883 search results for "rights"

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has announced a pledge of $90 million to support Global Partnership for Education (GPE). The pledge came hours after singer, and GPE ambassador, Rhianna (Net Worth $230 million) asked Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull if they would, “step up with a $200 million pledge…” hi @JulieBishopMP & @TurnbullMalcolm will you step up w/ a ?? $200M pledge to #FundEducation at the @GPforEducation conference in Senegal tomorrow? Kick off your 1st year on the #HumanRightsCouncil by giving the universal human right to education! ?? @claralionelfdn @glblctzn — Rihanna (@rihanna) February 1, 2018 Cory Bernardi responded to the…

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According to Breitbart, a campaigned called #120db has been launched by a group of women in Germany, seeking to lend a voice to women who have been physically or sexually attacked as a result of mass migration policies. This week the group shared a video listing some of the names of the victims of violence committed by asylum seekers. The women in the video reference the recent case of a young girl called Mia, who was stabbed to death by her former asylum seeker boyfriend in the German city of Kandel, as well as Maria Ladenburger, who was raped and killed allegedly by migrant who lied about…

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What happened to Christian Lebanon? Brigitte Gabriel explains: In 1965, National Geographic Magazine had on its front cover, “Lebanon, Eden of the Middle East.” Unfortunately, all this began to change as the years went by. We got our independence in the early 40s, but by the 60s and 70s, the Christians had become the minority and the Muslims had become the majority in Lebanon. And as the Islamic population grew in the country, the country became less and less tolerant, because they started pushing for more rights that were not compatible with our Judeo-Christian value system that we had created,…

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The results of the same-sex plebiscite were announced on 15 November 2017, and a few weeks later Australia became the 26th nation in the world to legislate for same-sex marriage. The Prime Minister was beside himself, as he punched the air, like an Aussie batsman who had just scored a century against the old foe, England. ‘Australia has done it,’ he proclaimed, ‘What a day for love, for equality, for respect.’ Step aside Neville Chamberlain who was overjoyed at guaranteeing peace in our time in 1938. Here is Malcolm Turnbull in 2017: ‘This belongs to us all. This is Australia…

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According to LifeSiteNews, “Church groups must support abortion as part of their ‘core mandate’ in order to receive summer student job grants…” “Justine Trudeau’s Liberal government changed the application process for Canada Summer Jobs after vowing last year to stop pro-life groups from receiving grants through the federal program. “Employment Minister Patty Hajdu added the requirement that employers sign an attestation that their ‘core mandate’ supports reproductive and transgender ‘rights.’” The new clause in the grant application demands applicants check a box that says: My organisation’s core mandate respect individual human rights in Canada… these include reproductive rights and the…

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Wendy Griffith from CBN News reports: It’s called S.O.G.I for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification, a curriculum that teaches public school students across Canada to celebrate the homosexual lifestyle and that gender is fluid. In other words, your gender is not dependent on what parts you were born with, but rather what you feel like in the moment… The S.O.G.I. curriculum started in British Columbia in 2016 and is quickly spreading throughout Canada… Canada is known as one of the most gay friendly countries in the world with many of their largest cities featuring their very own gay villages… Most gays……

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According to the Daily Mail, a 10-year-old from Brooklyn, New York, is launching Haus of Amazing, the “first and only drag club for kids.” Desmond Napoles, whose drag name is, ‘Desmond the Amazing,’ claims to have been “doing drag since [he] was two years old.” In an interview with Out, Desmond revealed: “Ever since day one… ever since I was able to walk, I used to take my mom’s towels and take her heels and clomp around the house. [I’d] put the towel on my head, wrap a towel around my body and walk the runway down my house.” When…

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Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains: “After every new Jihadist attack against the West, politicians reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true nature of mainstream Islam. Of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, they constantly reassure us, the overwhelming majority are as law abiding as any members of any other monotheistic faith. Only a tiny fraction engage in terror. And Islam is a religion of peace. Furthermore, we are told, the great majority of Muslims hold moderate views.” But what does “moderate” mean? How moderate are moderate Muslims? According to the Pew Research Center, 88%…

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During the panel discussion at ‘The Collapse of Europe?’ conference, Mark Steyn spoken on multiculturalism and its impact on the West. The following excerpts are taken from that speech. Multiculturalism is the slipperiest ‘ism’ because it doesn’t invite an argument, it says, there’s no point to having an argument. It says basically, if everything is of equal value what the hell is the point of talking about any of it? And that is what makes it such an elusive enemy to get a hold on… Almost every Western country has signed up to full-blown multiculturalism. And I say just every Western…

