319 search results for "china"

Has Capitalism Caused COVID-19? Apparently, the current coronavirus pandemic is not linked to the exotic eating habits of the Chinese but instead is due to “the climate change crisis”. Vijay Kolinjivadi, from Al Jazeera, argues that the common roots of COVID-19 and climate change are evidenced in two ways: The origin of the virus makes it a perfect example of how the way capitalism commodifies life to turn it into profit can directly endanger human life. In this sense, the ongoing pandemic is the product of unrestrained capitalist production and consumption patterns and is very much part of the deleterious environmental changes…

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If COVID-19 has taught us anything it’s that the Chinese government cannot be trusted. Please note that I said communist regime and not people. My statement is not motivated by some kind of latent anti-Asian racism. Instead, my aim is directly targeted against the Chinese Communist Party who must accept at least part of the blame and responsibility for the current global pandemic. Back in 2007 a report in the Clinical Microbiology Review concluded (emphasis mine) that: The presence of a large reservoir of SARS-CoV like viruses in horseshoe bats, together with the culture of eating exotic mammals in southern…

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The health situation in Italy is dire. Tragically, over 8,000 people have died and around 80,000 people have caught COVID-19 giving it the second highest number of cases outside of China. The question is, what caused this to be the case? Back in February, Dr Jing Zeng wrote in The Guardian that there was no link whatsoever between COVID-19 and The People’s Republic of China. And those who dared to suggest that there was were guilty of #CoronaRacism. As such, many in the mainstream media have followed the explanation of Matt Simon in Wired, who argued that there was no…

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There’s a thin line between governments waging a war against a crisis, and governments waging a war against people caught up in that crisis. It’s the crossing of this line; the potential, and perhaps eventual, overreaction through disproportionate measures, that have sparked an increasing number of centrist and conservative thinkers to question these heavy-handed measures, along with anything, and everything, labelled “the new normal”. The more we learn about the coronavirus, the more important it is to question whether the heavy-handed measures being taken against the coronavirus are proportionate to the fight against it. Peter Hitchens was the first to…

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A New South Wales Green Senator has been ridiculed around the world after claiming COVID-19 is a “gendered crisis” because of the “disproportionate risk” it poses to women. Mehreen Faruqi, Australia’s first Muslim senator, made the comments yesterday, despite reports that coronavirus mortality rate is twice as high among men as it is among women. “Let us not forget that COVID-19 is a gendered crisis,” Faruqi said. “Nurses, teachers, child care workers, and early childhood educators, aged care workers and cleaners are mostly women. They are on the frontline of this public health crisis and carry a disproportionate risk of…

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The LNP’s battle against the Coronavirus is also a battle for the hearts and minds of Australians. If the Prime Minister fails in winning the latter, his ability to fight and win the former will be significantly compromised. It’s evident to most that Scott Morrison is doing everything a good leader can to win this war, but as goes the law of unintended consequences, Morrison is on the cusp of losing the battle for Australia’s hearts and minds, because of the absence of reassuring battle cries. There’s no doubt that Sunday’s late press conference revealed a Prime Minister working hard…

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There seems to be no end to the hatred against the US President. Just recently his administration was accused by journalists of dismissively referring to the Coronavirus as ‘Kung flu’. The Washington Times recorded the following exchange: PBS Newshour reporter Yamiche Alcindor told Mr Trump that “at least one White House official” had used the term, and asked him if it was wrong. “I wonder who said that,” the president replied evenly. “Do you know who said that?” “I’m not sure the person’s name,” Ms Alcindor answered. “Say the term again,” Mr Trump demanded. “A person at the White House…

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We are living in a different world to the one we were in a week ago. In December 2019, a pneumonia outbreak was detected in the city of Wuhan, China. It was soon traced to a new strain of coronavirus—but not before infected travellers had crossed international borders in every direction. A few months on and the virus has spread to over 160 countries and resulted in over 7,000 deaths. While something like 98% of people who contract COVID-19 recover, the elderly and those with chronic health problems are most at risk. Governments the world over are deeply concerned that…

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When future generations ask, who started the war? Remember that the seeds for the current war of words between the Chinese Communist Party and the United States were sown in February, when, Cui Tiankai, the Chinese Communist Party ambassador to the United States, claimed that anyone calling the COVID-19 outbreak by virtue of its origin, such as the Wuhan Virus, would be inciting racial discrimination and xenophobia. The World Health Organization, and the United Nations, along with the usual list of names from the perpetually angry Leftist Twitter echelon, backed the Communist narrative, declaring that use of the term “Wuhan…

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As I write this article I am about to board an almost deserted plane from Northern Thailand bound for Bangkok and then hopefully, later this evening, on to Sydney. There is, however, a palpable sense of uneasiness—and even dread—amongst the passengers. Nearly everyone is wearing facemasks, avoiding all physical touch, and everyone is constantly washing their hands with a strong alcohol foam. Considering the rapid global spread of the disease, as well as dire projections of even further contagion, those measures are not unreasonable. But it’s the level of existential fear that stands out the most. By the way, for…

