569 search results for "covid-19"

“For a proposed law to not be debated properly, to be rushed through parliament, for it to violate several individual human rights at the same time as being the harshest ‘pandemic response’ laws based on a ‘potential pandemic’- there is only one thing left: Federal intervention based on section 109 of the Constitution – inconsistency.”

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Another pro-health professional athlete has been defamed as an “anti-vaxxer” after defending informed consent.

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 The foundation of despotism has already been laid in our nation, all our government requires is a more effective and streamlined system to implement their regime – could the Digital Identity System provide that?

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For Peterson, forced vaccination is a “sign of the failure of the ‘vaccine’ arguments. To use political and police force to insist is only going to increase distrust, and drive resistance.”

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“If a team member chooses not to be vaccinated without a valid exemption, we’ll review their ongoing employment and it will likely lead to termination.”

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“Not everyone has succumbed to Covid hysteria and panic, happily throwing out liberty and reason.”

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“We need a prisoner swap here: Free all of us Victorians and lock up Andrews. Throwing away the key might be a good step as well.”

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There’s nothing selfish in saying “no” to yourself, in order to care for the young through the joyful embrace of saying “yes” to life.

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“All of this discrimination sends a clear message: the rights of the individual will be protected only so long as they do not conflict with the state. There is nothing – not even a global pandemic – more dangerous to a free society,” Senator Hanson said.

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“It appears that in many cases, there has not been ‘valid consent’ because of undue pressure, coercion, manipulation and withholding of risks. This is wicked and shameful, particularly considering that we are supposed to be a democratic and free society.”

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“When coercion and tyranny are some of the tools being used in the process, the impression many people have is that the pharmaceutical industry is not really in it to help people but to get filthy rich, primarily, treating people’s welfare as a secondary trivial matter.”

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“They’re telling me what I can and cannot preach,” Pawlowski said. “They’re telling me that every time I want to address the public, I have to spew their lie first in order for me to deliver my message. That’s China. That’s North Korea.”

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The study found that lockdowns have only marginally reduced COVID-19 deaths, but come with enormous long-term costs that far outweigh their benefits.

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“Barred from seeing his patients for two years and counting, Dr. Jereth’s trial isn’t expected to start until 2022 where the Medical Board will likely seek a permanent ban on him practising medicine.”

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“Is the fact that ethical vaccines for COVID are not being developed rather heavily predicated on the fact that we cooperated with the system over the last few decades in using morally objectionable common childhood vaccines where we could have demanded ethical alternatives that already existed?”

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“Requiring vaccine passports for taking part in everyday life would create two classes of citizens based on vaccination; it is necessary to protect the fundamental rights and privacies of Floridians and the free flow of commerce within the State.”

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“Now the state can decide who you can and cannot have on your payroll based on people’s private medical choices which should be protected under the 1988 privacy act. How has that even come into being in a country like Australia? Even more, how has that come into being without a major societal uproar?”

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Perrottet has the chance to be a Ron DeSantis. To follow or borrow his example, leading, not only NSW but also Australia away from its COVID communist trajectory.

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“As these and other documents make clear, the sorts of things we are seeing in Australia and the West concerning mandatory medicine, coercive health care, forced injections, vaccine passports and the like are for the most part condemned as unethical and gross infringements on our basic human rights and fundamental civil liberties.”

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