568 search results for "covid-19"

Authorities in Australia could soon be using sniffer dogs to detect pre-symptomatic cases of C0VID-19.

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Should we inject Australian children with the COVID vaccine?

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A man travelling to Western Australia has captured the moment police and an emergency health officer issued him a “medical examination direction” for mandatory COVID-19 testing.

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Qantas has said passengers will be required to take a COVID-19 vaccination before being allowed to travel on an airplane.

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The Australian Health Minister has poured fuel on supposed “conspiracy theories” after sharing a seemingly innocent snap on Instagram.

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Miles responded to the announcement, tweeting: “Have you considered intravenous disinfectant?”

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“In line with coronavirus restrictions, at this stage we do not require any assistance from the public.”

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Up to 90 percent of Americans who tested positive to COVID-19 should have received a negative result, according to a report released by The New Yoke Times.

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“ALL decedents” where the disease is “assumed” to have caused death should be recorded as a COVID-19 death.

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South Australian authorities have recently enacted legislation granting police the power to enter homes and remove children in their efforts to quell the spread of coronavirus.

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All confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand will now be sent to mandatory quarantine facilities under the direction of the Health Minister. Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield made the decision yesterday after revealing there were 13 new cases of coronavirus linked to an outbreak in south Auckland. The order relies on Section 70 of the Health Act 1956 which allows health authorities to “require persons, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft, animals, or things to be isolated, quarantined, or disinfected as he thinks fit.” Dr Bloomfield said mandatory quarantine will apply to both new cases, and if necessary, close…

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The year 2020 has been dominated by the impact of COVID-19. There has been a surge of COVID-19 cases ever since the virus escaped from Wuhan China early in the year. The response from the government has been to implement a range of policies in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus. A curious, but surprisingly unreported phenomenon is that the influenza cases have dramatically fallen while COVID-19 cases have dramatically risen.

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In his latest fireside chat, Dennis Prager addressed the politicisation of hydroxychloroquine.

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It might surprise the self-righteous, COVID-1984 surveillance and speech police, that Australia’s Health Minister, Greg Hunt, has been funding research into the “controversial” drug hydroxychloroquine.

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It’s not baseless to suggest that people with vested political interests are using third party operators to suppress information about an alternative treatment to COVID-19 in order to win an election, “costs be damned”.

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It has to make you wonder who the Big Tech Companies are taking their cues from, when they ban, block and boot professionals for publicly announcing a valid opposing viewpoint to the prevailing theory about how to treat COVID-19.

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This is what our contemporary doomsday prophets look like, folks. They march through the streets with large placards that read, “Repent of climate inaction or perish”.

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Elsewhere in the UK, police are conducting an investigation after it was alleged a man posted a comment on Facebook that somebody else deemed offensive.

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US President Trump has been roundly criticised—and even condemned—for promoting the anti-malarial drug, Hydroxychloroquine, as part of a medical strategy in the fight against COVID-19. In fact, he was mocked by many in the media, such as Stephen Collinson from CNN, who stated that, “Trump peddles unsubstantiated hope in dark times.” But it now seems like Trump just might have been right after all! Fox News has recently reported that: Researchers at the Henry Ford Health System in Southeast Michigan have found that early administration of the drug hydroxychloroquine makes hospitalized patients substantially less likely to die. The study, published in the International…

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Lockdown apologists have been crowing about Swedes “admitting their approach was wrong on Covid-19”. The only problem is, as usual, they’re not basing their conclusions on real evidence. Reports from The Guardian and New York Times, two former newspapers (each as biased as epidemiological modelling from the London Institute), kind of admitted Sweden’s Chief Epidemiologist made no such admission. Sweden, among others, has been held up by lockdown opponents like me as rational lovers of liberty and life (yes, we can walk and chew gum at the same time). Their approach relied on voluntary action, physical distancing and vigilant personal hygiene – all pretty…

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