518 search results for "human rights"

Amnesty International agrees with Kristen Bell: Some of our fairy tales are sending a rape endorsing message to our children. “Don’t you think it’s weird that the prince kisses Snow White without her permission?” the Frozen star said last week. “Because you cannot kiss someone if they’re sleeping.” On Friday, ‘human rights’ group Amnesty International said Bell’s observations were correct. “So, Kristen Bell is right,” the group said on Twitter. “We need to talk about consent – and fairytales are an excellent place to start.” The group also released an alternative ending to the much love children’s classic, Sleeping Beauty,…

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I worry that Australia is sleepwalking its way to disaster. Political correctness, identity politics and cultural Marxism have run through our institutions at an astonishing rate. Sometimes I’m asked why I wasn’t saying these things when I was leader of the Labor Party in 2004. The answer is straightforward: none of these issues were current 14 years ago. They simply didn’t exist. Australian politics has been through a remarkable period of change. Prior to the election of the Rudd Government in 2007, the budget was in surplus, our electricity supply was stable and affordable, political correctness had disappeared and only…

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It is the best of times. At no other time in human history has there been less war or invasion, plagues or pestilence, slavery or poverty. There has never been more knowledge, education and instant availability of information literally in the pockets and at the fingertips of more people than there is now. We are empowered, free and masters of our own destiny. We are civilised and enlightened and the major problems which plagued humanity for millennia have largely been solved. But it is the worst of times. We boast of social progress from the pagan ignorance of slavishly worshipping…

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Egypt’s indigenous Coptic Orthodox Christians have always been subject to persecution. Images circulating on social media often show the appalling situation faced by the largest Christian group in the Middle East. Recent Islamic attacks have forced many Copts to conduct their services outside in fear of a repeat attempt to snuff out their Christian presence. According to independent political activist and  Milan Maksimovic, “Many don’t know that the Egyptian Government is complicit in this violence — quietly turning a blind eye while angry mobs continue to commit crimes against Coptic Christians.” In recent weeks there have been at least four…

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While Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek are busy trying to win the fictitious war of the gender wage gap, Labor candidate for Wentworth Tim Murray has said the Labor Party will install a full-time commissioner to deal with LGBTI discrimination complaints. “We may have won marriage equality but we’ve got more things to win,” Murray said on Facebook. “In our Human Rights Commission, we need a full-time commissioner to look after LGBTI discrimination. The Labor Party will deliver that to you. The Liberal Party will not.” “We need to restore the funding to AIDS,” Murray added. “$53 million has been…

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The ABC’s official political twitter account has suggested that Saudi Arabia is more female friendly than the Coalition. The tweet, posted by the public broadcaster yesterday said, “A visiting Saudi Arabian delegation has a higher proportion of women than the Coalition.” Attached to the tweet was an image of six Saudi men and two hijab clad women. Simon Breheny, Director of policy at the Institute of Public Affairs called the tweet “sickening.” “This commentary from the ABC is a good illustration of the form-over-substance approach of those who practice radical identity politics,” Breheny said. “Behold the equality enjoyed by Saudi…

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An ethnic-Chinese woman has been sentence to 18 months in prison for blasphemy after complaining about the noise of a nearby mosque. The 44-year-old Buddhist woman named Meiliana said the Muslim call to prayer, played five times a day near her house in North Sumatra, was “too loud” and “hurt” her ears. After prosecutors argued that Meiliana was guilty of blaspheming Islam, presiding Judge Wahyu Prasetyo Wibowo said, “We declare that the defendant is legally and compellingly proven guilty of committing blasphemy against a certain religion that is professed in Indonesia.” The judge then sentenced Meiliana to one and a…

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“In my morals and ethics, I have learned to accept that I am not Greek or Roman at all, but thoroughly and profoundly Christian.”

