544 search results for "god over government"

“No jab, no job,” is the equivalent of “any dissent against the state, equals no food for you and your kid’s plate.”

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“We ignore the complete cultural implications of our faith and then we’re shocked by the state of the culture.”

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“…if the State can force you to take a vaccine against your will, they can make you do anything: to be sterilised; to be forced to give up an organ on demand; to be rounded up in internment camps; to be euthanised; and so on.”

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When asked about his reasons for doing so, the Senator’s blunt reply was, “I can’t walk by the victims.”

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“Make no mistake, the Devil is very busy indeed. In a time of turmoil and trial, he is busy pointing people in many directions, as long as they don’t go in the one direction that can provide true and lasting relief, namely, the direction of Jesus Christ.”

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“For a proposed law to not be debated properly, to be rushed through parliament, for it to violate several individual human rights at the same time as being the harshest ‘pandemic response’ laws based on a ‘potential pandemic’- there is only one thing left: Federal intervention based on section 109 of the Constitution – inconsistency.”

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Vaccinated or unvaccinated – it no longer matters. ‘So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.’  (Rom. 14:12). This Sunday in Victoria, churches will be allowed small services of people of ‘unknown vaccination status’ and/or large services of vaccinated only.  There is no indication that this will not be a permanent state of affairs (whether continually or on an ad-hoc basis) or even one that will become more restrictive.  Christians have a choice to support segregation or send a clear message to the government that disunity in the church is against our Christian beliefs.  We…

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“It appears that in many cases, there has not been ‘valid consent’ because of undue pressure, coercion, manipulation and withholding of risks. This is wicked and shameful, particularly considering that we are supposed to be a democratic and free society.”

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“When coercion and tyranny are some of the tools being used in the process, the impression many people have is that the pharmaceutical industry is not really in it to help people but to get filthy rich, primarily, treating people’s welfare as a secondary trivial matter.”

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“Is the fact that ethical vaccines for COVID are not being developed rather heavily predicated on the fact that we cooperated with the system over the last few decades in using morally objectionable common childhood vaccines where we could have demanded ethical alternatives that already existed?”

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“Will the Confessing Church ever learn that majority decision in matters of conscience kills the spirit?” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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“We have also reluctantly engaged the services of a security company for this 3 week period, and a security officer will be present to enforce the public health orders where necessary.”

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“So, rather than ‘courageously refusing to place limits on who may gather together with the people of God,’ the ‘reasonable’ and ‘fair’ approach, according to this pastor, includes suspending unvaccinated people from public worship because it’s only ‘temporary,’ and the prohibition isn’t limited to the gathering of God’s people.”

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We must strongly oppose the campaign being waged by some evangelical intellectuals to de-legitimise the concerns and emotions that lie behind Covid vaccine hesitancy and thereby void the church’s responsibility to speak up about significant human rights violations.

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“Freely given consent to any medical treatment, particularly in the context of a clinical trial, is not optional. Coercion is completely incompatible with consent, and denying a person the ability to work and participate in society if the person does not have a COVID vaccine will unquestionably breach this fundamental and internationally recognised human right. Can COVID vaccinations be mandated by employers on health and safety grounds? The short answer to this question, in almost every case, is no.”

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“Unfortunately for Christians in Australia, we don’t have clear constitutional provisions to point at when the state and territory government gets uncomfortably involved in religious affairs. It seems that while Section 116 of our constitution protects us from the Federal government messing with religion, the States and Territories get free reign.”

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Future generations will note how today’s public health orders created tomorrow’s public health crisis.

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“We did not expect to get this much traction with our letter, but we praise God that he has used three ‘poorly trained and uneducated ministers’ (to quote our critics) to draw attention to a very serious issue, and we believe, a very serious threat to the unity of the Church.”

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“One of the massive blunders has been the hardcore and over-the-top lockdown measures. They have actually caused more harm than good, and many reports and studies have shown just how damaging and counterproductive they have been.”

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Here are some good critiques of the religious left and SJWs.

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