688 search results for "good government"

“Jereth had never received a single complaint from any of his thousands of patients he had treated during his career. Yet, the Medical Board pursued selective complaints about Jereth’s social media posts discussing his personal beliefs on religious and political matters like abortion, marriage, Covid lockdowns and transgender ideology.”

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“It’s an evil ideology that turns the idea of God-blessed obedience on its head. It says Western prosperity is not the fruit of righteousness, but the result of sin.”

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“We’re not here as wreckers. We’re here as builders.”

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“The events of 2020-2021 caused many people to wake from their slumber, rouse themselves out of their stupor, and really start questioning things, including the role and reach of the state.”

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“The dominance in trade the US once had is now quickly fading.   Without this dominance, it will not be able to continue to replenish itself and rearm itself like it has in the past.”

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“Despite what they say, nobody really believes morality is merely a social construct. That’s why Progressives never hesitate to pronounce judgements on those who lived in different places at different times.”

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“Over 100 organisations are behind importing the HAMAS-Israel conflict, most of them… harbour pro-HAMAS messaging and ties.”

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“…getting to net zero will be a cost not a benefit, and the less it costs us now, the more likely it will be to fail, so the higher the cost later,” said ABC’s financial guru and collective climate change believer Alan Kohler.

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“As this globalist statism is likely to only get worse in the days ahead, returning to these older documents becomes more needful than ever.”

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“The withdrawal of personal freedoms in our present time has been sold to the populace as a positive thing and a means of protecting them from any perceived threat. Slavery to the State has been presented as the gateway to health and prosperity.”

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“…the interest that extremists have in infiltrating the Catholic Church is not so difficult to explain. No revolutionary undertaking can be successful in a deeply religious society like Brazil without the support of the powerful Catholic clergy.”

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“…these laws didn’t prevent squat. It took a woman with a gun to take down an allegedly deranged man slashing people with a knife.”

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“In other words, working in childcare is not about educating kids, it’s about indoctrinating them, and denouncing colleagues who say otherwise!”

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“Christ is King. It has always been a costly profession because if Jesus is Lord supreme, then every alternative and every system to the contrary must be regarded as compromised and false.”

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“So many of the big social changes of recent times in Australia haven’t even been driven by the parliament, let alone by the people.”

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“According to these published targets, by 2030 they want you to be down to eating only 300 grams of meat or even zero grams if they can achieve it.”

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“The ability to own a home is disappearing for many in the upcoming generations, unless of course, husband, wife, and soon children, work, which is far from a nation under blessing. And will still only work for so long.”

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“Parents, and not bureaucrats, are the adults responsible for partnering with kids to police online use.”

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“Under modern paganism, all beliefs are equally valid except the views of the Creator as described in the Bible.”

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