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Queensland’s Labor state government is set to decriminalise abortion, in an effort to “bring Queensland into the 21st century,” according to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. Currently abortion is only legal in Queensland if the mother’s mental or physical health is in serious risk. The new laws will allow women to abort their babies up to 22 weeks, no questions asked. Doctors may refuse to perform abortions, but they must refer the patient to another practitioner. Also to be introduced is a 150-metre safe access zone around abortion clinics that could see pro-life protesters and sidewalk counsellors facing up to one year…

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Charles Clymer, a transgender woman now known as Charlotte, has filed a formal discrimination complaint with the D.C. Office of Human Rights after a Washington restaurant asked him to show his ID before entering a woman’s bathroom. According to the attendant, the women’s bathrooms were reserved for– you got it, women. Clymer said he was then asked to leave the restaurant after insisting on his right to use the female restroom. The police were eventually called and reportedly said the law was on Clymer’s side. After the incident, Clymer took to Twitter stating, “Last night, I was told by the…

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Tommy Robinson has been moved to a Muslim majority prison, according to those close to him. Author Raheem Kassam said on Twitter, “Tommy’s human rights are being violated as he was moved to a new UK prison last night, without warning or reason. He is now in a very heavily Muslim populated prison in the Midlands in England.” Kassam later added, “I am told the decision to move Tommy Robinson from a relatively safe prison to a highly unsafe one came from the UK Home Office — which means people need to be asking questions of Sajid Javid, Britain’s new…

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A pastor in Cape Town has been sentence to 30 days in prison after disregarding court orders barring him from preaching about homosexuality. After making ‘hateful’ remarks in 2014, Rev Oscar Bougardt reached a settlement with the Human Rights Commission, agreeing not to make any further negative comments about the LGBTQ community. I may enter the court room and not come home to my family – my crime, preaching the Bible. However, last week the Equality Court found Bougardt continued to refer to homosexuality as ‘perverted.’ Bougardt also advocated the criminalisation of homosexual practices, reportedly suggesting a 14-year prison term,…

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The debate regarding Same-Sex Marriage is often framed with the language of “equality” and “human rights.” It’s argued, if some can exercise their right to marry, then why not all? Why is marriage a privilege only granted to some? Isn’t that discrimination? In the following clip, Voddie Baucham explains: Here’s [their] reasoning: Homosexuals have the right to marry; they do not desire to exercise the right as it currently exists; therefore, they do not have the right and the law must be changed… How about we change the first line? Pacifists have the right to join the military; they do…

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According to LifeSiteNews, “Church groups must support abortion as part of their ‘core mandate’ in order to receive summer student job grants…” “Justine Trudeau’s Liberal government changed the application process for Canada Summer Jobs after vowing last year to stop pro-life groups from receiving grants through the federal program. “Employment Minister Patty Hajdu added the requirement that employers sign an attestation that their ‘core mandate’ supports reproductive and transgender ‘rights.’” The new clause in the grant application demands applicants check a box that says: My organisation’s core mandate respect individual human rights in Canada… these include reproductive rights and the…

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If good and bad are ultimately defined by culture, then the moral relativist must grant that there is always a circumstance in which every act, even the most heinous, can be justified.

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Author, Pat Miller, once said, “The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” Paula Gerber, Professor of Human Rights Law, at Monash University, has recently stated: “…once the celebrations from Australia achieving marriage equality have subsided, the fight for LGBTI people to live free from discrimination will continue.” So, what does…

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Things are looking gloomy in the Sunshine State. Up to 148 Queensland election candidates have signed up to Fair Agenda’s pro-abortion candidate pledge. The independent group is pressuring candidates to vow, if elected, they will, “vote to remove abortion from the criminal code, and support laws to ensure all Queenslanders can safely and legally access full reproductive healthcare, without being harassed or intimidated.” The pledge has also gained backing from The Human Rights Law Centre, Women’s Legal Service Queensland, White Ribbon, and Queensland Council of Unions. Candidates who have signed up commit to supporting three reforms in particular: Treat abortion like other medical procedures,…

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What comes after same-sex marriage? You only have to look to the countries that have already redefined the institution to get an idea. Here are twelve examples. Example #1: John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, has argued that the fight for “equality” is not over until churches abandon their faith. “We don’t want to behave like it’s all over [now that SSM is legal]… I still feel we’ll only have proper equal marriage when you can bloody well get married in a church if you want to do so, without having to fight for the equality that should…

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“Like many Americans, most Russians believe in their nation’s uniqueness and rich Christian heritage. This is something that deeply infuriates the Western woke elite, hence their naturally Russophobic feelings.”

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