice at the death throes of the relatively benign Christian religion, let’s not forget Hilaire…

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We need to stop pretending all religions are equal. They’re not. Here is yet another case for homeschooling in the United Kingdom. The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) has demanded government action to prevent parents from withdrawing their children from Islamic studies and mosque visits. According to Breitbart, parents are currently allowed to remove their children from some Religious Education lessons if they conflict with their personal beliefs. However, the teachers’ union has called such instances “very rare” and suggested the privilege is being abused by parents “with certain prejudices including Islamophobia…” So often we see governments taking the…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali once said, “The veil deliberately marks women as private and restricted property, nonpersons. The veil sets women apart from men and apart from the world; it restrains them, confines them, grooms them for docility. A mind can be cramped just as a body may be, and a Muslim veil blinkers both your vision and your destiny. It is the mark of a kind of apartheid, not the domination of a race but of a sex.” With that in mind, let us present to you: Hijabistas! Taxpayer funded Islamic propaganda, focusing on Australian Islamic Hijabi fashion, courtesy of…

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Tommy Robinson has shared leaked footage from a UK Islamic school teaching Sharia law. The shocking video shows a teacher informing female students that Muslims must kill gays. This only goes to show, as Ben Shapiro has pointed out, radicalism in the Muslim world is not limited to a tiny minority. It’s closer than we think. If someone makes… a woman like a man, the punishment is kill. Kill them. Throw them from the highest place. We are not going to be like animals, living like animals. Or to be like the people of Lot (homosexuals). We have to take…

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“Islamophobia? Under Islam I was raped, I was put in prison, I was lashed, I was beaten, I was sold into marriage, I was literally broken down into pieces and I had to build myself back up. Do you really think my fear is irrational? I have every single right and reason to fear this ideology.” Aynaz Anni Cyrus Do you remember when Theresa May suggested, Sharia teaching is being “misused and exploited” to discriminate against Muslim women, but insisted that many British people “benefit a great deal” from the strict law system? Let us introduce you to Aynaz Anni…

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Earlier this week, Canadian born journalist, Lauren Southern, was detained by border police as she attempted to enter the UK. Authorities revealed, the 22 year old, was being held under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. According to the National Council for Civil Liberties, Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, “can be exercised without the need for any grounds of suspecting the person has any involvement in terrorism – or any other criminal activity. This means it can be used against anyone a police, immigration or customs officer chooses.” Like, critics of Islam, for instance. In fact, that’s…

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According to The Australian, government officials are in negotiations with a “handful” of ISIS jihadis and their families who wish to return to Australia after the collapse of the Islamic State caliphate. The Department of Justice is also preparing for a possible influx of jihadi families and is set to hold a two-day conference aimed at developing protocols for reintegration. The workshop will be aimed at “bureaucrats from the departments of health, education, corrections and social services, as well as counter-terrorism police.”  This comes a day after The Australian revealed “the wife of an Islamic State terrorist and her three-year-old…

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According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney’s 40th Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras will feature a “new fashion trend among the glitter and the sequins: the rainbow hijab.” The “Pride Scarfs” hijabs are produced by MOGA, a Muslim-owned,  LGBTQI-friendly, fashion label for Islamic headscarves and shawls. Azahn Munas, the creative director of the Melbourne-based company, was quoted as saying, “Our fans range from trendy Muslim ‘hijabsters’ to festivalgoers to drag queens… We really weren’t sure how the religious community would react because we thought a lot of Muslims were intolerant to the gay and lesbian community. But we learnt this is…

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In a previous article, we noted that the goal of multiculturalism is “diversity in harmony,” however that end will not be achieved unless all parties involved share that same goal. Sadly, that’s not the case. While all peoples are equal, all cultures are not, despite the delusions of the cultural relativists. That’s why, as Mark Steyn rightly noted: The interesting thing about multiculturalism is it’s a uni-cultural phenomenon. You can’t be multicultural in Saudi Arabia, it’s impossible. The Pew Research Center found, 88% of Muslims in Egypt; 62% in Pakistan; 86% in Jordan and 51% in Nigeria, believe Muslim apostates…

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German television drama series, Lindenstraße (literally Lime Street), is said to be one of the most successful shows on German TV. The weekly soap is set in a fictional street in an average quarter of Munich and focuses on the lives of normal people. The video clip below is taken from an episode that was aired September 10, 2006, and is simply titled, Islam. In the clip, a woman is seen sitting with a child named Paul explaining something of great importance… Paul, I have to tell you something very important. I have told you about God who lives in heaven and…

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Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains: “After every new Jihadist attack against the West, politicians reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true nature of mainstream Islam. Of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, they constantly reassure us, the overwhelming majority are as law abiding as any members of any other monotheistic faith. Only a tiny fraction engage in terror. And Islam is a religion of peace. Furthermore, we are told, the great majority of Muslims hold moderate views.” But what does “moderate” mean? How moderate are moderate Muslims? According to the Pew Research Center, 88%…

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“More than 380 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith.”

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