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Here are my most popular Caldron Pool articles from 2020. If you have a favourite and it’s not listed, drop the link in the comments.

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Earlier this month, Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison announced that his Government had made the surprise unilateral decision to adjust the Australian national anthem by replacing the phrase “for we are young and free,” with “for we are one and free.”

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“Defund the Police” Alyssa Milano has offered unsolicited advice to anti-maskers in a swipe at gun owners.

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Wealthy foreign buyers will be gifted $50,000 of taxpayer money to purchase new homes in Australia.

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Californians have been told they must wear face coverings in public or high-risk settings, including while shopping, taking public transit or seeking medical care.

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Scott Morrison’s low-key cabinet reshuffle has bumped up Andrew Hastie, and Amanda Stoker into frontbench assistant ministerial positions.

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“Society is structured in a way that enables [white people] to live longer,” Schmidt told the publication.

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It’s worth pondering: Why would technocrats silence dissent, analysis, free and open debate, if the alleged Democrat “win” was legal?

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The NHS this week released images of the wallet-sized documents that will be given to individuals who take the COVID-19 vaccination.

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A prominent Chinese official shared a fake image of an Australian Digger threatening to slit the throat of an Afghan child.

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Australians have united in bipartisan condemnation of CCP propaganda after one of its “wolf warrior” diplomats posted anti-Australian propaganda to China’s Foreign Ministry Twitter account.

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Andrew Hastie, 38-year-old SAS officer turned member of parliament, has weighed in on the alleged findings of the Brereton inquiry into the alleged killing of innocent civilians by the Australian SAS in Afghanistan.

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While Christian Porter has delayed the introduction of the Religious Freedom Bill until 2021 due to COVID-19, the Attorney-General Jill Hennessy has sought to make hay while the sun shines.

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If Joe Biden wins, and it’s still an if, he’ll have won on shaky grounds. Not on merit.

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If you’ve recently awoken from a half-century-long coma, you may have never heard the name, Donald Trump. Not to fear, Yahoo News is here to clarify for us all.

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The New York Times has accused commentators expressing their concerns about ‘The Great Reset’, of ‘spreading misinformation.’

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Do you know anything about the Great Reset? You should, if for no other reason than because I wrote a major piece on it just a few days ago.

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‘Hate speech’ is really nothing more than speech truth-haters hate hearing.

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Pastor King said he decided to hold the service because he “believes we serve a greater good. We have a greater good than whatever this is.”

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China has reviewed the United States human rights record and issued a list of nine recommendations after being elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council.

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