
School Affirms Student’s ‘Trans Cat’ Identity

"People who thought they were Jesus Christ or Napoleon Bonaparte were removed from society in the hopes that they could be helped. Today they are free to do their thing, with schools, politicians, the media and our elites all affirming them in their mental confusion."

Things really are going to the dogs – and cats:

In my 2014 book Dangerous Relations, I spoke about the very real slippery slope that inevitably occurs when we normalise and legalise things such as homosexual marriage. Anything goes once we destroy the very heart and soul of the institution of marriage.

I also shared some stories of other types of “marriage” that had been taking place of late. I noted how one German man in 2010 “married” his cat, and how a woman from Ghana “married” her dog. Of course, once we redefine marriage in this way, then the door is wide open to redefining everything else: sex, biology, and reality itself.

That is exactly what has happened with the trans revolution. It is a war against everything that is real, and a move to mass delusion. People now identify with whatever takes their fancy. That a man can now identify as a woman and a woman as a man is all rather passe. It does not end there of course. If someone wants to identify as a Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, who are we to judge?

No surprise then that we now have people identifying as animals. Such alarming psychosis is not just confined to individuals, however. We even have schools catering for this insanity. Consider this recent headline from a Melbourne newspaper: “Melbourne schoolgirl identifies as a cat and her school is supporting her assumed identity”. The story opens:

Students are being allowed to act out animal identities in schools in a bid to support their mental health needs. A year eight student at a private school in Melbourne identifies as a cat, and as long as she does her school work, the school is supporting her assumed identity. Although she is “phenomenally bright”, she is understood not to be verbal at school.

“No one seems to have a protocol for students identifying as animals, but the approach has been that if it doesn’t disrupt the school, everyone is being supportive,” a source close to the family said. “The behaviour is being normalised. Now more and more people are identifying as whatever they want to identify with, including ‘furries’”.

The school did not confirm the enrolment but said they have students who “present with a range of issues, from mental health, anxiety or identity issues. Our approach is always unique to the student and will take into account professional advice and the wellbeing of the student,” the school said. There is also a boy who received treatment from a Melbourne psychologist who for a time identified as a dog. 

It comes as students from Brisbane Girls’ Grammar have also been reported to identify as cats, and simulate walking on all fours and lick their hands like paws. One teenager was even said to have cut a hole in her uniform to accommodate an invisible tail. The school did not corroborate the account.

In the United States the trend of dressing up as animals is a more established trend, with students in the states of Kentucky and Miami coming to school adopting cat, fox and dog personas. However, a Miami school denied reports that the children coming to school as cats were using a kitty litter tray.

Ella Collins, who is a leading member of the Melbourne “furries” community, said a number of young people take their animal identities – known as a “fursona” – into their everyday lives, including at school. “It’s not like they bark at you in public, but they might have a preferred furry name,” she said. “If they don’t feel like they fit in or belong, it may bring them comfort,” Ms Collins said.

Well there you have it – nothing to see here. If a student identifies as a cat, who are we to object? Let’s just make things easier for them. After all, we would not want them to feel excluded. Obviously, this sort of madness is just an open invitation for the satire sites to get to work.

And that is just what has happened already. The Australian site Damascus Dropbear wasted no time in covering this story. Here is how they reported the news:

MELBOURNE, VIC – A private grammar school in Melbourne has announced a raft of cat-friendly policy reforms to assist ‘feline-identifying’ students. The move comes after increasing reports of students who have decided they are actually animals that have been mistakenly put in a human body, and schools who are eager to accommodate their preferences. 

The Principal of the school, Diedre Collins, explained the reforms being put in place. “We are excited to announce that to accommodate our feline-students we have installed litter boxes in the bathrooms, and updating all bullying policies to include the enforcement of purr-son neutral language and pronouns,” Principal Collins exclaimed.

“We have also introduced a number of new specialised classes including mouse cooking, light-chasing, and how to sleep comfortably on someone’s face. To be perfectly frank though, these trans-cats demands are a little challenging at times. They don’t seem to respect authority at all, get distracted easily, and are always looking for praise and pampering despite being largely useless.”

The Victorian Minister for Education, Natalie Hutchins MP, has praised the school and indicated that the department may consider more widespread accommodations of animal-dysphoric children. “I couldn’t be more pleased that furry students are finally realising they are not fearfully and wonderfully made by God.“

“We will ensure that bigoted schools and teachers that refuse to meow down to these furry students face the full claw of Government. Additionally, in 2024 we are hoping to move to a more co-ed arrangement which can introduce students identifying as dogs.” 

“We may need to reexamine our sexual harassment policies however in order to increase acceptance of woofing, chasing and ‘bottom sniffing behavior’.” It is further reported that satire is becoming increasingly harder to write due to the genuinely ridiculous news stories out there. 

Now if it is getting rather hard to distinguish the actual story from the fake story, you see just how far down the tubes we have gone as a society. In the past of course such people were locked up for their own safety and for the safety of others.

People who thought they were Jesus Christ or Napoleon Bonaparte were removed from society in the hopes that they could be helped. Today they are free to do their thing, with schools, politicians, the media and our elites all affirming them in their mental confusion.

Five years ago I looked at some of the obvious terms that come to mind here. I said this at the beginning of the piece:

To really understand what the gender bender activism is all about, we need to look at some standard medical terminology. Let me offer a few terms we don’t seem to use very much anymore but which are incredibly germane to all things in the trans revolution. Here are a few online definitions of some key terms: 

Psychosis – noun: a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.

Delusional – adjective: characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

Delusional disorder – Previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a “psychosis” in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined.

Delusion – noun: A delusion is a belief that is held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.

Deranged – adjective: mad; insane. “A deranged gunman”.

Deranged – Deranged may refer to psychosis, a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a “loss of contact with reality”.

Notice that all of these words have to do with being out of touch with reality. Not too long ago such people were called psychotics and the like, and they were often put away in insane asylums and mental institutions for their own good, and to protect the general public.

The sad thing is, things have only gotten much worse since then. We have now normalised and institutionalised delusion and psychosis on a massive scale. And during the same period, we have demonised and marginalised those who still think that biology, reality and truth mean something.

Welcome to our brave new world. Expect this mega-cat fight to only get a whole lot worse in the days ahead.

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