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What is Cultural Marxism? You may have never heard the term before, but you’ve certainly been exposed to the ideology. Andrew Breitbart said, “we experience [Cultural Marxism] on a day to day basis, by that I mean a minute by minute, second by second basis. It’s political correctness and it’s multiculturalism.” Where Classical Marxism was concerned with the class warfare between the wealthy and the working class, Cultural Marxism shifts the focus to the conflict between an oppressive, privileged majority, and oppressed, under-privileged minorities. Whether an individual is oppressed or an oppressor depends on certain aspects of that individual’s identity,…

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All they seem to talk about is genitals, sexuality, toilets, and educating your children. And it’s creepy! Now, the Daily Mail reports: Norrie, a 56 year old, transgender activist, wants “gender-neutral toilets introduced at all major venues across Australia.” Norrie, who was born a man but identifies as neither a man nor a woman, told Daily Mail: “Every now and again, maybe once in a hundred times now, nowadays I walk into the ladies’ loos and someone wants to pick a fight with my gender… My plumbing is nobody’s business really even when I’m in the toilet.” During the 2017 Marriage Equality…

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If good and bad are ultimately defined by culture, then the moral relativist must grant that there is always a circumstance in which every act, even the most heinous, can be justified.

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We’re told, it didn’t start with marriage and it won’t end with marriage, and neither should our efforts to protect our children. Marriage Equality Rally, Sydney 2017: “We are on the verge of winning this, and then we can pour our energy into other pressing things, like making sure transgender rights in the military are not rolled back, and that Safe Schools becomes a reality for all school children, in every state, public or private schools. It didn’t start with marriage, and it won’t end with marriage – but still, what a sweet celebration that promises to be.” 

Since the Australian Parliament decided to thumb its nose at God by legalising same-sex “marriage,” I have been asked numerous times how we as Christians should respond. As I pondered this question I have found myself coming up with six ways in which I will personally respond to this embracing of darkness. 1. Be Family Focused I am convinced that family is the building block of society. If we want to see our community strengthened then we need to have strong, godly and moral families.  As such, I will be seeking to love my wife as Christ loves the Church…

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Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, opens his doors to everyone. “People of all walks of life are always welcome in the store… I serve everybody, I just don’t make cakes for every event,” Phillips has said. Phillips is a Christian, which means he refuses to use his artistry to decorate cakes that endorse a message contrary to his faith and conviction. “There are certain messages that I don’t create,” Phillips states. “I don’t do cakes for Halloween, I don’t do cakes that would promote sexual things, or anti-American things, or things that would disparage other people, including [those] that identify as…

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Author, Pat Miller, once said, “The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” Paula Gerber, Professor of Human Rights Law, at Monash University, has recently stated: “…once the celebrations from Australia achieving marriage equality have subsided, the fight for LGBTI people to live free from discrimination will continue.” So, what does…

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Roughly 40% of Australians voted No to same-sex marriage and, according to a recent Newspoll, roughly 40% also reject the legitimacy of religious protections for Australians who disagree with same-sex marriage. The debates taking place in Federal parliament regarding religious liberty are culturally significant. The cultural reformation of the 1960s has transformed social views on sex, marriage, family, and, increasingly, gender. And yet clearly not all have gone with the tide. What became increasingly obvious during the same-sex marriage debate and now with the debate over religious protections is that culturally Australia is shifting back to the acrimonious sectarianism that…

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“In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed… No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people… When I speak of the Christian religion as the basis of government… I mean the primitive Christianity in its simplicity as taught by Christ and His apostles, consisting of a belief in the being, perfections, and government of God; in the…

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Student teacher, Lindsay Shepherd, was chastised by school authorities after she aired a video during two tutorials. The clip featured University of Toronto professor Jordan B. Peterson and involved a debate on gender-neutral pronouns. For context, Peterson’s full debate can be viewed here: Genders, Rights and Freedom of Speech According to a report by The Star: The excerpt from TVO’s current affairs program The Agenda shows Peterson, who has famously refused to use gender pronouns other than “he” or “she,” defending his position against a professor who argued it was necessary to use the pronouns that a person prefers to be…

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Well, they certainly waste no time. The campaigning is over, so let your true rainbow colours shine! Karl Stefanovic and Alex Greenwich scold Cory Bernardi for wanting to preserve freedom: Karl Stefanovic: So, you’re actually going to push ahead with that — with laws allowing wedding businesses to reject gay couples? You’re going to push ahead with that regardless of today’s result? Cory Bernardi: I’m going to make sure that freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of parental rights in education are upheld. That’s what everyone’s promised us… During the campaign they told us they would defend these things. This is why this has…

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