439 search results for "islam"

A senior analyst for the International Crisis Group has warned that Sunday’s Islamic terrorist attacks will feed the sentiment that Muslims are a problem and a threat that needs to be dealt with. Speaking to LBC presenter Eddie Mair, academic Alan Keenan said, “this sentiment has been developing over the last five years, cultivated by a radical militant group of Buddhists, including some monks. Keenan went on to warn, “if strong action isn’t taken and the right messages aren’t sent by the government leaders and religious leaders of all groups, there’s a real possibility of further violence.” Speaking on NPO…

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A Christian denomination in Scotland has been blasted after their official magazine published an article describing Islam as a ‘false religion’. According to The Times, the “hugely controversial” piece published by the Christian “sect” also went on to describe the Koran as a “lie from Satan sent into the world to deceive.” The piece, titled ‘Islamisation of the UK: The creeping influence of a false religion’, warned about Islamisation of the West and urged Christians to “pray that the Lord would halt the Islamisation of the UK.” “Across our society but unnoticed by many people, are changes which may seem…

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“it is ‘factually incorrect’ to link the definition of the word ‘Islamophobia’ to racism.”

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Iranian activist and journalist, Masih Alinejad, has slammed Western women for donning Islamic headscarves, calling them a symbol of inequality and discrimination. The women’s rights campaigner also went on to say, portraying the hijab as a cultural symbol is an insult to nations like Iran where women have no choice but to cover their heads. “The female politicians who visit Iran, the tourists, the athletes, the actresses, all of them – when they go to my beautiful country, they say, ‘This is a cultural issue. We wear it out of respect to the culture of Iran.’ Let me be clear…

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What do Islam and the ideological left have in common? The former reviles homosexuality, secularism and amorality. The latter embraces these whilst shunning theocracy and self-determination. It’s an unusual marriage, but one of convenience. Islam needs an enabler to raise its profile in the sympathetic West through the peaceful promotion of its less controversial side, and the left craves for power, hoping the odd marriage with Islam will bolster their voting base. The Christchurch massacre has been an opportunity for both Islam and the left to exploit the moral superiority they both claim over anyone with conservative values. The outrage…

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Over the weekend the ABC’s Q&A asked their Twitter followers if Catholicism had done more harm to Australia than Islam. Attached to the question was an article from The Guardian with the implied answer. The piece, written by Labor’s Kristina Keneally, and published back in February 2017, was titled: “Catholicism has done more harm to Australia than Islam.” At the time, Keneally wrote in defence of the ABC’s Yasmin Abdel-Magied after she was criticised following an appearance on Q&A in which she claimed that Islam was the most feminist religion. Has Catholicism done more harm to Australia than Islam? via…

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The elderly Christian street preacher who was arrested for allegedly ‘disturbing the peace’ with his Christian message has said police took him to an unfamiliar location and left him there without means of getting home. According to Christian Concern, “Our legal team have now spoken to street preacher Olu who was arrested at Southgate tube station on Saturday. After being unnecessarily arrested, he was dropped off in an unfamiliar suburb without enough money to get home.” Metropolitan Police reportedly told Premier that an arrest was made “to prevent a breach of the peace.” “The man was then de-arrested and no…

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An elderly Christian street preacher has been arrested in the U.K. for ‘disturbing the peace’ with his Christian message. The man was preaching outside Southgate tube station in London when two police officers ordered him to leave. “What are you doing here?” the officer asked. “I’m preaching,” the man replied. “You’re preaching,” the officer said. “I’m going to require you to go away or I will arrest you for breach of peace. Plain and simple.” “What breach of peace?” the man asked. “It’s what you’re doing at the moment. You’re causing problems. You’re disturbing peoples’ days. And you’re breaching their…

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Sydney Morning Herald reports: Sonia Kruger vilified Muslim people when she called for Australia to close its borders to those of the Islamic faith during a segment on the Today show, but did not engage in racial vilification because Muslim people living in Australia are not a race, a tribunal has found. In a decision on Friday, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal said Kruger’s “vilifying remarks” in July 2016 “amounted to a stereotypical attack on all Muslims in Australia” and had the capacity to “encourage hatred towards, or serious contempt for, Australian Muslims by ordinary members of the Australian population”. Read…

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Last month Muslim activist Linda Sarsour gave a speech in Sacramento in which she urged Muslims to become political because “Muhammad was a human rights activist,” and Trump a fascist. The self-described “Islamophobe’s worst nightmare” went on to claim that Islam has always been an “anti-racist, feminist, and empowering religion,” and that our modern understanding of human rights are unnecessary because Islam already teaches these things. Sarsour explained: “I go to a lot of mosques or community centers and this is what they say to me. They say: ‘Sister Linda, we know that you’re very political, but in my mosque,…

