Christianity BANNED in the United Kingdom
“One cannot help but wonder if Mr Graham is the canary in the mine, with his demise being an early warning of the coming death of religious liberty in the UK.” At least five venues in the United Kingdom have cancelled events featuring Rev Franklin Graham after his Christian beliefs were deemed “discriminatory,” “repulsive” and “hateful”. Graham, the eldest son of the famous American evangelist Billy Graham, has been met with opposition from UK’s LGBTQ+ activists and authorities since his eight-city tour of the UK was announced. The 67-year-old evangelist was due to preach at the ACC Liverpool on June…
Calls for a new state police force to combat ‘far-right’ extremism show it’s time to end the far-left vs far-right facade
The late, great, Roger Scruton once articulated that one of the most successful lies of the 20th century is the idea that the ‘far-left’ is nothing like the ‘far-right.’ Scruton noted that: The success of Communist propaganda could be found in how it has persuaded so many people that fascism and communism are polar opposites and that there is a single scale of political ideology stretching from ‘far-left’ to ‘far-right’. Thus while communism is on the ‘far-left’, it is one stage along the road one must go in order not to be contaminated by fascism. However: Communism, like fascism, involved…
Top 20 Most-Read Articles in 2019
It’s been a busy year at Caldron Pool. This year alone, we’ve had well over 6.5-million views on our website. So, as 2019 comes to an end, we thought we’d share a list of the top 20 most-read articles over the past 12 months. We hope you all have a great New Year’s. Many blessings for 2020! Top 20 Most Read Articles in 2019 1. Female athletes take a stand after transgender athletes dominate track event: ‘We’re facing the end of women’s sports’ 2. LGBTQ activist transforming schools admits: “We’re training school teachers to completely smash heteronormativity” 3. Where is…
ABC employee lamented the ‘Religious Discrimination Bill’ will allow people to say “offensive things”, a week later he tweeted this
The ABC employee who said he wonders if he would “hate f*ck” Christian MP’s who opposed same-sex marriage, has offered us yet again another lesson in civility. Benjamin Law, champion of tolerance and acceptance, on Sunday, tweeted: “Back at home and discussing politics with Mum. Given English is her second language, she’s now asking me why she’s heard so many people call the prime minister a ‘sh*tc*nt’ lately.” Calls the PM a sh*tc*nt while his hand is out for taxpayer funding. This foul mouthed grub is paid by the ABC. If it wasn't for low standards the ABC would have…
University professor sentenced to death after insulting Islam on Facebook
A university professor has been sentenced to death by a court in Pakistan after being found guilty of blaspheming Islam on Facebook. Junaid Hafeez, a 33-year-old lecturer at the Bahauddin Zakariya University in the central Pakistani city of Multan, was accused of posting derogatory comments about Muhammad on social media in 2013. Prosecutors also charged Hafeez with “liking” a blasphemous Facebook page. On Saturday, a court in Multan found Hafeez guilty and sentenced him to death after a lengthy trial. Since 2014, Hafeez has been held in solitary confinement due to security concerns, after his lawyer was shot dead for…
Peter FitzSimons condemns Christians at Christmas
There’s only one Person the pirate from Neutral Bay despises more than the Queen of the Commonwealth, and that’s the King of the Universe who was born in a manger. Anyone daring to respectfully repeat His Words will be the target of Pirate Pete’s unbridled condemnation and vilification. Margaret Court and Israel Folau have been the criminals he’s persecuted relentlessly with his right to hate speech. Their crimes? They had the audacity to suggest God’s design for marriage was exclusive and that rebellion against God is likely to result in His judgement. “Is it not a tad presumptuous as to…
‘Why I, a bisexual man on the left, don’t support the anti-vilification complaint against Israel Folau’
Following the news that an LGBTQ activist was suing Israel Folau for $100,000 over his “controversial” Instagram post back in April, Caldron Pool received a comment we thought worth republishing. The comment was posted by Nicholas Butler, a “bisexual man on the left” and a law student at Monash University. While we obviously don’t agree with everything said, Nicholas offers an interesting perspective on anti-vilification complaints that folks on the Left would do well to consider. Nicholas’ comment was titled, ‘Why I, a bisexual man on the left, don’t support the anti-vilification complaint against Israel Folau’: While what he said…
