301 search results for "donald trump"

Earlier today former NBA star Dennis Rodman blasted Barak Obama for brushing off his efforts with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Rodman told CNN, Obama “didn’t even give me the time of day — he just brushed me off…” “Donald Trump should take a lot of credit for this. He went out of the box and made this happen,” Rodman added. Senator Cory Bernardi also responded to news of a comprehensive agreement between US President Donald Trump and the North Korean dictator. Senator Bernardi told Triple M: [President Trump] continues to confound his critics… his critics said he’d be…

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Last month Jon Ponder, a former bank robber and three-time convicted felon, met with President Donald Trump at the White House Rose Garden for the National Day of Prayer. Also present was Richard Beasley, the FBI agent who arrested Ponder 14 years ago. President Trump shared their remarkable story, from Ponder’s arrest to the founding of his ministry, Hope for Prisoners. “Jon and Richard, you are the living testament to the power of prayer,” President Trump said. “Your story reminds us that prayer changes hearts and transforms lives. It uplifts the soul, inspires action, and unites us all as one…

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President Donald Trump’s migration warning to the United States has racked up millions of views across social media. Some love it, others hate it. What do you think? It’s hard to look at the state of things in Europe and think their immigration policies have made the region better. We know that immigration cannot solve world poverty, so what’s the goal? What does it achieve apart from dividing a nation? Watch the video below and decide for yourselves.

In contrast to Google, who refused to acknowledge Easter, US President Donald Trump offered quite an impressive message. Well said, Mr President. For Christians, we remember the suffering and death of God’s only Son and his glorious resurrection on the third day. On Easter Sunday we proclaim with joy, Christ is risen… In America, we look to the light of God to guide our steps. We trust in the power of the Almighty for wisdom and strength. And we praise our Heavenly Father for the blessings of freedom and the gift of eternal life.

If NSA spooks are running illegal surveillance operations against traditional allies, and everyday American citizens, it’s not outside the NSA’s assumed prerogative to apply the same treatment to Donald Trump, MAGA supporters or anyone the Democrats recklessly label as ‘domestic terrorists.’

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Twitter has removed more than 70,000 accounts since permanently suspending President Donald Trump from the platform last week.

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On 8th January, Twitter, a social network, announced that it was “permanently suspending” U.S. President Donald Trump’s account.

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The lessons provided this week by the unjustified social media ban of Donald Trump, along with the industry-wide cancellation of Parler are dangerous precedents.

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Rather than confronting the CCP for its deceitful and malicious practices both domestically and abroad, mainstream media outlets, celebrities, and politicians in the West have repeatedly attacked Donald Trump as the archnemesis of international relations.

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Many people are saying that they can’t vote for Donald Trump because of his character, implying that Joe Biden is completely upstanding.

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This week’s Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden signalled a new nadir in public discourse.

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In reference to Kyle Rittenhouse, The Australian reported that ‘Joe Biden accused Donald Trump of letting his supporters act as an armed militia.’

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Schneider said, “Evil does exist, and we need to arm ourselves with God and arm ourselves with knowledge, so we can protect ourselves.”

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“If you pull back and look at this thing, strength versus weakness, a bullet couldn’t stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden.”

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“The Republicans are fully united behind Trump. The Democrats are fully united behind Biden – but united in wanting to get rid of him!”

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“Why would you want to watch the people whose ancestors built the country die, mock them as they die, and then replace them? I don’t understand,” Carlson said.

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“…the newly minted relationship between the State and social media companies undermined the constitutional right to freedom of speech.”

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“The J6 committee suppressed key pieces of evidence, cherry-picked evidence that supported their narrative, and played a 20-million-dollar blame game to frame President Trump and Republicans.”

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“I hope no one ever treats these Airbnb activists’ families the way they’ve treated mine,” Southern told Caldron Pool.

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“The most positive thing to come out of these debates is the increased unity seen between Presbyterians and Baptists over their shared hatred of wokeism’s destructive ideologies.”

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