126 search results for " merit"

Andrew Hastie, 38-year-old SAS officer turned member of parliament, has weighed in on the alleged findings of the Brereton inquiry into the alleged killing of innocent civilians by the Australian SAS in Afghanistan.

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If Joe Biden wins, and it’s still an if, he’ll have won on shaky grounds. Not on merit.

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LGBTQAAI+ activists have attempted to decimate a 23-year-old’s animation business, after Emily Arunt, a Regent University student, declined to ‘compromise two commissioned pieces’ with a transgender flag, and promotion for the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement.

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Netflix has been indicted by a grand jury in Texas for the promotion of “lewd” visual material of a child following the release of the French film “Cuties.”

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Nobody expected the Transgender Inquisition! Nonetheless, it is well and truly underway.

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Tomorrow’s headlines: Fifty reasons why world peace is a racist concept perpetuated by white supremacists.

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Victoria has yet again been subject to another grievous assault by dictatorial thugs.

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Is it a coincidence that after rejecting God, then dismantling the kings, that the western nations are now losing their countries?

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It has to make you wonder who the Big Tech Companies are taking their cues from, when they ban, block and boot professionals for publicly announcing a valid opposing viewpoint to the prevailing theory about how to treat COVID-19.

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Because nothing says “Black Lives Matter” quite like encouraging tens of thousands of black people and BLM supporters to gather en masse during a global pandemic that’s apparently so dangerous, and so deadly, that not even a church could responsibly gather without risking their lives and the lives of everyone they come in contact with.

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AMNESTY International insists that Christian schools should be stripped of their right to prefer staff who practice Christianity because this is discrimination, and discrimination is not fair. At present, religious schools are allowed to preference job applicants who subscribe to their religious values. But Amnesty argues that this is not fair to applicants with different values. If people with values contrary to Christianity are unable to work at Christian schools then they will be left with no alternative but to seek work at one of several thousand public schools where their views are uncontroversial, and this would not be fair.…

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FROM the moment Pentecostal church-going Scott Morrison became Prime Minister his Christian faith has been the subject of hot debate. Commentators on the ABC’s The Drum wondered if Morrison might try to turn Australia into a theocracy, forcing everybody to memorize the Bible and speak in tongues. Twitter lit up with people worried that Australia’s most famous church, Hillsong, might suddenly control the whole country, swamping the nation with positivity and catchy tunes. That the church Scott Morrison and his family attend is not part of Hillsong was completely missed on social media where the comfort of opinion is rarely,…

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A STRANGE thing happened at the last Federal election. Labor politicians demanded to know whether or not the PM believed gays would go to hell. Israel Folau, a deeply religious and outspoken footballer, had posted on Instagram that homosexuals (among others) would go to hell unless they repented. Labor wanted to know if our deeply religious Prime Minister agreed. But Labor did not go far enough. It is all very well for the political class to establish that gays are safe from eternal damnation, but what about the rest of us?  We, too, need our political leaders to provide assurances…

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When Catholic Archbishop of Hobart Julian Porteous wrote a booklet entitled “Don’t Mess with Marriage”, it never occurred to him that the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner was about to mess with him. The Catholic bishop was merely doing what Catholic bishops do. He wrote a booklet outlining Catholic doctrine for Catholic parents interested in Catholic teaching. That’s when a transgendered activist and federal Greens candidate stepped in. The activist complained to the Commission that the booklet was insulting. As well as an apology, she demanded that Catholic Education implement a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex awareness program for all staff…

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The Prime Minister of Australia is behaving each day more like a paternal ruler. He now wants us to download a phone app that will allow the State to trace our every move.  As reported by the media, the Morrison government is initially aiming for a 40 per cent take-up of control of ‘people’s movements and the people they come in contact with’.[1] Paternalism is government action that limits a person’s liberty with the intent of promoting “their own good” regardless of the will of the person. It implies a disregard for the will of a person and involves behaviour…

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Mark Latham has slammed the NSW Government’s “diversity and inclusion” staffing policies in the public service, and the new LGBTIQ Network, branding it a policy of “exclusion and division.” NSW Government bureaucrats admitted on Monday that their policy does not reflect a number of groups in the community, despite affirming that a world-class public service ought to “reflect the diversity of the community it serves.” The NSW One Nation leader accused the state government of adopting a “very selective diversity” policy, which excludes Christians, heterosexuals, homeless, public housing tenants, the unemployed and low-income earners. “The CHULIPS are totally left out…

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In a salient display of a free press and journalistic independence, the Australian government-owned national broadcaster has taken the Australian government’s Federal Police to court to block them reading documents seized when officers executed a search warrant. Who grants search warrants? Is it the Prime Minister, any elected official or bureaucrat in their employ? No. It’s a judge, or a trusted and accountable registrar with their delegated power who Federal Police had to persuade of the merits of their application for the warrant to search. Australian and international media have howled with indignant outrage at the notion they and their…

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Thousands of pro-life advocates turned out in Adelaide on Saturday to march against the state’s latest proposed abortion bill that would fully decriminalise abortion in South Australia. More than 3,000 people participated in the “Walk for Life” event which was hosted by the pro-life group Love Adelaide. Participants rallied outside Parliament House to offer a voice for the voiceless and stand against the Attorney-General’s plan to legalise abortion up to birth. The Abortion Law Reform Bill was initiated in December 2018 by Green’s MLC Tammy Franks who proposed completely deregulating abortion in South Australia by moving it from the Criminal…

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Is moderation a virtue? So often when I ask people what their political ideology is, they’ll say something along the lines of right-leaning, centre-right, or fiscally conservative but socially inept. Okay, maybe a variation on that last one. Still, the more significant point remains that more and more individuals and political figures are self-describing as centrists. There are a few reasons that this affinity for moderation is taking hold. Partially this could be because it makes some people feel like they’re smarter than others who cannot rise above partisanship to analyse issues on merit. Another may be that more and…

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The Daily Mail Australia is reporting Wilson Gavin died after suffering critical injuries in suicide about 7am this morning at Chelmer Railway station. I am, was, friends with Wilson. He has nothing to apologise for and is a hero we all should take notes from. He hated no one, and dearly loved his Roman Catholic Church, taking his religion very seriously. He loved the Queen and our Commonwealth, and passionately advocated for conservative principles as the best ideas for all of his fellow Australians. Like the stranger in the parable of the Good Samaritan, he thought it his Christian imperative to practically…

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