537 search results for "god over government"

Sometimes you’ll hear a federal politician claim abortion is just a state issue. Yet in the lead up to this year’s federal election, the federal Labor Party announced a national abortion policy that sought to make abortion easier and completely tax-payer subsidised. They threatened state health funding if abortion wasn’t available in all public hospitals, promised to build an abortion facility in Tasmania, and “encouraged” NSW to liberalise abortion laws. Although Coalition politicians refused to be drawn on the controversial issue, the Australian Christian Lobby and Cherish Life campaigned against Labor’s policy. Labor lost the election, and Labor MP Ed Husic…

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Thousands of pro-life families gathered at Sydney’s Hyde Park on Sunday afternoon to take a stand for the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society. The ‘Stand for Life’ rally, which reportedly attracted 10,000 people, was organised in response to one of the most radical abortion bills in the country. The Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019, as it’s euphemistically named, will legalise abortion on demand, by any method, up to 22-weeks. Beyond that point, right up until birth, all that is required for an abortion is the consent of two abortion doctors. The bill even prevents an aborted…

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A college in Ohio is teaching students that pedophilia is a “sexual orientation” that could be part of the “acceptance of diverse sexual identities.” A student from the college tweeted a photograph of a lecture slide titled, “Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation.” “An actual topic we discussed in class at a State University after watching in 8 minute Vice News video showcasing self-identified pedophiles. This is going to be mainstreamed,” the student said. An actual topic we discussed in class today at a State University after watching an 8 minute Vice News video showcasing self identified pedophiles. This is going…

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Last month, thousands of people gathered in Sydney to protest the New South Wales government’s extreme abortion bill that will essentially allow children to be killed for any reason right up until the final moments of pregnancy. The turn out was truly amazing, but there is still work to be done! On Sunday, September 15 at 2:30pm, pro-lifers will gather again for the second Stand for Life Rally to peacefully protest this radical proposed legislation. Organisers for the event have said, “This is our last opportunity to fight against this extreme Bill. We need you there.” For those wishing to…

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Islamic militants have reportedly kidnapped more than 200 women and children from a majority-Christian town in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Islamic rebel group, Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), carried out a three-hour-long raid in the town of Boga in the Ituri Province on August 23 after overrunning local government forces. During the attack, residents attempted to flee the town, as the militants looted church hospitals, stores, and farms. However, more than 200 people were captured by the group, including women and children. The Bishop of Boga Diocese Rt Rev William Bahemuka said: “The situation here is terrible. People are terrified.…

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Like many, my heart has become heavy over the past several weeks as legislation which sought to decriminalise foeticide was pushed through the NSW Legislative Assembly (the lower house) and was successfully passed 59-31. While it must pass the Legislative Council (upper house) in order to be enacted into law, it is immensely likely that pass it will. The sadness that I, and many others, feel however isn’t solely restricted to the Reproductive Healthcare Reform bill in of itself, but what it is representative of. Namely, the moral—or rather immoral—state of current society. We’ve not only moved away from the Judeo-Christian…

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It’s my fault killing babies is legal in Australia. I am responsible for the fact abortion on demand has been legally available for so long in Australia, and I’m sorry. The first Australian liberal abortion legislation was passed in the South Australian Parliament in 1969. Attorney General Robin Millhouse was the architect of the radical abortion laws. Forty-five years later he admitted great regret for laws which were [predictably destined to be] interpreted too widely resulting in abortion on demand. That legislation received the assent of the Governor and came into effect on January 8, 1970. However, the first legalisation…

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A recent news headline reads, “Police raid elderly Australians over euthanasia drugs”, as police attempt to do their job, yet only so far as curtailing illegal importation and use of intentionally lethal poisons intended to kill persons. Suicide Safeguards Not Prosecuted Australian Federal Police have identified hundreds of traffickers and seized around 15kg of euthanasia drugs between 2007 and 2014 (enough to kill between 1500 and 2500 people) but less than a handful of people have been convicted over an importation offence (whether a minor fine or a suspended sentence). The federal penalty for importing suicidal poisons is up to 25 years…

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When a farmer in southwest Germany noticed his sheep became increasingly frightened by human contact, he rigged a CCTV camera to the rafters of his barn in hopes to learn why. The tapes revealed multiple men breaking in during the night to sexually abuse his livestock. According to animal welfare officer, Madeline Martin, this was not an isolated incident. Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau, that the current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles. While animal porn is illegal in Germany, sex with animals has been legal since 1969 provided the animal is not “forced.” “There are now animal brothels in Germany,”…

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An article in the Spectator Australia by Terry Barnes applauded Scott Morrison’s squishy love Gospel and harpooned Israel Folau’s fierce “fire and brimstone” Gospel. It juxtaposed the two Pentecostals as altogether different brands of Christianity: one of unforgiveness and damnation, the other of forgiveness and love. Naturally, having carefully crafted such a context for comment, Terry praised Morrison’s interesting as it is an ambiguous exhortation, “Wherever you are, be who God made you.” Barnes inferred from this a divine endorsement on the entire list of Scripturally prohibited behaviours which Folau quoted, contrasting the “heartless” footballer’s meme and the Prime Minister’s positivity.…

