189 search results for "all white people are racist"

Over the coming days and weeks, you will be told a lie. In fact, not just one lie, but a series of lies, mistruths and opinions masquerading as fact, pushed by a media circuit that is infatuated with establishing a false narrative to divide us on the basis of skin colour. You will be told that systemic racism exists in modern Australia. You will be told that disparate impact is somehow a facet of systemic racism. And finally, you will be told that these supposed biases manifest themselves in the form of police brutality, incarcerations and deaths in police custody.…

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George Floyd’s cruel murder is sparking much-needed conversations about justice and racial harmony in America and beyond. The ripple effect has already reached us Down Under, with protests planned for Australian capital cities this weekend. Yesterday I spoke with a friend who has ministered among Indigenous Australians for decades. He told me that in some regional jails he has visited, Aboriginal men made up over 70% of the prison population. Whatever landed them there, this is a deeply troubling picture. In a recent survey, 10% of Australians said they would tell jokes about Indigenous Aussies. 10% said they wouldn’t employ…

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George Floyd is dead, and that is an unmitigated tragedy all by itself before anything else happened. All four officers involved were sacked immediately pending investigation, and the alleged murderer was eventually arrested and charged with murder and manslaughter. It’s expected the others will face trial on criminal charges as well. Absolutely no one on any side of politics, at any level of government, or in any law enforcement agency or their trade unions has come out and tried to contextualise or minimalise the evil brutality of the murderer. There is “systemic” condemnation, not tolerance, of this crime. The public…

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In case you didn’t think 2020 could get any more perplexing, there are now uncontrolled riots taking place in dozens of American cities. From coast to coast, cars and businesses have been set alight, numberless shops have been looted, vehicles have been driven into crowds, and mob violence has broken out on city streets. In the week since the rioting began, numerous people have lost their lives and thousands have been arrested. Many cities have imposed curfews and the National Guard has been deployed in over 20 states. The unrest started last week in Minneapolis after a video went viral showing the…

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As we’ve seen in recent weeks, the Australian Greens, the American Democrats, Extinction Rebellion and the Chinese Communist regime have attached their self-proclaimed sinless benevolence to the coronavirus crisis. Ignoring the fact that they waved dim-witted “you can’t do that, it’s racist” flags all over the media in response to early anti-coronavirus measures, sharp-witted governments put in place to stop the coronavirus. False accusations of racism which targeted travel bans top this list. Comparing the devastating toll in Italy with the relatively low impact of COVID-19 on Japan’s population, Mark Powell was right to note that Italy was invaded, and…

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Has Capitalism Caused COVID-19? Apparently, the current coronavirus pandemic is not linked to the exotic eating habits of the Chinese but instead is due to “the climate change crisis”. Vijay Kolinjivadi, from Al Jazeera, argues that the common roots of COVID-19 and climate change are evidenced in two ways: The origin of the virus makes it a perfect example of how the way capitalism commodifies life to turn it into profit can directly endanger human life. In this sense, the ongoing pandemic is the product of unrestrained capitalist production and consumption patterns and is very much part of the deleterious environmental changes…

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Police in Britain reportedly turned a blind eye to almost 100 Muslim pedophiles of Pakistani heritage for fear of inciting racial hatred, a report commissioned by Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham has revealed. At least 57 children described as “young white females” were identified as being involved in some way with sexual exploitation carried out by grooming gangs, which hooked their victims on drugs, groomed and sexually abused them. The report, which followed the airing of a BBC documentary, The Betrayed Girls, documented repeated failures by the authorities to end the child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester which appeared to…

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You will often, particularly online, hear people say something like this; the African slave trade was a ‘racist, white, patriarchal colonialist institution’, it was the white man’s hatred of the black man that fuelled the slave trade. Now, putting aside the fact that the word ‘slave’ developed from ‘Slav’, the white eastern Europeans who were taken as slaves so often their names became synonymous with the institution of slavery in Europe, this idea that the African slave trade was a ‘white, patriarchal, colonial institution’ is both ahistorical and ridiculous. Did Colonialists engage in it? Yes. Did racists engage in it?…

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Fr. Daryl McCullough—and Aboriginal Anglican priest from Western NSW—has written a turgid 4,000-word opinion piece in Eternity responding to my original 800-word article as to why Christian organisations should not engage in the use of indigenous protocols. He raises a number of significant concerns which I thought would be helpful to provide a response to help further clarify the issue (Proverbs 27:17). At its recent General Assembly, the Presbyterian Church of Australia discussed the use of Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country protocols. I was one of a significant number who expressed their personal concerns about doing so. The…

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Shameless activists inciting racial division and hatred have disrespected a grieving family’s wishes for calm and peace while investigations into the death of an Aboriginal man shot by police continue. Jacinta Price took to social media yesterday to urge restraint from jumping to conclusions following the death of her nineteen-year-old nephew, Kumanjayi Walker, after a police shooting in the remote indigenous community of Yuendumu, 293 kilometres north-west of Alice Springs on Saturday last week. Speaking on behalf of the family she advised they were “waiting to understand the circumstances around his death.” Warning against turning the incident into a witch…

