
Rapper 50 Cent Just Endorsed Trump, Cue the Executioners

For all the broad, and vague claims from the left about “white systemic racism”, many on the left have long exhibited an intrenched entitlement to ownership and control over the black community.

For all the broad, and vague claims from the left about “white systemic racism”, many on the left have long exhibited an entrenched entitlement to ownership and control over the black community.

Evidence of this abounds.

Just take Democrat Presidential candidate, Joe Biden’s statement comparing diversity within the black and Latino communities, or his remark that “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Another example is Biden’s repeated falsehoods about Trump and racism, tripped by Trump banning dodgy Critical Race Theory training.

This is also largely seen by how, during every election, Democrats turn on white vs. black conditioning, triggering reflexes in the community that have been pre-programmed through propaganda to stimulate action without thought.

Action from within the black community which deviates from the reflex programming of the Leftist “us vs. them” therefore “vote my way or else you’re a …!”, is condemned.

Mostly with blanket criticism from the Left, which is usually racist in nature, and mostly because the individual or group has broken free from the chains of the predominate reflex.

For example, last week Rap icon, O’Shea Jackson (aka Ice Cube) was berated for approaching Trump to go into bat for impoverished black American communities.

Cube was accused of “siding with Trump”, “endorsing Trump” and “joining forces with evil.” In response, he rolled out a series of Tweets countering the narrative.

Cube’s crime? Trump stepped up to the negotiation table, where the Dems shuffled some papers and said ‘wait until after the election.’

Ice Cube’s a smart guy. He knows the bureaucratic arrogance of power in the DC swamp, the power of the “everything is racist” industry, and the power games of its many political cabals/insiders.

Using Twitter to push back Cube wrote, “A lot of energy being spent on telling me to stay in my lane. Zero energy spent on telling Biden/Harris they need to do way more for Black people to sure up the vote. Smh”

Responding to a Politico headline Cube denied the claims of collaboration with Trump: “Joined forces? Stop pushing these bull&*t headlines.”

Implying the same, The Washington Post called the news, “a bewildering revelation, oddly fitting for 2020”.

Cube’s comments to TMZ appear to have gone unnoticed:

“His sole focus was getting the administration to adopt elements of his Contract with Black America … in order to improve Black lives. He insists he is NOT attempting to sway Black votes toward either candidate.”

This is also despite the brilliant (widely publicized) summary of his argument and defense on the 15th: 

‘Every side is the Darkside for us here in America. They’re all the same until something changes for us. They all lie and they all cheat but we can’t afford not to negotiate with whoever is in power or our condition in this country will never change. Our justice is bipartisan.’

Ice Cube isn’t the only voice from the Rap community deviating from the well-honed pro-Democrat, or else, reflex.    

R ‘n B rap legend Curtis James Jackson III (aka 50 Cent; Fif) just backed Trump, in response to news about the Biden/Harris tax plan.

The rapper threw in his cincuenta centavos’ worth on Instagram, and Twitter writing ‘Vote for Trump. I’m out…’

50 Cent responded to reports, such as CNBC’s, which stated that Biden’s plan could hit Californians & New Yorkers with 62.6% in ‘federal and state’ tax rates for ‘anyone earning over $400,000 a year’, with proposed tax cuts for those earning under that amount.’ CNBC added, high income ‘earners would be taxed the highest in more than 30 years, and well above the rates under the Obama administration.’

Backlash and criticism of 50 Cent’s endorsement was almost immediate.

Though not completely representative of the Hip Hop community, Hip Hop industry content provider, HNHH, called 50 Cent’s post a “shocking endorsement for Trump.”

Spouting Critical Race Theory conspiracy theories about America as a whole, and false claims about Donald Trump refusing to condemn “white supremacy,” HNHH all but denounced 50 Cent.

Referencing followers of the asinine Intersectionality belief that “all white people are racist, white privileged, homophobic bigots,” HNHH  accused the rapper of greed.

Claiming: ‘obviously, [Fif’s] money is more important to him than climate change, systemic racism, and other issues that Trump does not prioritize.’

Suffice to say, HNHH’s criticisms of 50 Cent aligns with The Washington Post’s sloppy criticism of Ice Cube, and they each come from the same sordid place.

A place of entitlement to, and ownership of the black community.

Illustrated best by the potential head Democrat in charge, Joe Biden: “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

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