The New York Times has accused commentators expressing their concerns about ‘The Great Reset’ of ‘spreading misinformation.’
Appearing to contradict both the World Economic Forum and TIME magazine, The NYT called ‘The Great Reset’, a ‘baseless conspiracy theory.’

The clickbait headline, ‘The baseless ‘Great Reset’ conspiracy theory rises again’ is evidence of the legacy media’s collaborative effort to impose an agenda akin to Global Communism – once the dream of Lenin and Mao.
The New York Times headline was misleading. It’s myopic content, not much better.
By dismissing genuine concerns, the NYT was able to twist facts around in order to attack Conservatives, and their allies so as to paint them as tin-foil hat basement dwellers, distorting the intent and purpose of the forum.
From there the NYT spun ‘The Great Reset’ into something we should all be celebrating. Conditioning people to embrace anti-COVID totalitarianism as a great liberator, in much the same way many are being conditioned to embrace the not-yet President-elect, Joe Biden.
Is this fascism proper?
I think it is.
The woke masses are bots conditioned to act without thinking. Programmed to coerce, bully and gaslight the rest of us, under mandates which demand that we all fall in, line up, salute, and goose-step in unison, or else!
A far better option is a return to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, embracing God’s restart, not man’s reset!
As Bill Muehlenberg said in his recent Caldron Pool rundown of ‘The Great Reset’, ‘we have been warned […] this coercive utopianism is tied in with coronavirus and global warming. It has become the perfect excuse to bring about this new world order.’
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