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I like Twitter because there’s a much higher concentration of people with opposite views to me, compared to the opportunity for engagement beyond like-minded people on my Facebook page. I subscribe to the philosophy that my ideas are only as strong as the strongest criticism I expose them to. Sincerely wanting to pursue Truth and share what I have – as opposed to simply scoring ego points – I enjoy the arguments while they remain civil. It comes as no surprise to anyone that there’s also plenty of opportunity for wasting time engaging people completely devoid of sincerity with absolutely…

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Nike’s decision to pull a special edition of Air Max shoes featuring the ‘Betsy Ross’ Flag, used by Revolutionaries, during the 1776 American war of Independence, is shallow and proves that social justice warriors are hypocrites. Reasons for the recall vary. The BBC reported, that Nike recalled the shoes because of ‘complaints about the use of an old US flag embraced by white nationalists’. The BBC rightly pointed out, that American Nazi sympathizers (German American Bund) used the flag during the 1930s. However, the Bund also used the Stars and Stripes. Leaving unanswered the question of how and why this…

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Progressivism has become so pervasive that it’s about time that a children’s book is written on the political left. We’ve all been wanting to understand those big words that are thrown around time and time again and so, for social education of knuckle-dragging-cave-dwelling-deplorables everywhere, here are your 21st century ABC’s. A is for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC: The Fresh New Face of the Democratic Party, or as Ben Shapiro says, “So fresh. So face.” Never before have the ideals of communism been espoused in such eloquence and grandeur than through the lips of this 21st century feminist prophet. According to AOC,…

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In 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued an official national apology for the mistreatment of Australia’s indigenous people. Since then, evidence has abounded that race relations have simply gotten worse with open resentment and even violent protests of Australia. The latest despicable display of racial bitterness is NRL star Cody Walker’s unoriginal refusal to sing the national anthem before the State of Origin opener. You’d never guess it’s actually “National Reconciliation Week” unless that means racist virtue-signalling week. Yes, the people complaining loudest about racism are plainly racists demanding obeisance. This week will potentially only serve to deepen resentment and…

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In her last round of public appearances, Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) blamed America for the suffering of Venezuelans, and managed to alienate the majority of Americans with the provocative statement, “this is not going to be the country of the xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people.” As Omar failed to clarify who she meant by the term “white people”, one can only presume that Omar was either loosely referring to those of Caucasian ethnicity, or more broadly, anyone who supports President Donald Trump. Since those on the far-Left consider anyone not living within…

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The senate ballot paper can be daunting. This year, in SA, there are forty-two candidates, most of whose names you have never heard of before. Six of them will end up sitting in the Senate, deciding Australian Legislation for the next six years. That’s an important job, so we should look closely and think about who we will vote for. This article is, hopefully, a good starting point to work out how you will vote if you happen to be a South Australian. I’m going to introduce all the parties/candidates and the basic propositions that they represent. I’ve grouped them…

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Back in August 2016, in an article called, “Why Trump is not Hitler, & Why Evangelical Americans are Not German Christians”, I argued that the more pressing danger was Turkey’s, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the fanaticism surrounding him. His recent decision to use the tragic pro-Communist, eco-Fascist attacks in New Zealand, as a political whip, particularly against Australians, only furthers the point I attempted to make. The piece was written in response to the large amount of naysayers who were predicting another Holocaust if Donald Trump was to win the 2016 United States Presidential race. Equating Trump with Hitler was…

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The attack on Masjid Al Nor and Linwood Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand was horrific. The loss of life, the changed lives and the many painful years of grieving to come for the victims involved – all of it heartbreaking. The world, as we’re told, now stands in mourning for the innocent lives taken. Social media is saturated with comments from those in disbelief, to those looking to show solidarity, or outrage, and those who see the attack on the Mosque in New Zealand, as an opportunity to further their own self-interest. We are witnessing, and no doubt will witness,…

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One of the highlights of State of the Union Addresses, is the build-up and debriefing offered by commentators. Mainstream media “expert” panels have their place,  but in favour of a more conversational tone, I prefer to steer away from them. If you’re an Aussie, and are old enough to remember Channel Ten’s excellent, late night program, ‘The Panel’,  you’ll know exactly what I mean. One of the better American versions, is the gathering of Daily Wire front-men, and their, all-issues-on-the-board, round table. Although a lot of what Donald Trump said throughout the blockbuster address, was worth a post on its own (particularly…

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This week CNN claimed, “A crowd of teenagers surrounded a Native American elder and other activists and appeared to mock them after Friday’s Indigenous Peoples March at the Lincoln Memorial.” A CNN tweet linking to the report also claimed: “Video shows a crowd of teenagers wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hats taunting a Native American elder…” The video, which was widely shared by numerous news media outlets, shows a student from a Catholic high school staring at a Native American man as he chants and beats a drum in the young man’s face. What’s been implied is that the student…

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