
Romanian Government Stops Election, Arrests Winning Candidate “To Save Democracy”

"Ultimately, it seems Georgescu isn’t a threat to democracy, he’s a threat to the Industrial Military Bureaucracy."

Destroying democracy to save democracy is the new black.

This is the reason why the European Union and Romanian authorities didn’t just overturn Romania’s elections in December 2024; they arrested and indicted the regime’s chief political opponent.

Last week, Calin Georgescu was detained by police on his way to (again) register as a presidential candidate.

Georgescu is being prosecuted for allegedly committing six crimes.

The most serious, Romania’s AGERPRES, reported, is “incitement to actions against the constitutional order.”

Put bluntly, Georgescu is being accused of leading an insurrection in what Courage Media’s analysis of the case concluded was a judicial coup.

Chief among these charges are claims Georgescu was “working with the Russians” to manipulate vulnerable young voters via disinformation and misinformation.

Other accusations, according to the BBC,

“include setting up an organisation with fascist, racist or xenophobic characteristics as well as forming an antisemitic organisation.”

If this all sounds too familiar, that’s because it is.

This is almost, play-for-play, the same 2016 and 2024 judicial lawfare thrown at United States President Donald Trump.

As author Rod Dehrer, quipped, “I’m old enough to remember when the political and media establishment in the US used accusations of Russian election interference to discredit a democratic outcome they did not like. Now it’s Romania’s turn.”

Romania’s Social Democrats and centrist parties, were taken by surprise after Georgescu trumped the existing parties in the 2024 elections.

Both parties are diehard fans of the EU’s overbearing and bloated Brussels bureaucracy.

Georgescu, on the other hand, is not.

He is a nation first independent who polled high, then won over 22.94% of the vote, which won him the first round.

Now, those accusing Georgescu of insurrection have overturned that election.

Politico, when describing the decision as a “massive step to take,” said officials scuttled the election because of “alleged Russian interference.”

After pressure from shell-shocked incumbents, Romania’s Constitutional Court annulled the outcome, forcing Romanians back to the polls.

AP alleged that intelligence officials had uncovered what appeared to be Russian-backed social media accounts using TikTok and Telegram to promote Georgescu.

Some outlets narrowed in on one particular document because it claimed up to 25,000 social media accounts were involved in the alleged mass misinformation coup.

EU courts rejected an appeal made by the Romanian presidential hopeful in January.

The European Court of Human Rights said the issue wasn’t within their jurisdiction.

Incumbents cancelling Georgescu’s candidacy seem to be connected to the independent nationalist’s position on NATO, Ukraine, the EU, and anti-corruption.

The 63-year-old, they also thinly argued, was connected to Fascists.

Fascists supported Georgescu, therefore, Georgescu is a fascist.

Anyone reading this would be right to think of how this same fallacious circular reasoning was deployed against Australian Moira Deeming.

To recap, Deeming was vilified as a far-right terrorist, after Neo-Nazis crashed her Victorian Let Women Speak rally opposing the LGBTrans takeover of female only spaces.

Similarly, sculpting minds to view Georgescu as a fascist, legacy media played the same “far-right” broken record seemingly scripted by EU Socialists.

Adding to reasons for why the deep state might hate Georgescu is his doubts about NATO’s defensive capabilities, which have been interpreted by the wolves in legacy media as pro-Putinish, or something more catchy, like the tired old strawman: “Putin’s puppet.”

Putin appears to be nowhere near Georgescu’s CV, which includes scientist, international consultant on sustainable development, and executive director of the UN Global Sustainability Index Institute in Geneva.

Furthering suspicions about why Georgescu has been gagged is his opposition to EU overreach.

A position ironically proven justified by the EU’s elitist attempt to micromanage Romania’s democracy, which is designed to keep Romania within the EU’s centralised power matrix.

Georgescu has his own opinions and, unlike Joe Biden or Justin Trudeau, won’t just shut-up, look busy, and read from a script.

Being cautious and sober-minded makes him less controllable, not easily bought.

Especially with money funnelled out of the U.S via the corrupted and now defunct USAID program.

This makes Georgescu “unsafe” and unpredictable.

No wonder the bureaucrats in Brussels are worried.

As a president who isn’t convinced that the Ukrainians cannot win this narcissistic and needless war, he could pull the pin on the EU training Ukrainian pilots in Romania.

For context, both countries share a border.

Drone shrapnel already lands inside Romania, and Putin has indicated that he would have no problem targeting Romanian sites.

This is because Putin views Romania’s U.S missile defence system as provocative.

Why give Putin an excuse to drag Romania into his version of a forever war?

Georgescu could also reverse Romania’s permission for NATO to significantly expand its Mihail Kogqlniceanu base, located on the Black Sea.

Romanian officials green-lit the expansion in March 2024.

More proof that NATO’s strength, purpose and resolve have all been bolstered by Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Despite the EU’s thinly backed reasoning, the facts remain that Georgescu was a democratically elected presidential candidate cancelled by his political opponents.

Defiant and unshaken, Georgescu wrote, “We will not fall again into the dark night of dictatorship. We will not perish; we will not kneel!”

Ultimately, it seems Georgescu isn’t a threat to democracy, he’s a threat to the Industrial Military Bureaucracy.

A direct counterpoint to their renewed passion for NATO, resurgent -unhinged – anachronistic hatred of Russians, and Romania’s unquestioning subservience to the EU.

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