Hungary Condemns the Murder of 70 Christians in Congo as the World Stays Silent
“Hungary is the first, and only country to immediately condemn the latest massacre of Christians in the Congo.”
Multiculturalism: Diluting Western Culture Hurts Everyone
“While politicians may feign virtue by promoting diversity in harmony, they ultimately refuse to acknowledge what many have recognized for decades: Western civilization, rooted in the Christian religion, has been one of the greatest forces for good in history.”
Can You Legislate Your Way to Social Harmony?
“Unless our politicians can recognise the necessary role of Christianity in promoting social harmony, they can do nothing but threaten to arrest their way out of favour with everyone – stomping on basic freedoms just to maintain some facade of civil order.”
Zuckerberg Claims Biden Administration Forced Facebook to Censor Vaccine Side Effect Information
“Zuckerberg detailed how the administration pushed the platform to remove content—even if it was factual—that discussed vaccine risks.”
Deeming Ditched, Pesutto Still Stands – But for How Long?
“This is a truly contemptible failure to act with honour and decency.”
Victory for Free Speech: Albanese’s Misinformation Bill Defeated in Senate
“The draconian Big Brother legislation being pushed by Albanese and his Labor government has just been declared null and void!”
COVID Inquiry Recommends Bigger Government, More Power
“Instead of bringing to the table a bill of rights to protect citizens from politicians abusing power, the Labor government jumped all over the recommendation for more power.”
We Must Hold Our Leaders Accountable for Covid Madness
“A growing body of evidence shows that the impact of lockdown continues to affect every generation – and will do so for decades to come.”
Big Brother is Watching: New Misinformation Law Protects the Powerful, Silences the People
“Once the government can control speech, they control everything. You won’t be able to challenge the system, question policies, or express opinions without fear of being silenced.”
Over 100 Dignitaries Sign Open Letter Condemning Brazil’s Illegal War on Free Speech
“The fight for freedom of speech isn’t even close to being won, it’s only just beginning.”
Exclusive: Dr Jereth Kok’s Tribunal Transcript and the Implications for Free Speech and Religious Freedom in Medicine
“If the scientific community isn’t watching Dr. Jereth Kok’s case closely, it should be.”
The Persecution of Dr. Jereth Kok
“If a doctor in his spare time can lose his job for discussing vital issues of the day on his own social media page, then none of us are safe.”
Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” Must Include the Fight for Life and Abolition of Abortion
“The image of the bloodied former president, rising with fist in the air, saying, ‘fight, fight, fight,’ rhymes with his duty to fight for life.”
‘Infanticide’: Senate Votes to Deny Medical Care to Babies Born Alive Following Botched Abortions
“The vote reveals that our elected officials regard human life, not as an immutable right bestowed by our Creator, but a privilege that is granted and revoked at the arbitrary will of those in power.”
UK Citizens Could Be Arrested for “Retweets” Deemed “Hateful” as Police “Scour” Social Media for Offenders
“We have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media – their job is to look for this material and then follow up with identification and arrests…”
Where Do We Get “Justice” From Without God?
“When the atheist appeals to concepts of ‘justice’ to argue against Christianity, he’s acting as a moral parasite. His argument is based on borrowed ethics that are incompatible with his own worldview.”
Coalition of Senators Call for Accountability Inquiry Into Government’s COVID Response
“An Australian coalition of six senators is pushing to establish an official inquiry into Australia’s pandemic prison rules.”
Julian Assange Is Free
“Julian’s freedom is our freedom,” WikiLeaks said.
Losing Your Career for Speaking Truth: This Christian Doctor Needs Your Help
“Jereth had never received a single complaint from any of his thousands of patients he had treated during his career. Yet, the Medical Board pursued selective complaints about Jereth’s social media posts discussing his personal beliefs on religious and political matters like abortion, marriage, Covid lockdowns and transgender ideology.”
The Hatred of “Whiteness” Is a Hatred of Christianity
“It’s an evil ideology that turns the idea of God-blessed obedience on its head. It says Western prosperity is not the fruit of righteousness, but the result of sin.”