390 search results for "hate speech"

“Let the facts make the case! Labor and the Liberal National Coalition are introducing laws that prevent free speech in this country.”

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“Criminalizing speech is going to put real strain on European-US relationships,” Vance warned.

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“Cameron and Elston’s detention without concern for intentions exposes the subjective flaw in all hate speech laws.”

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“If people are afraid they might go to prison for something they say, they’ll stop talking. That’s how democracy dies—not necessarily through mass arrests, but through fear.”

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“I’ll be fighting for a referendum to amend our Constitution to insert an equivalent provision to the U.S. First Amendment to protect freedom of speech, thereby making laws such as the hate speech legislation unconstitutional,” he said.

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“Hate speech laws are inherently arbitrary because they rely on subjective interpretations of what constitutes ‘hate.’”

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“Christus Rex is a foundational belief that has underpinned Western Civilisation for the length of its lifespan so far.”

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“It’s been two years of us just being crushed under this burden of investigation.”

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“Significant factions of the Conservative Party have turned their back on their own supporters and values.”

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“News of Amazon locking out a Smart Home user over hate speech allegations is raising questions about technocratic overreach.”

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“French MEP, Nicholas Bay, has had his rights revoked after speaking out against the building of the Great Mosque in Évreux, Normandy.”

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Sherwood’s alleged blasphemy against the LGBTQ+ political religion was simply reading from 2,000+ years of Biblical Christian teaching.

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“It is not for the district court to interpret biblical concepts,” the judges ruled.

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Negative remarks about transgender people could now land Norwegians in prison, even if the comments were made in the privacy of their own homes.

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If there is a genuine assault on liberty and free speech in the West, this is exactly how it will be carried out.

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Facebook isn’t new to panel’s overseeing data collection and usage, customer conflict resolution, and moderation of user content. The company is monolithic. They have 70 offices worldwide, 15 data centres, 48,268 full-time employees and according to the digital marketing firm, Zephoria, ‘1.73 billion people’ using the site daily. Oversight committees are a staple for any socially responsible corporate entity. They’re also essential for good government because they’re a stabilizing force providing insight through transparency and accountability. For an operation as big as Facebook, whose sole product is providing a stable communications service, a polished exterior, and even cleaner interior, keeps…

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Incredible scenes from the left side of Australian politics. Shadow Home Affairs Minister Kristina Keneally spoke in the Senate on Tuesday night to illustrate why British born political commentator & former Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam shouldn’t be allowed to enter the country to speak at CPAC (Australia’s Conservative Political Action Conference.) Keneally spoke bluntly: We should not allow a career bigot — a person who spreads hate speech about Muslims, about women and about gay and lesbian people — to enter our country with the express intent of undermining equity and equality. Keneally’s calls come amidst a wash of Australian…

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One of the obvious issues with ‘hate speech’ rules is just how arbitrarily they can be applied by those in power. Take Facebook, for instance: This week we were banned not only for referring to Islamic terrorists as “Muslims”, but also for an article we shared which was critical of Facebook for using ‘hate speech’ violations as a means of censoring unapproved ideas. According to Facebook, breaching their standards and policy “could lead to limitations such as a Page being unpublished, reduced distribution and more.” It’s becoming a real issue, as anyone following Senator Ted Cruz and the Senate Judiciary…

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Australian Greens leader Richard Di Natale has said he will introduce new laws to regulate the media in an effort to crack down on “hate speech” issued by his political opponents, such as Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones. “We’re going to call out the hate speech that’s been going on,” Di Natale told supporters at a rally. “We’re going to make sure that we’ve got laws that regulate our media so that if people like Andrew Bolt, and Alan Jones, and Chris Kenny, and I could go on and on and on — if they want to use hate speech…

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Facebook has removed a link to a sermon and temporarily suspended the individual who shared it because, apparently, some Christian doctrines violate the platform’s community standards on “hate speech.” The 9-minute clip was taken from a message delivered by missionary and evangelist Paul Washer in which he detailed the biblical doctrine known as Total Depravity. The doctrine of Total Depravity deals with the state of humanity after sin entered the world (Gen. 3), and how every part of man — his mind, will, emotions, and flesh — have been corrupted by sin. At the close of the message, Washer says:…

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