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Astute assessments about the West’s dangerous over-dependence on China have been present in news feeds for weeks. As many financial sections of mainstream media will attest to, concerns over products and services, have alerted people, and corporations to an addiction that few, outside China’s industrial matrix, could see before the tragedy of Wuhan. Setting aside any questionable theories about the ruling Communist regime, and their possible entrapment, the dependency is alarming. Many Western companies have either willingly, or through unbalanced quid-pro-quo deals, positioned themselves so heavily in China, that if China falls, so will they. Many appear to have fallen…

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In the midst of a “near-global pandemic,” the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned negative words which fuel stigmatization and perpetuate stereotypes are more dangerous than the Coronavirus itself. As the global death toll surges past 3,000, WHO on Tuesday published a series of tweets, lecturing their 5.6 million Twitter followers about the “do’s and don’ts” when speaking of the virus. “When talking about COVID19 (Coronavirus), certain words and language may have a negative meaning for people and fuel stigmatizing attitudes,” WHO tweeted. “These words and language can perpetuate negative stereotypes or assumptions, strengthen false association between COVID19 and other…

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Australia’s ASIO security chief, Mike Burgess presented the Director-General’s Annual Threat Assessment on Monday. The assessment laid out ASIO’s “principle concerns” about national security, and the issues it views as threats to Australians both internally and externally. Burgess didn’t mess around, stating from the start that he wanted “to move beyond the bureaucratic language of annual reports and help everyone understand the significant threats we see directed at Australia and Australians.” The director spoke pointedly about the increasing challenges technology posed to the organization’s ability to do what it does successfully. Adding that ASIO seeks to find a balance between…

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In a speech for the National Press Club on Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered the equivalent of a State of the Union address. From its content to his delivery, it was obvious that the Prime Minister was addressing the nation, not just the top end town. His address didn’t present a government in damage control, but a government that is in control. Morrison was right to not use the opportunity to give ground to noisy dishonest critics on social media. Many of whom come across as detached from everyday Australia, and seem to exist only as a deliberate distraction…

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A 30-year-old South Australian man has been charged this week by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for possessing a child-like sex doll. According to a joint media release by the AFP and South Australia Police, the man was charged late Tuesday by the South Australia Joint Anti-Child Exploitation Team (SA JACET) under new Commonwealth laws targeting child abuse-related offences. If found guilty of possessing the anatomically-correct doll, the accused faces a potential 15-year jail term. SA JACET launched an investigation into the man’s activities after receiving intelligence from the NSW Police Force and Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC),…

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From Mao Xe-Dong’s genocidal regime in China, to the Third Reich’s extermination of the Jews, the history of Darwinian evolution is a path marked with human destruction. Various ideologies that surfaced during the nineteenth and twentieth century are evidence for the devastating effects of Darwinism when applied to society, and these continue to the present day. This has produced a new breed of social justice warriors, which has polluted the political waters creating turmoil and disunity. It stems from an acceptance of evolutionary theory, breaking down absolute truths, and replacing a moral compass with pluralism and the individual subjective experience.…

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Ricky Gervais returned for the fifth time to host the 2020 Golden Globes and true to form the British comedian pulled no punches. Addressing the room packed with Hollywood elites, the controversial host slammed his audience, telling them they know nothing of the real world and that they’re in no position to lecture the public. Would you consider supporting our work? Visit our support page to help keep us online! Thank you. “A superb drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China,” Gervais said. “So well, you say…

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Former Greens leader Christine Milne has urged Australians to “stand up for separation of Church and State”, suggesting Christian politicians are “dangerous” and have no place in politics. In a tweet posted on Boxing Day, the Global Greens Ambassador said: “Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous.” Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous. #auspol — Christine Milne (@ChristineMilne) December 26, 2019 Is Milne suggesting that Australia has violated the…

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The recent bushfires across the eastern coast of Australia have been a national tragedy. They have claimed many lives, destroyed hundreds of houses, and have decimated literally hundreds and thousands of hectares of bushland. Everyone agrees that we are overwhelmingly indebted to the fire-fighters who have been tirelessly waging war against nature — they have done a tremendous job, in the face of a seemingly insurmountable task. Whilst the cataclysmic nature of the inferno is unanimous, there seems to be a chorus of Australians who have hastened to the conclusion that global warming is the cause, and CO2 emissions are…

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From the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I was sceptical. He was a mogul from liberal New York, unfaithful in marriage, divorced twice, and verbally ruthless towards his opponents. None of that has changed. And while there is still lots to dislike about Trump’s persona, his performance has surprised me. I’ve lived in America for the last six months. I’ve heard lots of perspectives on Trump, and I’ve kept a close eye on the media. I’ve explored Washington DC, visited the Capitol Building, and I even got to see Trump speak at a live event. For a…

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