517 search results for "lgbt"

If this doesn’t constitute as child abuse, I’m not sure what does. This heartbreaking footage, taken at a Gay Pride event, shows a little girl no older than six waving an LGBTQ flag as she watches a near-naked man perform sexual dance moves in nothing but his underwear. At one point in the video, a man is seen walking up to the dancer and stuffing money down his crotch. “That is too precious,” a man can be heard saying off camera. “Maybe it’s her dad dancing,” another individual says. Canada’s public broadcaster CBC, told parents it’s important to be “open-minded,”…

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The Australian Taxation Office has introduced a 3% inclusion benchmark to encourage LGBT employees to come out of the closet and “bring their whole selves to work.” Mark Powell at The Spectator writes: “So, let me get this straight (if you’ll pardon the pun). Getting a job with the ATO may now no longer be based solely on ability but ultimately whatever sexual predilection you identify as being? In keeping with the introduction of their ‘sexuality quota’ maybe they could even change their name to ‘The Gay-T.O’?” READ: Sexuality quotas? Really? | The Spectator Australia Remember when Lisa Wilkinson—the highly-paid…

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Disney has reportedly cast their first openly gay character, but LGBTQ activists aren’t happy. Actor Jack Whitehall will play the role of the “hugely effete, very cramped and very funny” gay man in Dwayne Johnson’s upcoming film The Jungle Cruise. But there’s just one problem, according to angered fans. He’s just not gay enough. Last month Scarlett Johansson sparked a similar backlash when it was announced she would star as a transgender character in the film Rub & Tug. Eventually, Johansson was forced to pull out of the project. “Hollywood is so f–ked up,” trans actor Trace Lysette said. “I…

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Life Site News reports: “A plastic surgeon in Toronto who calls himself a “leader in the LGBT community” has admitted to performing double mastectomies on girls as young as fourteen who believe themselves to be ‘boys.’ Dr. Marc DuPéré will perform the procedure, despite the vast majority of children with gender identity confusion eventually reverting to their natal sex, as long as the teen girl is ‘firm about the decision to transition,’ he wrote in a now deleted post on his website.” READ: Canadian doctor pockets $9,000 to remove breasts from 14-year-old girls who believe they’re ‘boys’ Evidence shows that the majority of…

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Lesbian activists have blocked London’s LGBT Pride march in protest against the Trans movement. Yes, you read that correctly. The ‘L’ in LGBTQ+ wants out, if the ‘T’ remains in. The group of women blocked the parade for about 10 minutes, shouting “A man who says he’s a lesbian is a rapist,” and waving a banner that read: “Transactivism erases lesbians.” #PrideinLondon Sorry After #AntiTrans Protest. Pride in London organizers have apologized after anti-trans protesters "forced their way to the front of the parade". Members of lesbian and feminist group Get The L Out demanded to march behind… #UK #LGBT…

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What slippery slope? Pedophiles are attempting to rebrand themselves as MAPs or “Minor Attracted Persons” in an attempt to gain public acceptance, Gay Star News reports*. Groups have even gone so far as to create their own rainbow Pride flag. According to the UK-based LGBTQ news website, the group behind the rebranding efforts is attempting to destigmatise pedophilia by presenting themselves as a marginalized and misunderstood community. PSA TO MINORS: IF YOU SEE THIS “””PRIDE””” FLAG ANYWHERE BE WARNED this flag is for MAPs, which stands for minor attracted person(s) THIS IS A FLAG FOR PEDOPHILES pic.twitter.com/agx2ryySqx — Fish! ?…

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A bus company in the UK has scrapped adverts promoting a Christian festival after backlash from LGBTQ activists. The banners promoting the Festival of Hope appeared on Blackpool Transport’s Palladium fleet. The event was to be held at the Winter Gardens, and featured American evangelist Franklin Graham. In 2014 Graham reportedly upset the LGBTQ crowd after he suggested the gay rights movement was orchestrated by Satan, as an assault against the Christian faith. “When [the President] fails to defend biblically defined marriage, and he openly and zealously advocates for gay rights… we know we are locked in a war against the Christian…

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Meet Desmond Napoles, the ten-year-old drag queen from Brooklyn, New York. Desmond, also known as ‘Desmond Is Amazing,’ has reportedly been dressing in drag since he was six years of age. Since then, he has appeared in a music video for drag-queen, Jinkx Monsoon, and later featured at Gay Pride NYC where his appearance went viral. Last week, in celebration of Pride Month, HuffPost released a video featuring the youngster. “I discovered that I wanted to do drag when I watched the first episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race, when I was two. Then I moved on to little dresses. Then…

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“From my point of view as a former child who did this, it’s child abuse, and it shouldn’t be done.” Walt Heyer was born in California in 1931. By 1962 Heyer was married and had two children with his wife. But at the age of 42, things changed. Heyer divorced his wife, changed his name to Laura Jenson and began to live as a woman. Soon after Heyer received breast implants and had his genitalia removed. Eventually, Heyer began to realise the transition helped little with his mental struggle. After eight years Heyer underwent a second sex-change. This time, reverting…

