626 search results for "good government"

“All you have to do is Google child care person arrested and you’ll find, just like the Ostrich that walks away, you put your kids in danger of being trampled or crushed when you’re not present. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s not in your control when it does and when it doesn’t, is it?”

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“The nation’s ruling elites might do well to remember that the cosy images of consensus being broadcast on the nightly news and on ‘your ABC’ are the result not of genuine journalism but of government funding; and the censorship, in league with Big Tech, of dissidents.”

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“Communism has been the most bloodthirsty and diabolical political ideology to have been unleashed upon the world.”

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“Free speech is really vital, but there will always be some limits.”

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“The church should not only obey God when they find it convenient but also when it is difficult.  That is true obedience.”

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“An important lesson drawn from COVID-19’s vaccine mandates is the cognitive distortions they expose.”

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“Many of the evangelical leaders who once refused to accept the state’s redefinition of God-ordained institutions were now complying at every point that the civil government imposed itself on the church, transgressing its God-defined limitations.”

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“If the state comes in and says ‘I’m going to take away your property for a so-called greater good.’ I don’t know what could be more essential to communism than that.”

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“The sad truth is that, for whatever reason, many who were injured by the vaccines are being either ignored, or actively shunned and mocked by some churches and much of society right now.”

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“For a church that was so proud of how it treated women and sought to put them in leadership positions, to now all of a sudden not knowing what a woman is, is the height of woke insanity.”

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“Being a good global citizen is not separate to Australia’s national economic interest,” said Bowen.

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“Manhood as a pejorative has stifled how the world and the church understand what it means for man to be man, and what it means for man to be man for woman, before God.”

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“The Uluru Statement from the Heart (TUSH) will not unite Australians but only divide us. It will not address the many real needs that indigenous peoples face on a day-to-day basis, and as such, it should be firmly rejected as a way forward. And that’s because it’s an attempt to undermine decision-making and due process in a western democracy that already affords aboriginal political representation.”

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“The American actor made the racially charged statement in response to Justice Thomas’ assertions following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling ending 49 years of Roe v. Wade.”

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“Unfortunately, there has been very little to no research on the positive contribution that colonization has made to the Australian context. But now is probably a good time to pause and pose the question, ‘What would our nation be like if colonization never occurred?’”

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“If the Christian church wants to see the glory of Christianity restored in our lands we need to rebuild, from the ruins, our gospel message and start proclaiming the whole counsel of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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“Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified…”

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“Fundamental to the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus is Lord over everything, not just Biblical studies. Math, history, science, biology, art, and everything else, are all grounded in this basic, long-held Christian confession.”

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“If the goal is total government dependency, then hunting, and with it, self-sufficiency, could be a thing of the past.”

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“…it’s one of those ‘hidden in plain sight’ things they don’t teach at university and don’t talk about on the news.”

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