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It’s clear that Israel Folau is the latest target of media elites, intellectuals, and woke corporate executives. Just take a look at Mark Powell’s recent post and you’ll get a glimpse of how far their attacks have gone. While many support Folau’s right to express his convictions, what’s not clear is how we are supposed to go about doing this. Here are five practical ways you can be supporting Folau and his family at this time: 1. Pray for Israel, his family, and those who are persecuting him We ought to be praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ;…

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You know that things have really spiralled downward when Princeton atheist and bioethicist — Peter Singer — is defending Israel Folau and his freedom to express his Christian convictions. Singer writes: [Folau’s] post no more expresses hatred toward homosexuals than cigarette warnings express hatred toward smokers. The only rational reason that anyone would get so upset about Folau’s post is if you actually believe that he is speaking the truth about heaven and hell. Singer continues: [Folau’s beliefs] do not trouble me, because there is, in my view, no god, no afterlife, and no hell. Nor do I differentiate, ethically,…

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Lawmakers in California are pushing a new resolution in the state Assembly Judiciary Committee which essentially gives the state the power to dictate the moral positions of the Church, regardless of where the Bible stands. CBN News reports: “The Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99 (ACR 99) calls on ‘counselors, pastors, religious workers, educators’ and institutions with ‘great moral influence’ to stop perpetuating the idea that something is wrong with LGBT identities or sexual behavior. ACR 99 also condemns attempts to change unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion as ‘unethical,’ ‘harmful,’ and leading to high rates of suicide.” A number of individuals…

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Israel Folau has come under fire yet again for saying absolutely nothing we didn’t already know. After Folau’s latest sermon was posted to his church’s Facebook page, mainstream news outlets took the opportunity to renew the assault on the former rugby star. Preaching at his Sydney church over the weekend, Folau “doubled-down on his homophobic beliefs,” “escalated” and “intensified his attacks on homosexuals,” “targeted transgender children“, and “criticised youths undergoing gender treatment,” according to news reports. The media, who constantly warn us about the dangers of being exposed to such a message, will no doubt draw even more attention to…

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The separation between Church and State is not a divide between secular and sacred. Nor is this separation a divide between public and private. Church and State are spheres of authority within the structure of good government. Simply put: one wields the sword, the other the truth of the Gospel. As such the Gospel balances out the ideology behind who gets to yield the sword, when, why and how. This is why every totalitarian state either twists theology or purges Christians and the Christian faith. They need to suppress God’s moral standard for His creatures, in order to justify their…

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In 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued an official national apology for the mistreatment of Australia’s indigenous people. Since then, evidence has abounded that race relations have simply gotten worse with open resentment and even violent protests of Australia. The latest despicable display of racial bitterness is NRL star Cody Walker’s unoriginal refusal to sing the national anthem before the State of Origin opener. You’d never guess it’s actually “National Reconciliation Week” unless that means racist virtue-signalling week. Yes, the people complaining loudest about racism are plainly racists demanding obeisance. This week will potentially only serve to deepen resentment and…

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It is slowly starting to dawn on some Labor voters that Australians with a traditional Christian worldview are feeling somewhat targeted. Entirely unremarkable beliefs consistent with the last few millennia of Christian doctrine have somehow become as repulsive as racism. Instead of debating our ideas, self-described ‘progressives’ attribute a diagnosis of phobia, a pathological mental disorder. Labor frontbencher Chris Bowen belled the cat, warning that religious Australians believe the ALP has abandoned them, according to a report in today’s The Australian. “I have noticed as I have been around during the election campaign, and even in the days since, how…

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Playboy’s reputation for providing intellectually engaging reading material doesn’t rank all that high in the list of influential mainstream media outlets. So it’s easy to not take any activism from the morally questionable publication all that seriously. In early May, however, the publication touted an anti-homeschooling article from Christopher Stroop, a freelance writer who has contributed articles to Playboy and Salon. Stroop seized on recent gun violence in the United States to fire a broadside at white evangelical Americans. In doing so he conflated Christian homeschoolers with domestic terrorism, accusing them of white supremacy, racism and radicalization. Stroop, a self-proclaimed…

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“The difficulty that the modern man has in accepting the idea of hell is that we’ve almost entirely given up on the notion of sin.”

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The senate ballot paper can be daunting. This year, in SA, there are forty-two candidates, most of whose names you have never heard of before. Six of them will end up sitting in the Senate, deciding Australian Legislation for the next six years. That’s an important job, so we should look closely and think about who we will vote for. This article is, hopefully, a good starting point to work out how you will vote if you happen to be a South Australian. I’m going to introduce all the parties/candidates and the basic propositions that they represent. I’ve grouped them…

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