139 search results for "catholic church"

“The Uluru Statement from the Heart (TUSH) will not unite Australians but only divide us. It will not address the many real needs that indigenous peoples face on a day-to-day basis, and as such, it should be firmly rejected as a way forward. And that’s because it’s an attempt to undermine decision-making and due process in a western democracy that already affords aboriginal political representation.”

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“When Christianity goes, so does all of the culture – at least so many of the good aspects of culture. At the same time that we see Christianity in decline, we also see social problems everywhere increasing.”

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“That sound you’re hearing right now is the chirping of crickets. Because self-appointed cultural watchdogs are now noticeably silent.”

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“As hopeful as Dutton’s election is for centre-right Christians and classical liberals, until they see proof of the new LNP leader’s resolve, and effectiveness, Dutton’s election will mean diddly squat.”

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“Why would God initiate a sacrament to be administered across the globe that requires deep pools of water? Give a Presbyterian minister a go-bag containing a Bible, a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine, and a flask of water and he has every element needed to conduct a complete worship service anytime and anywhere for the people of God.”

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“…when Christian leaders refuse to speak up about the things that matter, then God may very well raise up secular stones to get the job done.”

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“Vaccination certificates will therefore have to go—and will be gone at least from our free schools. The form of tyranny hidden in these vaccination certificates is just as real a threat to the nation’s spiritual resources as a smallpox epidemic itself.”

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“New battle lines are being drawn around these issues, and Christians who stand on the wrong side should no longer be seen as being ‘for Christ.'”

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“Despite our many advances in sanctification, there will always be an enormous abyss between our holiness now and our holiness in glory. However, death is not the alpha point of transformative holiness in Christ.”

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“When the only allowable opposition is what the Left approves as opposition, we are no longer dealing with reasoned debate, but a manufactured narrative and its badly constructed religion.”

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“Simply imagine if the media did a similar hatchet job on someone else who became a Premier, be they a Buddhist or a Muslim. Would they even dare to attack his or her faith? Would they dare to say these folks are disqualified because of their religious beliefs? Would they even think about focusing on how many kids they have, or do not have?”

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We must strongly oppose the campaign being waged by some evangelical intellectuals to de-legitimise the concerns and emotions that lie behind Covid vaccine hesitancy and thereby void the church’s responsibility to speak up about significant human rights violations.

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Here are some good critiques of the religious left and SJWs.

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“Followers of Jesus should not allow a secular media to shame them out of exercising their democratic freedoms and obeying Jesus’ command to be salt and light in the surrounding culture.”

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Significantly, the vast majority of Aboriginal deaths in custody are experienced by those with pre-existing health conditions, rather than anything to do with police violence or ‘systemic racism’.

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Is it ever right to disobey the state? If so, when and why? Is there a right to rebel against authority?

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As has now become clear, Israel Folau lost his job as a professional athlete simply for paraphrasing a passage from the Bible. We know this is the case, since Miranda Devine subsequently reported in The Daily Telegraph, that Folau’s choice to post online would have been a problem, even if Folau had chosen to quote the Bible.

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Most honest, level-headed people on both sides of the political aisle would agree that the unrestrained, self-centered use of censorship as a weapon, is barbaric discrimination.

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After the events of 2020, many Westerners are feeling confused and disoriented.

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Donald Trump’s personal beliefs have been much scrutinised throughout his presidency.

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