
Pro-aborts hold “emergency” art exhibition titled “Abortion Is Normal”

A New York art gallery featured a pro-abortion exhibition this week, displaying artworks from a range of feminist-activists hoping to “dismantle the stigma” attracted to the brutal practice of baby killing. The Abortion is Normal exhibition was described as “an emergency art show”, designed to provoke a “resurgence of energy and enthusiasm” about the topic…

A New York art gallery featured a pro-abortion exhibition this week, displaying artworks from a range of feminist-activists hoping to “dismantle the stigma” attracted to the brutal practice of baby killing.

The Abortion is Normal exhibition was described as “an emergency art show”, designed to provoke a “resurgence of energy and enthusiasm” about the topic of abortion.

Jasmine Wahi, Co-curator of the event told Bloomberg, the show is important because it continues the fight to ensure women are permitted to freely end the lives of their unborn children.

“The reason this show is important, aside from, I guess, the obvious, which is we’re continuing to fight and ensure that our reproductive rights are maintained,” Wahi said. “It’s important because we’re trying to make a statement that reproductive rights are not just a women’s or cis women’s issue, but an issue that affects everyone.”

Proceeds from the show will be split between Planned Parenthood and Downtown for Democracy, an organisation that hopes to “transform cultural influence into political power.”

Pro-life advocate Obianuju Ekeocha rightly pointed out, the exhibition featured plenty of pro-abortion imagery, from portraits of pro-abortion SCOTUS Justice, vulgar artworks, and ugly mannequins with abortion halos. One thing that wasn’t exhibited, however, was a real image of a baby’s broken body after being mangled and shredded by abortion equipment.

Little wonder why. As John Piper, in his piece titled Abortion: The Innocent Blood of Our Sons and Daughters said, “If we were made to watch a doctor pull off the little baby’s legs and arms one by one and place them on the table like a dentist removing cotton from your mouth–if all people were made to see what it really is, the pro-life goal of abortion being unthinkable (not just illegal) would be much nearer.”

That’s not to suggest these pro-abortion activists are ignorant about what the “procedure” entails. They know exactly what it involves. That’s why they’re so intentional about employing euphemisms when discussing the subject. The woman doesn’t kill her baby, she terminates her pregnancy. It’s not a baby inside of her, it’s a fetus. They’re not pro-baby-killing, they’re pro-choice. They’re not championing death, they’re advocating women’s rights.

What’s obvious is that these activists fear reality meeting anyone still sitting on the fence, anyone not buying into their deceitful, euphemistic language. Because how many people could remain undecided after witnessing the brutal and bloody aftermath of what these sorts deem “normal”?



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