540 search results for "god over government"

“At the highest end, perpetrators micromanage the lives of their victims, prevent them from seeing friends and family, track their movements and force them to obey a unique set of rules.”

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“They burned churches in Canada for the alleged murder of children. Now they’re burning churches for the ‘right’ to murder children.”

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“They’re not someone else’s children. They’re our children. They’re all our children […] They’re not somebody else’s children; they’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.”

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“A public school is every bit as enmeshed in a system of ardently held, worldview-shaping religio-philosophical underpinnings as any religious school out there. It is not neutral because it is not possible to be neutral.”

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“Reproductive rights end where parental rights begin, and those rights begin at conception.”

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“Yesterday’s inaction, when action was required, negates Albanese’s promise of action today.”

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“Instead of being at the front of this issue, having roundly condemned evil from the start, the Church sat on its haunches and cuddled up to the world, submitted itself to the mandates, stayed quiet about their injustice, and in some instances even enforced them in their spheres of influence.”

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“We are at ease like fattened calves enjoying the ride on the trailer to the slaughterhouse.”

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Here are five videos that offer invaluable insights into the COVID issue.

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Smith, of course, went on to receive a standing ovation from his peers. But are we really surprised by the hypocrisy? Hollywood reeks of it. We can all imagine the pearl-clutching and feigned outrage if Rock was assaulted by a white actor. But this sort of selectivity has become standard.

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“Nations have every right to defend themselves or to attack neighbours who are provoking them in dangerous ways. But not to simply extend their power over another nation, or rule another nation.”

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“You may immediately think: what relevance does the ministry of Jesus have to this whole situation with Ukraine? If you are a Christian, then let me tell you, this is precisely the problem with how we engage in world affairs as Christians.”

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Fear, when it takes hold, has a tendency to blind us to reality.

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“Don’t be fooled by legacy media and their paymasters in politics trying to use Ukraine as the fall guy, hoping that the link between the economic crisis and two years of crazy COVID policies magically disappears.”

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And unlike the radical left activists that Trudeau has supported and not enacted emergency power over, the recent truck convoy did not result in one building being burned to the ground, any looting taking place, any businesses being attacked, or anyone being murdered. ‘Worst. Terrorists. Ever.’

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“Pictures circulating on social media from around the time of the peaceful protests appeared to show the Australian Federal Police deployed with and standing next to, what was either a Long-Range Acoustic Device or Active Denial System.”

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“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of snivelling brats.”

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“…when Christian leaders refuse to speak up about the things that matter, then God may very well raise up secular stones to get the job done.”

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“We tell each other lies about the fight for free will and independence, but we don’t really want that. We want to be told how to live. And then die when we are not looking.”

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“Vaccination certificates will therefore have to go—and will be gone at least from our free schools. The form of tyranny hidden in these vaccination certificates is just as real a threat to the nation’s spiritual resources as a smallpox epidemic itself.”

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