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In a 2006 article written for the Stanford Journal of International Relations, called “Responding To Genocide In Sudan,”[note]Doane, S.M 2006 Responding to Genocide in Sudan: Barriers to Peace, International Indifference,  and The Need for Tough Diplomacy,  Stanford Journal of International Relations sourced 19th April 2017 from web.stanford.edu[/note] Stephan M. Doane lays out reasoning for a much needed, tougher international stand on the issues plaguing Sudan. The article is dated, but raises, on an academic level, awareness about the plight of many South Sudanese people, who are stuck in a cycle of constant violence. Many of whom are Christians. Doane’s piece is well…

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Australian Federal Police have issued 27 arrest warrants for terror suspects fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Since 2012, 230 Muslims from Australia have traveled overseas to fight for Islamic terrorist groups. Almost 100 of those were killed while fighting for the Islamic State. So, what sort of treasonous act does somebody have to commit to have their passport canceled and be stripped of their Australian citizenship? WATCH: New figures have revealed more Australians are travelling overseas to fight with Islamic State than ever before. #9Today pic.twitter.com/gN7tNR1zEv — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) December 23, 2018

Senator Cory Bernardi, leader of the Australian Conservatives, told Sky News: “There is evidence that multi-member marriages are being funded through Centrelink. “We know that, and they’re saying it’s cheaper to do it like that than to actually address the problem,” Senator Bernardi said. “They have multiple marriages, they have multiple children, and the system is being ripped off. The government knows that. It’s not doing anything about it.” WATCH:

This is near prophetic! A decade ago, Hitchens perfectly predicted how accusations of “Islamophobia” will be used to control the people and let “barbarians take over the city.” “This is very urgent business, ladies and gentlemen,” Hitchens said. “I beseech you, resist it while you still can. And before the right to complain will be taken away from you – which will be the next thing. “You’ll be told you can’t complain because you’re ‘Islamophobic.’ The term is already being introduced into the culture as if it was an accusation of race-hatred… The barbarians never take a city until someone…

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The host of a U.S. radio show has tried desperately not to insult Islam after a Muslim man called in and said LGBTQ people need to be beheaded. The man went on to claim his Muslim “brothers and sisters” are fighting to have Sharia Law implemented in the United States and any opposition to that goal is “anti-Muslim.” The female host asked the man, “So people should be beheaded for being gay? Come on. This is America.” “You’re anti-Muslims?” the man responded. “I’m not anti-Muslim,” she quickly replied. “You’re anti-Muslim if you’re saying that about my religion,” he said. “No,…

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Peter Hitchens has warned, the atheist campaign against God in the West is preparing the way for Islam. In an interview on Conversations with Vicky Warren, Hitchens said, “When they drive Christianity out of Europe, as they’re rapidly succeeding in doing, they will not create an atheist paradise. They will leave a space for Islam.” Hitchens went on to warn that material prosperity, military force and anti-terror laws are not a reliable or sufficient defense against Islamic take-over. With Christianity out of the picture the spread of Islam will be near impossible to resist. “Those people who now campaign for Christianity to be…

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A group of Muslims set up a pro-Islamic stall at the site of last week’s terrorist attack in Melbourne in hopes of “spreading the good news” of the Quran. Avi Yemini from the Australian Liberty Alliance confronted the men and asked if they thought it was appropriate to set up an Islamic stand at the site of the attack. The conversation quickly became heated when the men denied any link between Islam and terrorism, instead pointing the finger at Yemini and the Jewish people, accusing them of being the real terrorists. Police eventually intervened and separated the men. “This is…

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Slovakia is reportedly the last EU member state without a single mosque. With a Muslim community of about 5,000, Islam doesn’t meet the threshold to be granted official state recognition. This means, Muslims in Slovakia are not permitted to have official religious leaders, conduct Islamic marriages, receive financial contributions from the state, teach religion in schools, or build mosques. According to the UK Government, there have been no acts of terrorism carried out in Slovakia in recent history. WATCH:

Malaysian Politician, Mohamed Hanipa bin Maidin, announced in Parliament last month there were no plans to make marital rape a crime in Malaysia. Currently, under section 375A of the Penal Code, Malaysian law does recognise the offence of a “husband causing hurt in order to have sexual intercourse.” The legislation, however, is inadequate, failing to extend to circumstances of coercion, abuse of authority, and intoxication, just to name a few. The punishment for this offense is a maximum of five years, compared to a 20-year maximum for rape. The legislation itself fails to recognise rape as the absence of consent…

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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said it’s just an “excuse” to blame Melbourne’s recent Islamic terrorist attack on mental health issues. In an interview on Studio 10, the Prime Minister said, “This bloke, radicalised here in Australia with extreme Islam, took a knife and cut down a fellow Australian in Bourke Street. I mean, I’m not going to make excuses for that… “He was a terrorist. He was a radical extremist terrorist who took a knife to another Australian because he’d been radicalised in this country. We can’t give him excuses, and we can’t allow others. These other issues…

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