Wokeness Is Choking the Church
“The movements that last over time are those with firm, solid and unshakeable foundations. Not those who continually change their theology and practice to suit the whims of the culture around them.”
Christendom or Satandom: There Are Only Two Options
“There never was the possibility of a secular or neutral society. This was always a myth, a lie, a phantasm.”
The Church Weighed, Measured, and Found Wanting
“Despite the plethora of biblical injunctions to ‘fear not!’ the church, on the whole, has not exhibited a robust spirit of courage.”
False Gospel Gaslighting: How Manipulation Is Dividing the Church
“It isn’t unusual today to hear progressive Christians calling conservative Christians ‘extreme’ or ‘crazy’, and this is especially true when politicians get involved in the church.”
Vaccine Passports for Worship Place Members Under Church Discipline for Illegitimate Reasons
“In the end, to ban healthy believers from public worship for any reason other than unrepentant sin, including those based on whatever arbitrary medical treatments the government deems necessary at any particular time of the day, is to ultimately exchange the gracious staff of the Great Shepherd for the often cruel and unforgiving rod of Caesar.”
Can America Be Saved or Is It Too Late?
“Just as Christianity has its rituals and practices, so too do the new pagan cults. Chief among them are the satanic sacraments of abortion and euthanasia.”
Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda
“There have been deliberate attempts made to undermine the gospel and the churches and to see them replaced with fake gospels and fake churches. And this even involves some well-known evangelicals.”
The Faith of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s Exceptionalism
“The Orthodox faith… is considered a key element of what Putin calls ‘Russia’s moral foundations.’ These key elements are patriotism and Orthodox Christianity. These are, according to him, the moral foundations of Russia’s identity…”
Turning Activists into Prophets: Why the Climate Change Religion is Dangerously Authoritarian
“Climate change policy prescriptions are tyrannical solutions looking for a problem.”
Exposing ‘Regime Evangelicals’
“Behind it all is often an extremely anti-Christian political cause. A cause that can’t advance if it doesn’t cloak itself in Christian euphemisms and persuade believers, not just to get out of the way, but to jump wholeheartedly onboard, and thank you for the generous donations.”
Thoughts on the Attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel
“…when congregants subdued the attacker and rescued the Bishop, the Bishop got up, and despite his many stab wounds, laid his hands on the attacker, and prayed for him.”
The Troubles of Marriage
“Life has always been a challenge, for all people, but especially those who want to do it right.”
Evils Worse Than Islam In The West
“Anything that conserves the family and the nation is better than that which does not, even if it is not an ultimate good.”
Can We Remain Neutral in These Crucial Areas?
“Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, not the tormented.”
Improvement Requires Maturity
“Some like to keep these truths out of public discussion, particularly those who want to believe they can be the surrogate saviours of society. They create alarmism and then pretend to rescue the hurting from the pain of their making.”
The Battle for Our Thinking
“Dead matter simply does not seem to be a viable source of how you are thinking…”
Sometimes They Must Be Named and Shamed
“Private sin, private rebuke; public sin, public rebuke.”
Merchants of Death: Global Oligarchs and Their War On Humanity
“…the COVID-19 pandemic has conveniently facilitated an authoritarian decision-making environment and created an unsustainable welfare state while crushing the independent sectors of the global economy.”
Individualism Really Is the Society Killer
“A society where families fracture is one where disorder increases and the large hand of the law must increase to compensate.”
Red Pill, Blue Pill or White Pill: Which Will You Take?
“…it is as if a veil is covering the eyes of most of the world, and that especially seems to be true among many in the Church.”