How to sell authoritarian tyranny in a nation like Germany
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has given an unusually emotional speech about people having the freedom to articulate ideas she doesn’t like. The German leader warned, “We have freedom of expression in our country. For all those who claim they can no longer express their opinion, I say this to them. If you express a pronounced opinion you must live with the fact that you will be contradicted. Expressing an opinion does not come at zero cost. But freedom of expression has its limits. Those limits begin where hatred is spread. They begin where the dignity of other people is violated.…
Scottish pastor suspended for tweets after publicly questioning Jeremy Corbyn
Scottish Pastor, Richard Cameron, was suspended by church officials this week, until further notice, after “heckling” openly socialist, U.K. Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn, who has the potential of becoming the U.K’s next Prime Minister in the December election, was day two into his campaign trail in Glasgow, when according to The Scottish Sun, Cameron, a 60-year-old Church of Scotland minister, approached the Labour leader. Referring to Corbyn’s tartan scarf and his criticism of the United States actions against the late ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Cameron stated: I thought you’d be wearing an Islamic jihad scarf. Do you think…
That’s called extortion: Singer threatens to cancel performance unless The Salvation Army pay donation money to LGBTQ group
Last week, Ellie Goulding, an award-winning British singer, decided to rethink a scheduled performance in support of The Salvation Army’s “Red Kettle Kickoff”, at an American Thanksgiving Day NFL Show. The decision was made in response to an Instagram follower falsely accusing The Salvation Army of discriminating against the LGBT community – claiming that the organization was employing passive euthanasia against the homeless: So sad to see Ellie supporting them :// they’re extremely homo/transphobic, literally to the point of letting queer homeless ppl die. Wish she had done some research beforehand or something.” @angelsporch The comment was a reaction to…
Student suspended after opposing LGBTQ-themed Remembrance Day poppy: ‘How about we don’t make it about your sexuality for once?’
A Canadian student has been suspended from school for “hate speech” after voicing her opposition to wearing an LGBTQ-themed Remembrance Day poppy. Natalie Bird, the 17-year-old cousin of Former Conservative representative, Cyara Bird, allegedly distributed flyers at Stonewall Collegiate in defence of the traditional colours of the Armistice Day symbol. “Never seen something so disrespectful in all my days,” Natalie wrote on the flyer. “What does LGBTQ have to do with the war? Red represents Blood, black represents widows and loved ones, Green represents land the blood was spilled on. NEVER change the poppy.” Natalie continued: “You’ve got a whole…
Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg says he wants to preserve freedom of expression, but actions speak louder than words
The line between inciting hate or violence and informing others about that hate and violence is being blurred. Facebook’s recent heavy-handed actions against Caldron Pool, and Caldron Pool contributor, Evelyn Rae, suggest that the social media platform is happy to unfairly conflate reporting or fair criticism of an event with endorsement of that event. There is a difference between advocacy and commentary. If we apply descriptive and prescriptive linguistics to how newsworthy events or commentary are presented, we can see that companies like Facebook will inevitably hurt their customer base, because they continue to blur the descriptive and the prescriptive,…
Twitter follows Facebook in banning Avi Yemini, this time for calling out Climate Change Greta’s parents
Avi Yemini was banned from Twitter after a tweet addressed to climate change activist Greta Thunberg was flagged as being in breach of Twitter’s EULA. Yemini’s criticism wasn’t without merit. He was responding to Greta’s widely publicised, scripted speech, performed before the UN summit on Climate Change. Her performance appeared manufactured and forced. Emotionally distraught, Greta appeared to be intimidated and scared. She repeated the words ‘’How dare you” as part of her claim that the UN (aka the world) had “stolen her dreams and childhood with empty words”, and that “people are suffering, people are dying” and that “entire…
Could the Bible soon be banned in Victoria?
