125 search results for "Christmas"

“You really have to see it to believe it.”

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“It is clear that Jeremiah is not talking about anything like a Christmas tree. He is talking about the Israelites fashioning dumb idols and placing them in shrines of honour in their homes.”

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“There’s a reason no one sings defeatist Christmas carols. Christmas as a cultural phenomenon was produced by an optimistic Christianity.”

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“Further evidence suggesting the bipartisan Christian petition for a Christmas truce in Ukraine is doomed, comes from Zelensky himself, who, in his speech to the United States congress gave lip-service to peace, while ramping up rhetoric against an already belligerent Iran.”

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“I found out today that my beautiful library will not have its Christmas tree this year. Zero explanation. When I asked, I was told, ‘People were made uncomfortable last year looking at it.'”

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“Kitted out with ox livers to illustrate the termination of a baby’s life in the womb, Bouton then urinated on the floor in full view of the congregation.”

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At Christmas, a gift was given. But many people today wonder what they are supposed to do with it.

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The territory has administered 94,937 COVID jabs so far, including 39,815-second doses, with an additional 14,241 booster jabs – a vaccination rate of 139.5%.

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Some of the greatest stories ever told have been about coming home. The Odyssey, by Homer, the ancient Greek tale of a warrior, named Odysseus, who has been far from home, for far too long, stuck at war in the service of his superior.  The Odyssey is the great tale of Odysseus’ journey home through many trials and struggles and temptations to return to his patient wife. This tale, at least partially possibly based on real events, would have struck the ancient heart, in the same way as it does the modern, with a sense of anticipation, wonder, and hope at the…

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I’m thinking about Christmas. Sitting here at my desk, listening to the rain, thinking, “Isn’t it bloody beautiful!” Feeling grateful.

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“This birth represents heteronormative oppression. We must rally people to take up arms against it. He who says that God became man is guilty of hatred towards women.”

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I’m a Christmas fanatic. I love everything about the Christmas season—from the carols in the mall to the massive overspend on food to watching children get lost on stage during their nativity plays. And of course, I always look forward to streaming the same cheesy Christmas movies I saw last year.

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At least 10 Christian hostages in Nigeria were murdered by Islamic State terrorists on Christmas Day. The slaughter was reportedly carried out by the Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP), who claimed the killings were to avenge the deaths of their leaders Abu bakr al-Baghdadi and Abul-Hasan Al-Muhajir in Iraq and Syria. Video released on Wednesday shows 13 hostages in total, 10 are believed to be Christian and three, Muslim. It was reported that one of the hostages was shot in the head while the rest were beheaded. In an earlier video, the hostages pleaded with the Christian Association of…

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Who wants ‘ten lords a-leaping’ or ‘six geese a-laying’ for Christmas! Would your ‘true love’ remain your true love for giving such bizarre gifts? Has a loved one ever given you a gift that you didn’t like? Ever have to ask, “What do I want with that?” At Christmas, a gift was given. But many people today wonder what they are supposed to do with it. The gift was the birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ. If we read the Gospel of Luke (a biography of Jesus), we would see that on the night Jesus was born in Bethlehem there…

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I love Christmas carols. They are the soundtrack of the season. As great as carols are, it’s possible to make it through the whole month of December, hear these tunes, and yet not tune in to what the carols are really saying. On closer inspection, Christmas carols make some audacious claims. Consider just a few lines from Hark the Herald Angels Sing: Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see, Hail, the incarnate Deity. Pleased as man, with men to dwell, Jesus, our Immanuel. What an absurd idea. God being limited to one place at a time? God learning how to walk? God……

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Several years ago, Australia spent more on Christmas per capita than any other nation. The Americans are beating us this year, but we are still right up there. The average household in Australia will spend $969 each this Christmas, based on all expenses including gifts, food and decorations. That is a grand total of 18.8 billion dollars. And what about the fact that ‘Carols by Candlelight’ celebrations are held all throughout December and attended by several million Australians? Many of these people would never go to a church at all throughout the year but are happy to pack the esky…

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This real-world scenario is a great thought experiment to test our thinking on religious freedom. Do we believe the radical secularist view that there should be freedom from religion and zero tolerance of public expressions thereof, do we believe that someone should be able to do absolutely anything if a sincerely held religious belief, or if somewhere between those extremes: exactly where? An elderly couple had just won a Christmas ham in a raffle at their local club where they’d gone out for the night, and responsibly booked an Uber to take them home at about 10pm. The Muslim driver asked them…

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Diversity Council Australia is urging businesses to stop using the word “Christmas” because it might offend and discriminate against non-Christians. According to The Herald Sun, employers are being told to drop the Christian terminology from their end-of-year celebrations, and instead use more inclusive language, such as “holiday greetings.” Lisa Annese from Diversity Council Australia told The Herald that Christmas celebrations should effectively be less Christian by being more inclusive of other religions. There's a push to scrap the word "Christmas" from festive celebrations at Aussie businesses for fear of upsetting non-Christians. Do you agree? #9Today pic.twitter.com/YgetVXrB1A — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow)…

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Australia’s largest free Christmas concert will this year feature an “international sex symbol” at their annual family-friendly event. Woolworths Carols in the Domain describes their performing artist, Hans the German, as: “Boozier than Oktoberfest… with more sausage than a bratwurst convention.” According to the event website, the “international sex symbol” who performs in heavy make-up and fishnet stockings, appeared on America’s Got Talent last year and went on to win Best Cabaret at the 2019 Adelaide Fringe Festival Awards. The yearly event is said to attract close to 50,000 people each year, with millions of families across Australia tuning in…

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Netflix has sparked outrage after releasing a new “Christmas special” depicting Jesus as a gay man in a homosexual relationship. The film, The First Temptation of Christ, shows a gay Jesus introducing his boyfriend Orlando to his parents, Mary and Joseph, during his 30th birthday. According to Pink News, this is now the second Christmas special produced by the Brazilian troupe, Porta dos Fundos, meaning “back door”. Last December the five-person group released its first Netflix film, The Hangover, which won an International Emmy for best comedy of the year. The film reportedly “follows the adventures of Jesus’ disciples after…

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