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Senior CrossFit employee, Russell Berger, was fired after defending CrossFit Infiltrate’s decision to cancel an Indy Pride event organised by coaches. In an email to gym members, the owners said, “We believe that true health forever can only be found within humility, not pride. As a business we will choose to deploy our resources towards those efforts and causes that line up with our own values and beliefs.” The decision to cancel the event sparked backlash and as a result, the gym was forced to permanently closed their doors. Responding to the criticism, Russell Berger, chief knowledge officer and head…

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The National LGBTI Health Alliance has said, “LGBTI people have 3.5 to 14 times higher rates of suicide than the general population.” It’s often claimed that the increased suicide rate among LGBTQ people is due to homophobia and stigmatization. In the following video, Big Deal examines that claim, pointing out that while in the past 30 years stigmatization has dropped substantially, this has had little to no impact on suicide rates. If stigmatization was the cause, shouldn’t the suicide rate drop as stigmatization decreases? What if, in an attempt to stamp out “homophobia,” we’re missing something else? What if people…

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The All Blacks have hit back after Australian rugby star, Israel Folau, caused controversy last month by publicly citing the biblical view of homosexuality. In a display of solidarity with the LGBTQ “community,” the New Zealand rugby team will now sport a jersey that reveals the LGBTQ rainbow when stretched. The new jerseys are part of the #DiversityIsStrength campaign, headed up by team sponsor AIG Insurance. An ad for the campaign was also released on the All Blacks official Facebook page. In call-to-arms style, the ad’s narrator calls for thousands, even millions, to help fight in the “next battle” against…

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The Illinois Senate recently passed a bill that would require public schools to teach lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history. The bill, which passed with a 34-18 vote, requires “all elementary and high schools to teach a unit studying the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State.” The bill also states that textbooks used in public schools must be inclusive and “non-discriminatory.” Democratic Sen. Heather Steans told Fox News, teaching LGBT history in schools is important to “increase compassion and understanding as well as to provide historical role…

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According to The Australian, around 400 students from seven schools helped to paint a permanent 80 meter rainbow mural on a prominent Victorian police station. The artwork was a collaboration between Merri Health and Moreland City in preparation for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), to be held on May 17. Victorian Police Community Engagement Acting Inspector, Troy Papworth, said the artwork is “a symbolic way for the community, including police, to show that we’re taking a stance against violence and discrimination. Through the mural, police are also hoping to increase confidence and trust between LGBTI communities and…

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According to Life Site News, California is set to implement new sex education lessons which help promote abortion, transgenderism and homosexuality to children. While parents were previously given the option to remove their children from such lessons, one school district has told parents they will not be granted the choice. In a memo to the Orange County Board of Education, OC Department of Education general counsel Ronald Wenkart said the law’s opt-out provision “does not apply to instructions, material, or programming that discusses gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, relationships, or family and does not…

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According to The Daily Mail, “thrilled primary school children” from Parsons Street Primary School in Bedminster, Bristol, were entertained by a drag queen on World Book Day. The school’s headmaster, Jamie Barry, reportedly invited the drag entertainer from Drag Queen Story Time in order to promote LGBTQ issues to their students aged from three to 11. Drag Queen Story Time’s stated aim is to, “capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of children and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.” One mother was quoted as saying, “Lots of parents at the school are not happy about…

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Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull once assured us, the Same-Sex Marriage bill would not “impose any restrictions on religious freedoms at all. Australians practice their religions with freedom, as we always have done and always will…” He then went on to say the bill itself made “no change to anti-discrimination laws.” This was the standard rhetoric we heard during the Same-Sex Marriage survey. “What’s it got to do with you?” YES voters asked. “If you don’t agree with gay marriage, don’t have one.” The idea was that, if same-sex marriage were to become legal, it would have zero impact on those…

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According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney’s 40th Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras will feature a “new fashion trend among the glitter and the sequins: the rainbow hijab.” The “Pride Scarfs” hijabs are produced by MOGA, a Muslim-owned,  LGBTQI-friendly, fashion label for Islamic headscarves and shawls. Azahn Munas, the creative director of the Melbourne-based company, was quoted as saying, “Our fans range from trendy Muslim ‘hijabsters’ to festivalgoers to drag queens… We really weren’t sure how the religious community would react because we thought a lot of Muslims were intolerant to the gay and lesbian community. But we learnt this is…

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The debate regarding Same-Sex Marriage is often framed with the language of “equality” and “human rights.” It’s argued, if some can exercise their right to marry, then why not all? Why is marriage a privilege only granted to some? Isn’t that discrimination? In the following clip, Voddie Baucham explains: Here’s [their] reasoning: Homosexuals have the right to marry; they do not desire to exercise the right as it currently exists; therefore, they do not have the right and the law must be changed… How about we change the first line? Pacifists have the right to join the military; they do…

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The Queensland Government no longer requires a person’s gender to be displayed on their driver’s licence. According to an internal document obtained by The Courier Mail, the move to make driver’s licences genderless followed complaints from the LGBTI community who argued the mandatory gender identification was discriminatory. The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) confirmed the move towards genderless licences was due to the need to make driver’s and marine licences compliant with new anti-discrimination laws. According to the document: TMR has received complaints and suggestions from members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community about displaying…

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