Erosion of Freedom and Privacy: The Dangerous Consequences of Digital ID
“They say it’s voluntary, but without it, you eventually won’t be able to do essential tasks like online banking. This forces you to surrender your privacy and autonomy to the government and, worse still, to big private corporations!”
NSW Legitimises Parental Alienation as Libertarians Warn DV Labor Loophole Encourages War on Dads
“Highlighting the dangers, Libertarian legislative council member, John Ruddick, urged the government to soberly think through, the bill’s unintended consequences.”
On the Death of England: On Mourning What We Have Lost
“It is one thing to grin and bear it as foreign enemies seek to ransack your culture. But when it is in fact an act of national suicide, that is so much more distressing and harder to take.”
Can America Be Saved or Is It Too Late?
“Just as Christianity has its rituals and practices, so too do the new pagan cults. Chief among them are the satanic sacraments of abortion and euthanasia.”
What Do Theonomists Actually Believe?
“The basic function of law is to restrain, not to regenerate, and when the function of law is changed from the restraint of evil to the regeneration and reformation of man and society, then law itself begins to break down, because an impossible burden is being placed upon it.”
An Immigrant’s Love Letter to the West
“Diversity has long ceased being a noble cause. It’s been a business for some time and is now rapidly becoming a government-funded, media-supported, propaganda-driven, shameless racket.”
What Has Christianity Ever Done for the World?
“From the values that shape our personal moral frameworks to the institutions that support education, healthcare, and human rights, many of the things we take for granted today owe their existence to Christianity.”
Zuckerberg vs Durov
“What does it say about the state of free speech when a Western nation arrests the founder of one of the few platforms that refuses to bow to government censorship?”
Can Common Values Hold in Australia?
“Values cannot be held in common if beliefs are too far apart.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Backs Donald Trump
“The Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big Pharma, big tech, and big money…”
The West Is Quickly Descending Into Totalitarianism
A Review of ‘The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies,’ by Auron Macintyre.
When Bad Things Happen, Blame Musk
“Lies are exposed by the truth – just as light dispels the darkness.”
When the West Sides With Its Enemies
When we bend over backwards to defend those who detest the West, while slamming our own achievements and accomplishments, things will not go very well.
Seven Arrested at Gunpoint by French Police for “End to Attacks Against Christians” Protest
“Arrested at gunpoint, the group – which includes three women – were reportedly strip-searched, denied legal representation, and imprisoned.”
The RNC: Final Reflections and Highlights
“If you pull back and look at this thing, strength versus weakness, a bullet couldn’t stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden.”
The RNC: Reflections and Highlights So Far
“The Republicans are fully united behind Trump. The Democrats are fully united behind Biden – but united in wanting to get rid of him!”
Jihad Through the Judiciary: Tommy Robinson’s Chilling Warning to Jordan Peterson
“By refusing to play along with the dangerously ignorant idea that criticising Islam is racism, Tommy Robinson was entombed in enmity. In his words, it’s nearly cost him his life.”
What the World Needs to Know About Gaza
A response to Akos Balog’s recent article: “7 Surprising Things I’ve Noticed About The Israel-Gaza War”
A Pastor’s Submission to the Human Rights Commission
“We continue to look back at the COVID years in disbelief and heartbreak.”
Why Many Russians See a Hero in Putin
Western leaders and ‘mainstream media’ often call President Putin an authoritarian leader or even a dictator. So, why do so many Russians see a hero in Putin?