A Victorian MP is pushing to broaden the state’s anti-vilification laws in an effort to crack down on unapproved speech. Victorian upper house MP Fiona Patten, leader of the Reason Party — formerly known as the Sex Party — proposed the amendments to the Racial and Religious Tolerance Bill 2001 to include gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. The changes would also include substituting “race” with “protected attribute” and substituting “incites” with “likely to incite hatred against, serious contempt for, or revulsion or severe ridicule of, that person or class of persons.” According to Patten, “Hate speech…
MP attacks a local church for preaching the Gospel: “I will be following this matter up further with a number of authorities”
Sonia Hornery MP launched an extraordinary attack on a local church this week when the evangelism they’ve been doing most weekends for several years coincided with an LGBTIQAX+ Pride Festival. The state MP for Wallsend, just West of Newcastle, NSW, accused the church of “hate speech” because they were preaching the Gospel to people attending the festival. Last weekend, Newcastle celebrated diversity at the Newcastle Pride Group Page Festival. Unfortunately, members of a local church thought it appropriate to put out hate flyers targeting people attending the festival. These flyers were handed out to people attending the Festival and placed all over cars parked…
The Problem of White Supremacists
There is a new narrative being diligently spun by the leftist media complex, despite all evidence to the contrary. Apparently, white supremacists are responsible for all the mass shootings since Trump got elected. Of course, the Democrat Presidents who previously oversaw the epidemic of violence in America bore no responsibility whatsoever. And journalists are never ever biased or bigoted. Our country is under attack from white nationalist terrorism, inspiring murder on our soil and abetted by weak gun laws. If we are serious about national security, we must summon the courage to name and defeat this evil. — Pete Buttigieg…
A lesson for Kristina Keneally on the basics of freedom and faith
Kristina Keneally is hopelessly muddled about how freedom works, specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I’m sure she’s had it explained to her before, but inexplicably comprehension yet eludes her – an alarming observation to make of a Federal Senator. I think leftists are often so mired in the prejudice of their anti-freedom propaganda they often end up shadow boxing, fighting against things no serious person believes. Take, for example, yesterday’s eleven-part Twitter challenge to the Prime Minister doubling down on her insistence that someone who tweeted something vile he then regretted, deleted and apologised for three years…
Franklin Graham warns: Christians will be persecuted ‘as never before’ if the ‘Equality Act’ becomes law
Rev. Franklin Graham has warned the Equality Act will have “catastrophic consequences” for both religious freedom and women’s rights if it becomes law. According to Life Site News: “The Equality Act would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include ‘sex,’ ‘sexual orientation,’ and ‘gender identity’ among expressly recognized ‘non-discrimination’ categories in ‘public accommodations’ (the definition of which would be dramatically expanded); and force employers of 15 or more people to recognize their claimed ‘gender identity,’ forbid them from ‘discriminating’ based on ‘sexual orientation’ or ‘gender identity,’ and mandate transgender ‘access’ to sex-specific facilities.” In the latest issue of the Billy…
Rugby Australia says the Bible itself is a problem
When Israel Folau is asked to swear on the Bible before he gives evidence in the High Court, will someone from the legal team of Rugby Australia object that it is an example of ‘hate speech’? That’s a serious question now because as Miranda Devine reported in The Sunday Telegraph, even if Folau had simply “photocopied the passages that referred to in the posts… that would have caused a problem.” What follows is a copy—supplied by Devine—of the transcript from Folau’s code of conduct meeting in May: Q. What about when the Bible requires him to tell the good and…
Political Posting Mumma forced to pay $100,000 to LGBT activist for comments other people wrote on her Facebook page
Under current defamation law, social media users can be held legally responsible for third-party content on any post they make. The guiding rule seems to be: You posted it. You incited it. Ergo, you’re responsible for it. In other words, anything someone posts on my timeline or writes in the comments section, that is deemed offensive, defamatory or “hate speech” could end in a lawsuit. For those who only have a private Facebook account, there is currently no mechanic to prevent this from happening. The only real preventative measure is to keep an eye on comments or keep your friends…
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